Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 654: Kalecgos Super Evolution

Seeing Kalecgos approaching with the Arcane Storm, Shivana began to yell at Kel'Thuzad, telling him to stop his spells.


   But the arcane storm itself is an uncontrolled spell!


   Yes, Kel'Thuzad created this arcane storm, but he can't stop this arcane storm!


   The scene became awkward for a while.


  It is foreseeable that if no one takes the initiative to terminate this thing, some of the remains of everyone and Galakrond will be involved in it.


If that were the case, Galakrond would never be resurrected-but a part of the bones is still okay. If most of the bones are missing, Arthas will do it himself, and he will not be able to resurrect Galakrond again if Frostmourne is drained. .


   "Malrogal! Stop the blue dragon and stop the arcane storm!"


Kel'Thuzad also has a hard time to say-on the one hand, he is helping Val'kyr, because of his underestimation of Galakrond, the sacrifice of one Val'kyr is not enough to pull Galakrond up; Even if Kel'Thuzad makes a move now, he can't stop the Arcane Storm, so let Marrowgar take it for a while!


   Poor Bone Lord Malogar...


   But wanting to come to Alsace to use a lot of bones to make such a thing, isn't it just for him to do this kind of dirty work?




   Facing the arcane storm, Marrowgar actually had nothing to do.


   But fortunately, this guy's IQ is not very high. Even when faced with such a problem, he will not complain.


   Holding the bone spear, Marogar stopped directly in front of the Arcane Storm, and then procedurally shouted "The master does not allow you to pass here!"


   Hearing these words, Kel'Thuzad shook his head silently.


   The IQ of the undead needs to be strengthened urgently—especially this kind of structure, bone creatures and suture monsters, their bodies are very powerful, but their IQs are terribly low.


Those structures composed of a subject forcibly adding equipment are okay, as long as they are not oppressed to the brain, their IQs are usually okay-but if you think of a multi-biological structure like Marrogal, even if Frostmourne is for the soul Distorted, there is no guarantee that their IQ is normal.


   is not the deadliest.


   The next moment, Malogar's actions made Kel'Thuzad want to slap himself...


   Since the original intention of the design is to deal with the possible Northern Expedition, Malogar's main attack methods are stabs, restraints, chopping and crushing.


   Facing the arcane storm, Malogar chose to crush.


   But Arcane Storm has no entity...


  Malrogal released his crush on the Arcane Storm, and Malogar caught himself in the Arcane Storm!


  The scene suddenly became embarrassing.


  As a skeletal structure, Malogar is a carefully manufactured bone lord, but the structural strength of the body is not very good. Although the bones are hard, the strength of the joints is not good.


   And arcane—this was originally a kind of "force" of the mage, and the arcane storm was a range of fierce tearing.


   Let a thing with a less stable structure enter a range of violent tearing, what will happen?


   The answer is simple-torn apart!


   That's right, Malogar lived up to expectations and was torn apart by an arcane storm...


   Kel'Thuzad looked desperately at the arcane storm, and the sky filled with bones...


   Can’t go on like this!


   Kel'Thuzad wanted to directly solve the troubled Kalecgos, but among the bones, two consecutive ice guns were blown away.


   Kel'Thuzad really wanted to cry without tears.


   I originally hoped that Malorgal could stop Kalecgos. After all, Arcane Storm was centered on him, but who thought that Malorgal's choice was to confront the Arcane Storm head-on? !


   In desperation, Kel'Thuzad could only try to regroup Marrowgar-this skeletal structure is easy to fall apart, but it is also easy to put together.


   But when Kel'Thuzad cast a spell on Malogar's bones, Kalecgos used his body to stop Kel'Thuzad's construction ray.


   Then, Kel'Thuzad saw with his own eyes that the pile of bones started pouring toward Kalecgos.


   The bone pierced the scales and stuck to the surface of Kalecgos.


   Kalecgos, who was already torn apart, looks even worse...


   Countless bones covered the entire dragon of Kalecgos. From the perspective of Kel'Thuzad, he was already a mass of bones.


   and more than that.


   The large wounds have caused serious blood loss, and Kalecgos, who has lost too much blood, has started to turn black now...


   The energy of the Arcane Storm was finally consumed. After the sacrifice of Marrowgar, Kel'Thuzad finally managed to stop the storm.


   The exhausted Kel'Thuzad had no time to take care of the pile of bones. Wa'gry could no longer support him. He had to help again-or maybe Shivana would die here...


   Just as Kel'Thuzad Keshivana made the last effort to resurrect Galakrond, among the many bones, Kalecgos was also making the last effort to save his life.


   Severe blood loss and exhaustion of mana.


   Kalecgos could almost foresee his death.


   What a pity, I died so uselessly.


   It's a pity that I didn't get rid of the title of the **** five scum.


   What a pity, those **** might really bring Galakrond back to life.


it's a pity……


   Kalecgos did his best.


   A large number of bones were attached to his surface, his scales were pierced, his muscles were torn, and he could hardly move at this time.


  唔——Is something wrong? !


   Kalecgos, who was waiting to die, noticed that his body seemed to heal quickly? !


   An unknown and familiar energy began to repair Kalecgos's body-although the **** bones are still on Kalecgos's, the wounds are healing quickly!


   This feeling-what a wild and terrifying power!


   Kel'Thuzad and Shivana are in the final step of awakening Galakrond, giving the dragon the soul.


   Since there is no Frostmourne, Kel'Thuzad deliberately killed a large number of ancestor dragons in advance in order to resurrect Galakrond.


   But no matter how much Kel'Thuzad releases the essence of Ancestral Dragon's life and soul, Galakrond's body has never reacted!


   shouldn't be!


   Just when Kel'Thuzad was puzzled, the sound of flapping wings suddenly came from behind him.


   Turning around, Kel'Thuzad was surprised!


   "Karegos" is flying!


   At this time, Kalecgos's bones and hideous bones became a solid armor outside his body. He flapped his wings, raised his head, and let out a deafening roar.


   "Go to hell, Lich!"


   Kalecgos ultra-evolved, armored blue dragon!




   Kalecgos, 7-fee orange card, 7-1.


   Battle cry, destroy all other followers, and get +2 health for every follower destroyed.



  :. :

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