Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 694: Difficulties of manual selection

The Iron Council has a characteristic. After Samuro cut one, Drunk Wind only remembered it.

As long as one of these three guys died, the remaining two would instantly return to full state, inheriting the skills of the dead guy.

Moreover, depending on the order in which the three iron bumps fell, the difficulty of this battle is also different.

Samuro, who had drunk, didn't seem to be a calm sword master at all. He disrupted the rhythm of the drunk wind and hacked the one that should be the last.

This means that Zuifeng had to choose the most difficult mode.

The helpless drunk wind can only comfort himself, "It's okay, just enter the state quickly", and then follow up-although in the copy of wow, the difficulty of a series of BOSS is the same, but in fact, use your knees I want to know that the Iron Council is much easier to handle than those guardians!

Therefore, a steel council in hard mode will not cause much trouble to Drunk Wind.

But when Drunk Feng rolled all the way to here, things were different from what he had imagined.

Samuro still has the upper hand with one enemy and two!

Unlike the drunk wind of egg pain, Samuro didn't care about the recovery of the remaining two steel creations. While muttering in his mouth, he waved the sharp long knife in his hand.


"The meaning of the blade of fire, no one can stop!"


"The road to the blade of fire is undecidable!"


"The enemy of the blade of fire, no one can live!"

Every time the long sword slashed, Samuro would say something-and because he swung the sword too fast, when Drunk Wind heard it, the sword master seemed to be singing rap...

In Samuro's rap, the second to fall is the rune master Morkim.

Drunk Feng couldn't help covering his face with his hands.

What are you afraid of?

Under Samuro's unremitting efforts, the Steel Council is indeed the most difficult.

Now, there is only one steelbreaker left, but an ultra-evolved steelbreaker.

Not only does the attack force sink vigorously every time, with its own electric field and lightning enchanting effects, but also the speed is horribly fast under overloaded conditions, and the drunken wind can't even keep up with the rhythm.

Samuro finally couldn't handle it-even Samuro and Drunk Wind couldn't do it!

"Jaina, can you control him for a while?" Drunken Wind shouted loudly, "It's too fast to be handled!"

"Do your best." Jaina pursed her lips. "The environment here is very problematic..."

Jaina is also unspeakable.

At this moment, under the control of Yogg-Saron, Ulduar is also full of strong aura, but this is a distorted and polluted one.

Before Jaina casts the spell, she needs to "manually purify" the arcane here.

Just like when using an irrigation system to irrigate crops, the water provided is sewage. You need to clean the sewage first-in this case, the electricity bills you need to pay are astronomical.

As a mage, Jaina's "electricity bill" is her mental power.

Gritting her teeth, Jaina raised the staff in her hand and started to release the blizzard-using the contaminated arcane energy, Jaina didn't even dare to summon the water element. If the contaminated water element was summoned, it would be fun Big!

The blizzard enveloped the area of ​​the steelbreaker.

It was still a blizzard with no damage, only a slowing effect-even with this most energy-saving spell, Jaina was already a little dizzy.

Had it not been for the help of courage wine, Jaina might have been crazy because of absorbing too much Yogg-Saron's energy!

But in any case, the effect of the spell is very obvious.

The steelbreaker's speed of action began to slow down drastically, and Drunk Wind clearly felt that he had found the possibility of launching a fatal attack.

Unfortunately, the protagonist of this battle is destined not to be the protagonist of this book.

When the steelbreaker's speed began to decrease, Samuro broke out again.

The figure shook and divided into four.

Samuro appeared out of thin air with four fire-blade battle flags on his back, rosary beads hanging on his neck, and a long knife in his hand—a mirror image!

Then, the four Samuros suddenly disappeared.

When they reappeared, the four Samuros had already surrounded the Steelbreaker with a **** formation.

The next moment, four Samuro Qiqi jumped up.

"Go to hell, iron lump!"

Critical Strike x4.

The Steelbreaker turned on the defense mode and tried to parry.

But if the fatal blow of the Burning Blade clan is so easy to be parried, then they are not qualified to be called the Sword Saint.

Obviously, the block was completed, but the four long knives seemed to be completely unblocked, smashing the steelbreaker's torso.

Close the knife, come again!

It was another fatal blow, and when the steelbreaker tried to block again, his steel arm fell directly to the ground.

This time, four sharp fire-bladed long knives were directly inserted in the four directions of the steel breaker's waist.

Four Samuros crossed their long knives at the same time and made a crosscut.

The mirror image was lifted, and Samuro stood with a knife.

On the waist of the broken steel, a complete, smooth, flat incision appeared.

Due to the violent cutting, Samuro's long knife became hot, but the Fire Blade Sword Saint didn't care at all, and lightly wiped the hot blade of the long knife with his wristband.


The long knife trembled.

At the same time, the steel-breaker finally broke into two pieces and crashed down.

"My death will only accelerate your failure..."

The Iron Council, destroy it!


It's a pity that Samuro's long knife does not have a scabbard-otherwise, with a closing action, it will be absolutely handsome!

However, just when he was drunk and thinking about it, Samuro's face suddenly turned red, and then he burped for a long time.


After the wine hiccup, the Fireblade Sword Saint who had just regained his prestige collapsed directly to the ground, collapsed.

Samuro was drunk.

For his own will, Samuro has never drunk alcohol. Drunken courage is his first contact with alcoholic beverages...

Suddenly, the drunk wind was frightened. He really didn't expect the orc Sword Saint to drink so badly. Fortunately, he only fell drunk after the battle was completed. Otherwise, if he fell drunk just after the fight, the consequences would be disastrous!

Drunk Wind just picked up suddenly threw his battle axe over there.

"Come out, Rat!"

The tomahawk like a door flap flew across the air, and then nailed to a corner wall not far in front.

Zuifeng raised his head and slightly narrowed his eyes.

Looks like there are enemies again?

It's really not a moment of leisure!

But to Drunk Wind's expectation, it was not the archivist (and her cat) he wanted to appear, but two familiar guys.

Brian Bronzebeard and Zul.

what happened?

What about Khadgar, Alexstrasza, and Malygos?

After recognizing the drunk wind, the two walked quickly.

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