Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 629: Zul's time bomb

In front of Anzu who showed the attitude of swallowing the sky, the trolls could only struggle.

I thought that in such a small place, Anzu would not be able to release any powerful aoe. As long as your attack range is too wide, the cave may collapse and you yourself will be injured.

This line of thinking cannot be said to be wrong, but it is not comprehensive.

Zul didn't realize that in addition to attacking, the crow could absorb it.

Under the powerful suction caused by the collapse of the shadow, many unlucky trolls directly entered Anzu's mouth, and Nirvana was destroyed in the shadow.

Although Anzu did not have his own body, it was stronger than the **** Loa enshrined by any troll.

The trolls were swallowed by Anzu one after another, Zul's eyes were cracked!

These trolls are all hope for the rise of trolls!

Just eaten!

You know, Zul's plan for Anzu is based on Ghazrila!

Even among all the Loa gods whose powers are known to trolls, Gazrella is at the father level!

According to the plan, Zul and the priests would start to extract Anzu's power when Anzu's resistance weakened, but now it seems that it is too late.

Anzu swallowed one troll after another, and there was absolutely no tendency to weaken.

If this continues, the troll will be wiped out sooner or later.

In desperation, Zul could only take a risk.

"Zul'jin, Jardala, hold on to me!"

After fixing himself, Zul began to absorb Anzu's energy by himself.

A jet-black line connected Zul and Anzu, and the shadow energy was transmitted to Zul calmly. The face of the troll prophet was very strange, alternating black and white.

The other trolls are still being swallowed by Anzu, but Zul can no longer manage that much. Although according to the plan, Anzu's energy will be distributed to all the trolls present, but Zul now has no chance.

With the continuous absorption of Anzu's energy, Zul became more and more emptiness-he seemed to have become a virtual phantom, becoming translucent.

Napolasta sensed the peculiar changes in the tomb's body, and the Naaru turned around in the air, and then chose to go back.


I don't know how long it took before Zul finally recovered his mind.

You seem to lose consciousness while absorbing Anzu's energy?

When I opened my eyes again, there was a pile of dark feathers in front of me. These feathers seemed to be Anzu’s, but they were not like them—Anzu’s feathers were always moisturized with shadows, both true and illusory, and the ones in front of me The feathers are real, the kind that can be used as a cloak.

"you're awake?"

A peculiar voice appeared in Zul's heart, which made Zul startled.

Looking around, Zul didn't see the source of the sound. The Naaru named Napola's Tower was not here. Apart from the thick shadows, there were only trolls on the ground.

There were a lot of surviving trolls, but it seemed that they were not in good condition. All of them lacked arms and legs. At first glance, Zul thought that the ground was full of Zul'jin.

"Stop looking, you can't see me."

This time, Zul was sure that the voice came from Napolasta.

"Naru? Where are you?" Despite that, Zul was still looking around. "Why didn't I see you?"

"I'm in your heart--in your soul."

Zul suddenly felt inexplicably horrified.

As if sensing Zul's emotions, Napolasta's voice eased.

"There is no way, if I don't intervene, I'm afraid all of your trolls will die here—including you."

Zul said nothing.

Napolasta was right. Before losing consciousness, Zul did feel that he could not support it, but he even regretted it.

After all, if it does not succeed this time, I am afraid the troll will sink forever.

"Thank you very much, Naaru, you saved the troll."

"Not to mention thank you." Napoleasta's voice sounded unwavering, "This is just help within my capacity, and it is also good for me."

"Benefits?" Zul obviously didn't understand what Napolasta meant. "What are the benefits?"

"Stopped the appearance of a shadow monster."

What good is this?

At this moment, Zul suddenly couldn't understand Naaru's thoughts.

But before he wanted to understand what Napolasta meant, he suddenly discovered an important problem.

"Have I succeeded in absorbing Anzu's power?"

"Of course it succeeded-poor Anzu, he lost all his power and his soul fell asleep again."

"But, why can't I feel the power? I should have endless shadow power and arcane power!"

"You can try the power of arcane magic-although arcane magic is a bit weak in this fel-ridden environment, it is really true after all."

According to Zul, he tried to get an inflammation.

No need to cast a As I thought, a huge fireball with a diameter of more than 2 meters flew out directly, hitting the wall of the tomb, and bursting into fireworks.


"What about the power of shadow?" Excited, Zul raised his question again, "Do I master it? How to use it?"

"You successfully absorbed Anzu's shadow power, but unfortunately, you can't use it."

"Why?" Zul was puzzled. After all, for trolls, teaching arcane is much more difficult than teaching shadows. Voodoo magic and shadow magic are similar.

"Because you have also absorbed my power, you are now in a state of balance between the Holy Light and the Shadow. You cannot use the Holy Light or the Shadow, otherwise, the conflict of energy will directly crush you."

Zul was stunned...

This is embarrassing. After the inflammation just broke, Zul clearly felt the energy shock in his body.

"Oh, by the way, I think you'd better not use arcane magic frequently. It is very likely that there will be some problems and adverse reactions."

Zul wanted to cry without tears.

What is this picture?

With the most elite trolls, he did not hesitate to provoke a war between the Alliance and the Horde, and suffered heavy losses. What happened?

Can't use the energy?

Why bother!

Perceiving Zul's despair, Napolasta's voice appeared again.

"This is also impossible. I used the power of the holy light to forcibly suppress the shadow, otherwise you will now be in nothingness. But it is not completely impossible. If you can absorb the energy of Rukhmar, I think you will It will be truly balanced."

"It is very likely that you will not be able to use Holy Light and Shadow, but using Arcane is completely fine!"

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