Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 671: Prelude to returning home

? After experiencing Deathwing, Nomi has no desire to continue boasting.


   And, it seems that Drunk Feng knew what he was doing well—giving Deathwing Flesh Seeds, this really caused a disaster.


  As a mixed-blood black dragon, Nomi knows the state of Deathwing more clearly, so he also has an extremely clear understanding of his actions to help Deathwing.


   So when Drunk Wind looked at her, Nomi’s only thought was to hit me, don’t hit the face...


   But to Nomi's expectation, Drunk Wind was not angry—on the contrary, he was calm.


   "Nomi, I think we need to have a good talk."


   Looking at the peaceful drunk wind, Nomi's first feeling is that this is the prelude to the storm, and the next moment his father will be angry.


   But no matter how scared, Nomi dared not say "no".


   So, Zuifeng took Nomi and came behind a big tree.




   Nomi lowered his head, staring at his toes, not daring to look at Drunk Wind’s eyes.


   "Nomi, you have grown up." Zuifeng's tone was still calm, even with some emotion, "In a blink of an eye, you are so old..."


"Father, I know I was wrong." Nomi grinned, then raised his head, "Grandpa's matter, I really didn't mean it. I just wanted to use his power to teach those trolls a lesson... "


   "Why do you want to target Evil Branch Troll so much?" Looking at Nomi, who looks like a quail, Zuifeng raised his brows, "They have nothing to do with you, do they?"


   "But they are bad guys!" Nomi said categorically, "They are cruel and savage!"


   "Very good." Zuifeng nodded, "If you do this, there is no problem with the starting point. The evil troll itself is indeed evil-but your methods are too extreme."


"But I have no other way. Just relying on me and Varela can't solve it by unextreme means!" Hearing Zuifeng said that, Nomi was very upset, "I am not a big hero, I am a petite little person. Guy!"


"Stupid boy..." Hearing Nomi's grievances, Drunk Feng burst into laughter, he stretched out his hand and touched Nomi's head, "No one has been a great hero since he was born-to be fair, your starting point But I don’t know how much taller it is than me!"


   "But I have always been in your shadow!" Nomi broke free of Drunk Wind's hand, "Everyone who mentions Nomi will say'Son of Lord Drunk Wind'!"


"You are indeed my son!" Although Nomi tried his best to dodge, Drunk Wind’s hand was still pressed on his head—just like when Nomi first learned to dodge the anger and thunder, he would hide no matter what. Don’t open Drunk Wind’s palm, "Just like when I was in Pandaria, I was originally a genius chef of the Iron Palm family and a disciple of Shaohao, but then others began to call me Drunk Wind. Up."


   Drunk Wind's words made Nomi's eyes widened. He never thought that his "omnipotent" father would have had an experience similar to himself!


   found Nomi's mistake, Drunk Feng smiled, and then took him back to Valera and Lili, re-ignited the campfire, and started cooking.


   "When I was in Pandaria, because of an accidental opportunity, I performed well in the battle with the Buffalo, so I participated in a special trial."


Although Lili and Valera were very surprised what the father and son had just talked about, but when Drunk Wind told the story, this special tone of learning from a traveler made the two people quickly attracted-listen to Drunk Wind first Say.


"The trial is difficult. I need to overcome a lot of my emotions-Lili and Nomi should have tried Zen meditation? The feeling of calming all distracting thoughts is uncomfortable. As for Valera, you can think that I performed a The difficulty of the month lurks, there can be no mood swings."


   Zuifeng didn't say what kind of trial he had experienced, but the three people present could tell from Zuifeng's tone how difficult his experience was.


   "After completing the trial, I became Shaohao's disciple-Shaohao should you know?"


   The other three people nodded. For the Pandaren, Shaohao is really a great emperor, and Nomi also told Varela the story of Shaohao.


   "So since then, I have a new name-not Drunken Wind·Iron Palm, but Shaohao Disciple."


   "The whole Shado-Pan faction up and down, everyone's first reaction when looking at me is, "Look, that is Shaohao's disciple"!


"It's like after mentioning Nomi, everyone will say it's my son, when you mention Lili, you will say it is Lao Chen's niece, when you mention Valera, you will say it is the eldest lady of the Sangunar family— —I once faced the same troubles as you."


The words of drunk wind make the three little guys feel sad. Origin is an advantage, but it is also a burden. The higher the starting point, the harder it is to gain admiration and recognition from others. Some people will always think that "I can do it too." .


"But I am different from you. I chose a completely different path from my own teacher. Shaohao sacrificed himself and protected Pandaria, while I chose to inspire everyone's strength to fight against the Buffalo and the praying mantis. Demon, against the evil demon."


   "Like what I am doing now, I promise to unite everyone in Azeroth against the Burning Legion."


   Drunk Wind is talking about great principles, but this kind of great principles that fit my own experience and speak out are often not annoying.


" In fact, when you deal with the evil branch trolls, you can use the power of the witherbark trolls, and you can even involve the wildhammer dwarves-if the wildhammer and the deadwood together clean up the evil branches Relations eased up when the troll was a troll, it couldn't be better!"


   I don't know when, Zuifeng's method of pulling one group and one group has become so proficient. This sentence made the three little guys startled for a moment, and then looked at Zuifeng with monster-like eyes.


   The topic has been unknowingly led by Drunk Wind, but the three little guys did not realize the problem at all, but instead looked at Drunk Wind with worship...


   "Oh-there is a lot of knowledge in this. Standing at a higher place and looking at problems, you can always get different ideas and methods."


   "Stop talking about this, Lili, take me to the Wandering Island. I need to find something."


   "Looking for something?" Lili obviously didn't understand Zuifeng's statement, "What's on the Wandering Island?"


   "The Heart of Pandaria-I think, it's time to return to Pandaria!"

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