Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 699: Brocks and Drunk Wind

Clenching the pair of wind swords in his hands again, Zuifeng squinted slightly and looked at Yogg Saron in front of him.

Half of the body of the huge ancient **** was buried under the ground, making it difficult to break out of the ground.

Maybe this land is the manifestation of the Titan Seal?

The name of the Thousand Throats is well-deserved, and I didn't expect that with a careless effort, I almost lost consciousness.

Had it not been for Big Brother Brocks to be great, I'm afraid he would be in trouble.

But even if the drunk wind is sober, the situation is not optimistic.

On the one hand, Yogg-Saron was still waving his tentacles frantically, on the other hand, Algalon was already shaky.

You must do both!

Originally, Drunk Wind wanted to face Yogg-Saron directly, but Brocks prevented Drunk Wind.

"Leave this ancient **** to me--you go and help that guy, as long as you purify the guardians, we have another chance!"

Brock's organization is very clear.

In the current situation, neither side can make mistakes, and no one is dominant against Yogg-Saron.

So instead of drunk wind and Yogg Saron, it is better to use the power of drunk wind purification to see if the guardian's mind can be restored.

If the Guardian can regain his sanity and stand on the side of the drunk wind, then this battle will truly have a turning point.

This plan is good, but it also means that Brox needs to take on an extremely heavy responsibility-to carry Yogg-Saron.

In this battle, only Zul was regarded as a half-daddy, and what Brox needed to do was to stop Yogg-Saron with the help of this half-daddy.

This task seems to be more difficult than Drunk Wind’s responsibility, purifying the four guardians by oneself.

But this is Brocks' own choice, and it is the most correct choice for now.

Zuifeng did not pretend to refuse. Although this choice was a bit cruel, it was indeed the most "correct" decision so far.

Trust Brocks, he is the man who slashed Sargeras!

Wait, when it seemed to cut Sargeras, Brox's axe was very powerful?

Zuifeng smiled suddenly, and stretched out his hand to wipe the handle of Brox's battle axe.

Brocks does not have the legendary oak axe now.

But don’t forget, when a certain Pandaren returned to ancient times, he used the branches of Garnier to sojourn his soul!

Although the last Garnier branch became the new world tree, Drunk Wind was not without gain.

At least under the guidance of the druids, Zuifeng learned a few natural enchanting methods.

Although this is destined to be inferior to a demigod, Zuifeng believes that this will definitely surprise Yogg-Saron.

The power of the oak axe is not for fun.

After the enchantment of Drunk Wind was completed, a touch of fresh green was squeezed out of the wooden handle of Brox's battle axe.


Holding tightly the battle axe that had become lignified because of the enchantment of Drunk Wind, Brocks stared at Yogg-Saron's every move.

Brocks knew the strength of the enemy before him.

Brocks also knows that he has almost no chance of winning.

But facing the smashed tentacles, Brocks still yelled, then charged angrily.

Yogg-Saron realized that the broken thoughts had no effect, and he changed his methods decisively.

If you can't use it, you can break it with force!

But Brocks was far more tricky than Yuge Saron expected. Although this orc was at a disadvantage, he was able to sustain it with the help of Zul.

Although Brox suffered a lot of injuries, although Zul had to send a shadow wave to the ground every time after he released a healing spell to balance his own whirlpool.

But dragging it is dragging it.

On the other side, Drunk Wind had already controlled Mimiron with the help of Jaina and Muradin!

Mimiron had lost his body because of Loken's conspiracy before. The mechanical gnomes built a new body for their creator. After that, Mimiron has been abnormal.

In all fairness, Yogg-Saron also doesn't care much about this guy...

Drunk Wind decisively chose Mimiron as the first breakthrough-after all, at this time, Mimiron was only induced by Yogg-Saron.

So Mimiron is the easiest one to deal with.

And in order to maintain control over the Guardians, Yogg-Saron could not give them too much freedom, so the remaining three Guardians almost didn't even look at Zuifeng and others, just facing Algalon. Crazy output.

It is a pity that these outputs have little effect under Jaina's frost magic.

Disturbing spells, spell counters, frost armor, ice barrier...

Jaina changed his way to protector Algalon.

Muradin opened the heavens to descend to the earth, and constantly forced Mimiron.

The current Mimiron has transformed himself into a complex war machine, but unfortunately, the brain of this war machine is not very clear.

Mimiron was forced to one side, and Drunk Feng sat cross-legged, seeing Su hug Pu!

Seeing that Mimiron had a sign of reversal, Yogg-Saron finally began to worry.

"Ant, get out!" X1000

Brocks was unmoved.

So Yogg-Saron waved his tentacles again-but this time, he also burst into a shadow vortex at the same time.

After creating a shadow singularity, in this hall, with this singularity as the center, an extremely weird and corrosive position was formed.

Brocks jumped, avoiding the swipe of the tentacles, but was staggered by the power of the Shadow Vortex.

At the moment when he lost his balance, the blue brick shattered under Brox's feet, and a new tentacle broke out of the ground and entangled Brox.

Zul, who was on the side, wanted to help but it was too late.

But Brocks’s agility far exceeded Yogg-Saron’s imagination. In a critical moment, he directly pulled the battle axe back, twisted a flower on his back, and then just cut it in the attempt to entangle Own tentacles.

For ordinary weapons, the body of the ancient **** is indestructible.

But for this battle axe that has been specially enchanted by Drunken Wind, Yogg-Saron's tentacles are not as strong as they seem.

A short section of the tentacles broke off, falling to the ground, turning into a puddle of gray-black slime.

"Ah-mortal, do you know what you just did?!" X1000

"Of course it is clear." Brocks took advantage of this rare opportunity to wipe the sweat from his head, "cut off the dog's paw!"

Although Yogg-Saron was angry, he did not lose his mind at all. He was not talking, but waved his tentacles again and created a larger shadow vortex by the way.

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