Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 636: The meaning of trolls

The commanding height of morality is an interesting thing.

In Azeroth, the more intelligent races and civilizations, the more they like to do things on a moral high.

Old Fording's classic remarks "race does not represent glory, I have seen the most noble orcs, and I have seen the most despicable humans", in fact it is also a kind of implicit discrimination standing on the commanding heights of human morality.

Of course, in a world like Azeroth, morality itself is closely related to the origin of the universe-light and darkness. Belief in and pursuit of light will naturally promote morality.

The battle between the alliance and the tribe is not a struggle based on ideology, but a struggle for resources in Hongguoguo.

If you want to live, you have to eat.

If you want to eat, you need land.

The reason is simple, but the orcs are outsiders and have no land.

The Alliance can put on an attitude of "This is our land, and you orcs are purely invaders", which embarrassed the tribe.

The orcs themselves are nothing-they always think that the big fist is right, but Azeroth has an oath besides the Alliance and the Horde...

If the alliance is really allowed to occupy the so-called "justice", the tribe will really have no sense of security. Who knows that the oath will not take the opportunity to do things?

Other orcs don't know the importance of this. Will Thrall who grew up among humans know?

In this case, Thrall thought of a good way.

In Azeroth, there is such a race, legally speaking, they once owned the land of the entire Eastern Kingdom.

Only under the joint attack of the high elves and humans, they lost a large area of ​​land and were forced to settle down.

This race is a troll.

Thrall invited the trolls very sincerely, and he hoped that the trolls could join the tribe.

If the troll joins the tribe, the commanding heights of the alliance's morality will not be able to occupy it-you say I will grab your land? Okay, did you also grab the land of the troll?

At the beginning of the establishment of Stormwind, the creatures humans had to deal with were not only murlocs and jackals, but trolls were also their key targets to expel!

Since I robbed it, I’m sorry—if I don’t want to grab it, you can return the land grabbing the troll, and I will return the land grabbing yours!

It is because of the trolls that everyone in the alliance wisely did not try to seize the moral high ground.

From Thrall's point of view, this is the most important meaning of the troll joining the tribe.

But with the growth of Thrall's experience and experience, when he was no longer the gladiator of the past, he began to think about the deeper meaning of the troll to the tribe.

Is it just a legal basis?


The tribe needs trolls.

The long-range attack ability of the troll is required.

The number advantage of trolls is needed (although the orcs have done a good job at this point).

And sometimes, Thrall found that if the cooperation between races can play their own strengths, the effect will be far greater than fighting separately.

Thrall had a better understanding of this battle of Hellfire Fortress.

Just relying on humans, they can't wrestle with the orcs when they are exhausted--especially when the orcs are in a defensive position.

But with the help of dwarves and dwarves, the Alliance has the absolute upper hand.

The dwarf's engineering has provided all sorts of conveniences for the Alliance, and relying on these, the Alliance suppressed the Horde-or suppressed the orcs.

Moreover, the Horde has exhausted its cards, but the Alliance is at ease.

The Griffin Riders hovering in the sky are still there and haven't taken a shot yet-and once they take a shot, the Horde has no way to stop them.

Although the old tribe had no bottom line, at that time the orcs had the Dragonmaw clan, the Shattered Hand clan, and the Burning Blade clan (the Burning Blade clan of the new tribe only had two or three kittens), and the system was relatively complete.

But what about the new tribe?

The Frostwolf, Blackstone, and Blood Ring troikas are sharp, but they are not enough to deal with most situations.

In the endless sea, the giant ship of Kul Tiras rides the wind and waves-orcs can only watch.

In the sky, the dwarf helicopter and the Griffin Rider represent the power of the alliance—the orcs can still only watch.

Only when it is on the ground, or just in front, can the orcs guarantee that they are the dominant side.

Regarding this, Thrall also has a headache.

In this Draenor incident, Thrall’s initial plan was to hope that the trolls would also attract the attention of the Alliance and not to keep the Alliance staring at the orcs.

But now, Thrall's thinking has changed.

He hoped that Zul could really give the troll a brand new tomorrow.

The current Azeroth is not an environment for farmers to farm with peace of mind (orcs can't farm with peace of mind). To live a better life, orcs need strength.

When one's own strength reaches the bottleneck and immediate combat power is needed, allies are Thrall's first consideration.


So, when Thrall found Zul who had returned, he was overjoyed.

Zul is back!

And looking at what Zul looks like seems to be very rewarding!

But before Zul came to the Hellfire Citadel, the sudden drunken wind stopped the troll prophet.

Thrall didn't know what Drunk Wind had said to Zul, but he saw Zul hesitate, and then chose to nod his head.

Drunk Wind quickly returned to the sky on the black dragon, and Zul also came to the wall of Hellfire Citadel.

By this time, most of the orc's demon-slayer warriors had fallen - although the mages of the Violet Avenger had also fallen several.

With the effort of Thrall, even the shaman fell several times.

Then Zul shot.

After a violent whirlwind, except for a few powerful guys, the entire wall of Hellfire Fortress was empty—even the ivory tower had already flown out!

Not to mention Thrall's shock, Khadgar could hardly believe his eyes, watching from a distance.

When did trolls have wizards?

Or tm Austrian law? !

No, not just arcane, the brilliance of arcane is always blue!

That black and white power, if you read it right, is the holy light and the shadow!

At this moment, Khadgar had begun to doubt life.

When I was in Dalaran, there were many people who thought I was not pleasing to the eyes of the Ice Fire Ao San Xiu, but now, there is a troll who is light and dark in the Oo San Xiu!

The battlefield fell into a rare dead silence. After Zul's cool appearance, it seemed that today's battle could not be continued.

And Drunk Wind, who has returned to the sky, is clear that this battle is not only not going to be fought today, but also cannot be fought tomorrow.

The Alliance and Horde now have work to do.

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