Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 718: Stormstout dispute

Zhou·Storm Spirits watched Nomi drank the spirits he brewed, and couldn't help crying directly.

At this moment, Zhou, who was sitting behind the bar in the pub, was crying like a 500-jin child.

Nomi has a terrible headache...

You sir, why are you crying! Isn’t the wine you brewed is too cheating that no one can appreciate it? !

Okay, except for Nomi's dumbfounded look, most of the others have a worried look.

The wine culture has been deeply embedded in the blood of the pandas. For the pandas, drinking is not a means to get drunk, but a way to find inner peace. When the heart is upset, the evil spirits are crowded. It's time to have a pot of wine, no matter whether you are sleeping or waking up, you can always get rid of bad emotions.

There are many pandamen who drink, and there are many pandamen who can be drunk, but there are almost no pandamen who are crazy about drinking.

In Pandaria, the only people who are drunk-crazy are hoots.

Zhou, with a nose and tears, cried for a long time, finally wiped away the tears, and then ran to the back of the room.

To everyone's astonishment, Zhou ran back holding a jar of wine with mud.

"This is the wine I planted in the back of the yard nineteen years ago when Lord Drunk Wind rebuilt Breath of the West Wind-the best green bamboo leaves!"

"Now Master Drunk Wind is back, and someone appreciates my Stormstout. Today I have a treat!"

The inside and outside of the pub was filled with a happy atmosphere in an instant!

Valera saw the Pandaren reception for the first time.

The magical bamboo leaf green was distributed to the drinkers in the entire tavern in the form of small cups. The clear taste made the high elves even feel like eating blood thistle-of course, this is Valera's imagination, because she has no chance Use that stuff.

Nomi poured a bowl directly, and then spit out a mouthful of flame, which caused everyone present to applaud.

Excited Zhou even told all his experiences.

It turned out that the Storm Brewery had been abandoned for a long time.

"That was over twenty years ago-after my grandfather passed away and became a drunken ghost, my uncle Gao Stormstout took over the winery."

"My father passed away during the last reincarnation of the mantid. Like Master Drunk Wind, I grew up with the uncle. In all fairness, his high brewing talent is amazing, but his ambition is also great. He wholeheartedly hopes to make a better wine-Yanzhu Liquor."

"According to Gao's imagination, Yanzhu Liquor will be a flowing flame, the essence of life. He used a large number of high-quality raw materials to study day and night, but the price is that the entire brewery, except his laboratory, is in a mess. ."

"At that time, I was young and vigorous, and I had a fight with my uncle, asking him to spend his energy on winemaking first. After all, the Stormstout family has few left in the Valley of the Four Winds."

"Wait, there's not much?" Lili interrupted suddenly, "Why not much? Isn't the Stormstout family known for their prosperity?"

"Little girl, look at your eye circles. It is very characteristic of our family-maybe we still have relatives." Zhou smiled, "The last time the mantid reincarnation brought a heavy disaster to the Valley of the Four Winds. Under the leadership of Uncle Han, many members of the Stormstout family participated in the Avenging Army of the Fear Wasteland. It is said that they also participated in the attack on the Heart of Fear. Later, although everyone returned to the Valley of the Four Winds, they were all used to fighting. Killing and killing, the brewing skills are in vain, so most of them went to Shili Village and Mid-levels-brewing and cooking are not the same. Shado-Pan has a chef, but there is no real brewing master!"

Hearing Zhou's explanation, Lili raised her brows.

The little girl started to get excited, as if there was an interesting event in front of her that could be involved?

After explaining Lili's doubts, Zhou continued his own story.

"Uncle and I couldn't convince each other, so we had a big fight. I hope he will leave the brewery to me, but he firmly believes that he is about to succeed, so I chose to run away from home-at that time Jin Huixi There is no lorewalker’s gliding kite! I only came to Kun-Lai Mountain when I climbed the fog-silk plank road with a full set of wine-making tools on my back!"

"At that time, I heard that the Yeniu believed in the **** of fire and were very good at playing with fire. Only then did I come to Kun-Lai Mountain in a team with Lord Drunk Wind."

"With Zuifeng?" Nomi also widened his eyes in surprise. Zuifeng seldom talked about things in Pandaria, so Nomi was very curious about it, "Is he a hero then?"

"Of course not!" Zhou laughed loudly, "I still remember that when I climbed the hundred-step stone ladder on the Wusha plank road, I was faster than him!"

Nomi was so surprised, he couldn't believe that Dad could be so good at that time!

"Don't brag!"

"That's right! Zhou, you're bragging again!"

The drinkers didn't believe Zhou's words, and started to clamor, as if you would brag.

This time, Zhou did not show the embarrassment of being dismantled, but his eyes widened.

"It's a lie! The drunk wind at the time was not that Shaohao disciple! He is a genius chef in the middle of the mountain! And I am carrying a wine barrel, but he is carrying a pot!"

Carrying... the pot? !

Nomi, Lili and Valera were all stunned. Didn't expect Drunk Wind to have this kind of experience?

At this time, an old panda man who was drinking finally spoke.

"I haven't lied this week. Zuifeng is indeed the chef of Mid-Levels. I think everyone has heard of the name of the Iron Master, right? Don't forget, the full name of Master Zuifeng is Zuifeng Ironshoe."

The drinkers talked a lot, but Nomi was thoughtful.

"Don't talk about that, today I will only talk about Stormstout." Zhou patted the bar, and the drinkers calmed At that time, I vowed that we must brew Yanzhuanjiu and revitalize the storm. The brewery-but who would have thought that Master Drunk Wind would directly use the Buffalo to perform the operation. Before I could understand the way of the Buffalo, they ran into the mountain with their butts! "

Amidst the crowd's humor, Zhou was still half-truth and half-truth about his past and Stormstout's past, and amidst the laughter, Nomi had already pulled Lili and Valera to open the tavern.

"Hey, Nomi, what are you going for!" When she was pulled out of the tavern, Lili was puzzled, "I still want to know what happened to the brewery!"

"Can't stay any longer." Nomi shook his head, "I think, I have found my goal."

"What goal?"

"Find out what the old man experienced in Pandaria!"

"But what does this have to do with you sneaking out?"

"I found out that I lost my wallet. People from the Drunken Wind family can't eat Bawang Meal!"


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