Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 638: Mograine fight

Although the natural disasters of the undead were under the pressure of the Temple of Wyrmrest and did not dare to build something like an Frozen Throne, the underground in Northrend is still surging.

Do you remember Mograine?

That's right, that's the Paladin who trained for a long time in Northrend for his own child.

Now, let us drag time back to the stormy cliffs of a year ago.

On the Cliffs of Storms, Mograine witnessed countless blizzards at four in the morning.

As if returning to the years when he had just joined the army, Mograine no longer uses the Holy Light, but instead exercises his body wholeheartedly.

Agility, endurance, explosiveness... Although Mograine had lost the Holy Light, he felt that he had gained more in the simple training.

This is the most primitive, wildest, and most basic physical training.

Mograine also tried to deal with Valkyrie of the Lich King and for the future of his children.

After more than two years of training, Mograine believes that the strength of his own body now far exceeds that of when he was young-although he can feel a lot of hidden injuries, Mograine does not care.

Mograine once had a downward trend due to his over-reliance on the Ashbringer, both in basic skills and physical abilities-of course, this is also related to his gradual aging.

But on the cliff of the storm, after leaving the Ashbringer, Mograine made new progress.

With skilled combat skills and indomitable endurance, Mograine is now a truly tough fighter.

For Mograine, his own safety is no longer the most important thing. He has new goals and new directions.

Then, at the first level of Hyde's trial, the confident Mograine began to doubt life.

The Heidenir people in Brunhilda Village are terrifying...

Obviously it is a group of women, but each power is bigger than the orcs-Mograine once fought the orc warlords. In that case, even if his power was at a disadvantage, he did not lose so thoroughly!

Although Mograine was mentally prepared for their strength, when they played against each other, they were still shocked. There was no way. In Brunhilda Village, Mograine was a slave...

Scary female warrior! No wonder these guys can shake the Frost Giant!

What's more deadly is that the Heidenil people often ride the storm dragon, and Mograine can rely on only the warhammer in his hand!

That's right, it's the Mograine power he forged himself!

Therefore, in the first round of trials, Mograine was at a disadvantage as soon as he started.

The female Heidenir who fought with Mograine was too strong, and Mograine almost couldn't hold the warhammer with a fluttering blow of her spear...

When Mograine was surprised at the strength of the Heidenir, the female Heidenir who fought with him was also surprised by the strength of the guy in front of him.

"Slave, strength is not small-it is too late to give up now, I will take you as my exclusive slave!"

The female fighters of Heidenil have the "heart of love for talent (maybe the heart of beauty? Who knows, after all, Mograine is quite charming in the eyes of this group of female fighters, but there is a lively crowd around. The crowd said that you must have been attracted by this little white face(?), and they started to clamor.

"Kill him!"

"Put him to death on the spikes of a spear!"

"Fancy him? Do you have no energy when you see a beautiful slave?"

In the irony of the onlookers, the female soldier of Heidenil who had not received a response from Mograine seemed to be a little unholdable. Instead of talking, she clenched her spear with both hands and stabs fiercely. Mograine.

"Dare to refuse my kindness? Go to death, slave!"

Facing the aggressive thrust, Mograine narrowed his eyes slightly.

"It's now!"

Sudden squat!

Mograine dodged the thrust dexterously, and then smashed the warhammer in his right hand onto the tip of the spear with lightning speed.


With a clear sound, the spear was beaten by Mograine with a hammer on the way, and it pierced to one side obliquely, and the female soldier of Heidenil moved along the direction of the spear due to excessive force. , Inevitably staggered two steps.

Mograine decisively seized the opportunity, rolled forward and came to the back of the Heidenir female warrior. His left elbow stood up and directly against the back of the knee of the Heidenir female warrior.

The joints are always the weakest points to attack.

The female soldier of Heidenil inevitably weakened her legs and knelt down directly.

When she realized that something was wrong, the sharp short blade at the end of the Hammer of Mograine's power had reached the neck of the Heidenil female warrior.

"Victor, slave Mograine!"

Ignoring the female soldier of Heidenier who doubted her life, Mograine took up the warhammer, took a deep breath and then quickly left the trial ground of Hyde Trial.

Although it seemed to win cleanly, Mograine knew that the reason for the victory was not how strong she was. The main reason was that the female soldier of Heidenir was too underestimated. She thought she was sure to win and did not use her full strength as soon as she came up.

Otherwise... the outcome is unpredictable.

In the corner of no one, Mograine rubbed his numb right hand and couldn't help grinning. This kind of racial advantage was really excessive!


Sure enough, in the second round of Hyde's trial, Mograine was in great trouble.

The last hapless experience obviously stimulated Mograine's opponent this time. She didn't want to be the laughingstock of all the female fighters of Heidenil, so she gave her all her commission when she came up.

This was nothing. With the skill and flexibility of action, Mograine still had a back and forth with her.

But Mograine didn't expect that the female soldier of Heidenir could not beat herself for a while, so she simply summoned her mount.

That's right, Mograine's opponent has changed from a female fighter of Hydnir to a storm knight of Hydnir.

It's a pity that Mograine didn't have the time to care about this, nor did he have the time to complain about the unfairness. Now he needs to face, besides a powerful female fighter of Heidenir, there is also a tempest dragon who is staring at it.

With a deep breath, the cold wind from the cliffs of the storm covered the beard on his chest with white frost, Mograine lowered the center, staring at the storm dragon flapping its wings in mid-air.


Mograine's pupils shrank slightly, and he saw the storm dragon close its wings and dive toward him.

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