Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 646: Challenges from mortals

Lolila didn't expect that Mograine would burst into the Holy Light when she didn't agree with each other. To the effect, she was directly smashed into the face by a holy light. Tian" Lai "Fiction Ww" W. ⒉


   But under this circumstance, not only did Lolila not be overthrown, but instead “swelled up” - seeing Lolila getting higher and higher, she finally became a giant like Thorim.


  The Heidenir people around are already scared and stupid, they don't understand at all, how can Lolilla become like this, this is different from what he said!


   It was appropriate, but Mograine seemed to have anticipated his changes. He clasped the Breath of Heidenir in both hands and stared at Lori.


   Or, Loken.


   That’s right, Lolila’s identity is Loken...


   Among the mountains, Loken, the famous guardian of women's wear!


Well, in fact, Loken’s choice is really understandable. If you want to enter the village of Brunhilda, choosing a male identity is simply **** difficulty-unless you "sell the hue" like Mograine, you want to It is almost impossible for the group of female Heidenir warriors in Brunhilda Village to gain the right to speak.


   Why did Loken do this?


   In fact, the reason is very simple. He wants to solve Thorim completely.


   Don't look at Loken's calculations thousands of years ago, Thorim became depressed and decadent, but as the guardian of the storm, Thorim's strength is still not to be underestimated.


   In this case, it is an impossible task to rely on his own strength and Thorim to do it. After all, Loken is the fifth scum of the Guardian.


   So Loken needs help, Yogg-Saron’s help, and only with Yogg-Saron’s help can he suppress Thorim from the bottom of the pool-either destroy it or give it to Yogg-Saron to brainwash.


   But the depressed Thorim stayed in his palace all day long and refused to come out alive or dead!


   Loken tried a lot of methods, even including causing trouble to Heidenil, but Thorim was completely unmoved, always acting like "I can't live if Sif is dead".


   In desperation, Loken began to find another way.


   When Mograine, or the Scarlet Crusade, appeared in Northrend, Loken actually had a plan.


The lure of Mograine was only the first round of testing and screening. The real killer move is the lure step by step. As the ancient **** who can insight into the human heart, the power of Yoggsaron is not the dead house Kesu. En can be compared!


   When Mograine was in a coma, Yogg-Saron controlled the snowman, sent him to the cliff of the storm, and handed him to a hunting storm dragon.


   Then the next step is under the care of "Lolila", step by step is a logical step.


The birth of Valkyrie and Little Mograine was just a surprise. Even if Mograine was an ordinary slave, "Lolila" would lead him to the trial of Hyde-even without love. (?) Fetters with family, dignity and honor can easily arouse the fighting spirit of a paladin or a paladin in the past.


   There is no doubt that Loken's plan succeeded.


   Mograine succeeded in awakening Thorim's fighting spirit according to his plan; and Thorim also found Loken's Temple of Wisdom as Yogg-Saron had envisioned, and began to question him.


   Torim was taken into the depths of Ulduar, where Yogg-Saron would treat him well.


   But what Loken didn't expect was that Mograine, the flag used by him, did not know when he was qualified to be a chess player!


   When Loken revealed his true face, the scene was very embarrassing.


   "I have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of species, under countless thousands of years, only the stupidity of mortals is eternal. Your appearance and your choice again and again have verified this."


   "My master once showed me the future, there is no place for you in it-Yogg-Saron will be released, and the Pantheon will eventually fall."


   While Mograine was waiting for him, Loken finally said his lines. The former guardian of wisdom became manic and nervous, raised his foot, and stepped on Mograine fiercely.


   Mograine slapped the wings of the Holy Light, avoided the kick, and then faced Loken with a Holy Light Slash.


   The invincible light hit Loken's chest, and then it was offset by a strange energy.


   Seeing this, Mograine frowned.


   This is the power of the shadows-as a paladin, Mograine is really sensitive to this power.


   "Sure enough, you took refuge in the dark forces!"


   "The dark forces? Hahaha, is this the idiot of Torim? No, no, he doesn't know that the master is great!"


   "It's not Torim!" Looking at Loken madly, Mograine raised Heidenir's breath, "The master of this sentence is Tyr!"


   "Tyr? The dead ghost Tyr?" Speaking of Tyr, Rocken laughed loudly, "Tyr, who claims to be fair and just, still died in the hands of his master's servant?!"


"Tyre did fall in Tirisfal Glades." Mograine raised the Breath of Heidenir in his hand. "But Tyr's spirit will be passed down forever among humans-and you and Your master who is hiding in the shadows is always just a lingering maggot!"


   The sharp Breath of Heidenil slashed against Loken's head.


   Loken chose to ignore Mograine's chop, he stretched out his big hand, trying to pinch Mograine directly.


   But the gap between Heidenil's Breath of Slash and Holy Light is extremely huge.


   This long sword is Thorim’s previous weapon!


   When recasting the Breath of Heidenil, Thorim even stripped off his personal matrix!


   Such a weapon is no longer what the guardian body can resist.


   Loken's right hand, except for the thumb, had four fingers severed with a sword, and the tremendous pain made Loken unable to stand directly.


"You, **** mortal, how dare you!" The angry Loken gritted his teeth and looked at You have completely irritated me, the steel giant is dispatched to beat Brensch. Erda Village-Mortal, you will pay the price for your choice! "


   While speaking, Loken waved his hand directly, and the steel giants who pretended to be Heidenir returned to their original appearance and rushed towards Mograine.


   These steel giants are the creations of Loken’s private matrix, fanatical and bloodthirsty.


   Just when Mograine wanted to press his sword up, a voice suddenly echoed among the mountains.


"You are not alone in the battle!"


Mograine turned his head and saw Valkyrie, who had been riding the storm dragon, with rune brilliance in her hand-the Heidenir people who were bound by Loken and hid did not know when they broke free Bondage.


   "Fight for you, my King of Hydnir!"


   "In the name of my lord Thorim!"


   "Everything, for Mograine!"

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