Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 714: 7 days and 7 nights of argument

The argument between Zhou Zhuo and Zhu Taran is just the beginning.

Regarding the future of Pandaria, everyone here has different ideas.

Due to the butterfly effect caused by the drunken wind, the three battles have achieved remarkable results, and Pandaria is fundamentally peaceful and peaceful.

The mantid's heart of fear was flattened, the yak people were driven into the mountains, and the Mogu tribe also caught their tails.

Therefore, a considerable number of Pandaren believe that Pandaria is very good now.

Since it's good, keep it up and don't change!

With the resources of the Valley of the Four Winds, the Pandaren have no desire to expand outward. In this case, the outside world is not necessary for the Pandaren.

What, are you suffering from the war?

Well, the Shado-Pan expresses its deep condolences—of course, it's just condolences.

This is not because the Shado-Pan Pandaren are indifferent and selfish, on the contrary, it also reflects Zhu Taran's responsible side.

The purpose of the Shado-Pan was to protect Pandaria and the Pandaren here. For the Shado-Pan, if it sacrifices its own people because of those outsiders, this sacrifice is meaningless.

Not every leader is Jaina.

Taran Zhu himself is innocent, but when he speculates on others, he has never been afraid of the greatest malice.

For Pandaren, "international reputation" is even meaningless, we don't need this stuff!

But on the other hand, the Lorewalkers headed by Zhou Zhuo and Song Tao insisted that the Pandaren must enter the flames of war-in their view, this is the responsibility.

After the raid on Thunder Mountain, with the help of Leiden, Lorewalker's Titan technology talent tree became higher and higher, and technological development and change also promoted the progress of thought.

Many pandamen of Lorewalkers have set their sights farther away-light and darkness, order and chaos, survival and destruction...

As a result, among Lorewalkers, a group of pandamen with the universe in mind were born.

Based on everything they know, these Pandaren began to think about the universe of light and darkness, and tried to explain the ultimate question of "Who am I? Where do I come from? Where do I go?"

Of course, Zhou Zhuo didn't fall into such thinking, he was just digesting Titan's information.

Even so, Zhou Zhuo has a new understanding of Azeroth.

When all the events in history became orderly and followable, the lorewalkers reached a new level in their understanding of the world.

In Zhou Zhuo's view, pandamen are important members of Azeroth, so pandamen are duty-bound to protect Azeroth!

Based on this premise, anyone who destroys Azeroth is an enemy of the Pandaren!

Moreover, there are finished eggs under the covering nest, if the Burning Legion really pushes all the way, Pandaria cannot be alone!

Taran Zhu agreed with Zhou Zhuo’s ideas, but he also emphasized that if there is an invasion by demons, the Shado-Pan will also charge forward, but now it is still the battle between the Alliance and the Horde, the grievances of the five-color dragon, the panda People should not intervene-"Pandamen will only participate in battles that pandamen should participate in!"

Zhou Zhuo then pointed out that if there is no deep helping hand now, I am afraid that after the Burning Legion really arrives in the future, the Alliance and the Horde will be unable to resist. When the Pandaren are alone, Azeroth will be really dangerous—"Now This is the battle that Pandaren should participate in!"

But Taran Zhu said that the Alliance and the Horde themselves could not believe that their greed and belligerence would waste the support of the Pandaren where they should not be, and with the support of the Pandaren, they would fight even more fiercely. Maybe-"Now is not the time to participate!"

Zhou Zhuo immediately retorted that we must take precautions and grasp the timing and angle of action. Don't stay out of the incident does not mean completely involve ourselves in it-"Find an opportunity, we need to make our own voice."

Zhu Taran doesn’t agree with this. In his opinion, things are far from the time when we need to take precautions. Anyway, other forces are there. We can tell from others whether it’s raining, and we don’t need to advance. Preparation-"The devil has appeared, and our line of fire is completely in time. Now the action is purely nonsense."

Zhou Zhuo grinned, saying that things are not that simple, and not to mention how important the support of the pandas is, can it be confirmed that the pandas still have the trust of others after choosing apathy and after an accident? It is impossible to even think about it with your feet-"The current situation is all the hard work of drunken wind!"


Both the pros and the cons have their own opinions, each has its own key points, and no one is willing to give in.

At this time, it doesn’t matter whether the pandamen join the vow. What is important now is how the pandamen will face the huge disasters that may come in the future?

Is it to take care of yourself, or to lend a helping hand?

The debate lasted for seven days.

Although the seven days of verbal and arrogance were fierce, the two sides still did not reach a consensus, and the dissatisfaction between the Shado-Pan and the Lorewalker became increasingly serious.

From the perspective of the Shado-Pan, the Lorewalkers are a group of idealists from the ground up. They only know the truth, but cannot face the actual difficulties.

In the eyes of the lorewalker, the **** of the Shado-Pan faction are short-sighted, this kind of moments of death, teeth and cold, absolutely can't care about it!

When the two sides spouted each other, and even started to use martial arts, the drunk wind at the center of the storm didn't say a word, as if an old **** was there.

There are also the four supreme gods and the soul of Shaohao—oh, and the Monkey King.

And from the exchanges of these people, Zhu Taran found that they seemed to have reached a certain consensus.

what's the situation? !

The Soul of Shaohao obviously didn't say did the four gods suddenly look so clear? !

On the eighth day, when the Shado-Pan and Lorewalkers were routinely preparing to start fighting each other, Zuifeng finally stood up.

"This debate has been going on for seven days, and both the Shado-Pan and the Lorewalkers have their own good reasons. In this case, it is difficult to convince each other by language alone, so I suggest Master to share his views. Provide a new idea for everyone."

After speaking, Zuifeng bowed to the Soul of Shaohao who was sitting above him.

The Soul of Shaohao got up to pay the courtesy, and then walked to the center of the venue.

"In the past seven days, I have thought a lot about the past, present and future - and pride."

"Today, I hope we don't think about arguing with each other, but quietly listen to my story-my last pride and me."

"Not everyone here knows that I have not conquered pride."

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