Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 627: Explore the origin of the universe

After hearing Anzu’s fear that Rukhmar would fall in love with Napoleasta, combined with Napoleasta’s request to study Rukhmar’s essence, at this moment Zul looked at Napoleasta as if looking at one. metamorphosis. Burning novel??????????`???

Unexpectedly your guy with big eyebrows and big eyes is such a naru? !

"Don't look at me with strange eyes." Napolasta twisted nervously in mid-air. "Things are not as dirty as you think, I have my purpose!"

"What is your purpose?" Zul curled his lips. "Sure enough, the energy body is not willing to let go of the energy essence..."

Zul knew the image of Rukhmar.

According to the arakkoa sculptures and murals, Zul knew that Rukhmar was a big bird bathed in flames and holy light.

But besides the light of the tangram in front of him, Zul really couldn't think of even a little bit of similarity with Rukhmar.

Now you tell me that Anzu wouldn’t let you see Rukhmar because he was afraid Rukhmar would fall in love with you?

Please, is there a limit for joking?

It's definitely something you did that wretched!

But Napolea was very serious. (Has anyone seen Naaru who is not serious?)

"Actually, Anzu has always been secretly in love with Rukhmar, but Rukhmar has no interest in Anzu. What she loves is the Holy Light."

"It is precisely for this reason that Anzu is willing to share knowledge with me. After the raven swallows the sky, he is the incarnation of the shadow, but he admires the holy light wholeheartedly, right, do you know that the raven swallows the sky?"

Zul couldn't help grinning at Napolasta's words. The inexplicable complexity of the relationship made the troll prophet bewildered and could only nod his head blankly.

"Anzu is very proud. He thinks that the only thing he can't meet Rukhmar's requirements is that he does not have the power of the Holy Light, so he does not want me to approach Rukhmar."

"It's weird..." Zul thought about it carefully, and then discovered something unusual, "Why are you approaching Rukhmar?"

"To explore the universe."

Napolasta's answer left Zul at a loss.

Explore the universe? What do you mean?

Perceiving Zul's doubts, Napoleasta carefully answered all his doubts for him.

According to the original memory of Napoleasta, the universe was born in an explosion of light and darkness. The fragments of the original light became the Naaru, and the original darkness was gathered together and became a Void Lord. exist.

Therefore, the essence of the universe can be said to be a competition between light and darkness.

The Naaru claim to be the purest light, there is no doubt, because they are indeed the manifestation of the light.

While other Naaru were thinking about how to fight against the shadows and how to deal with the Void Lord, Napolasta was different. He discovered that the energy of the Holy Light exists on every planet in the universe, even those Titans. Use Arcane, but still maintain contact with the Holy Light.

Why is this happening?

Napolasta, who is curious for knowledge, is determined to explore the beginning of the universe, and he wants to find out what happened at that time.

Before coming to Draenor, Napola's Tower also visited many planets, but most of the planets were either deserted or raged by the elements. After countless years of travel, Napola's Tower finally discovered Delano.

This is a magical planet, not only the manifestation of elements, but also the manifestation of holy light, shadow and arcane!

In fact, Napoleast’s reason for studying Rukhmar is very simple. He hopes to be able to figure out where is the power of Draenor’s Holy Light. This planet has no star souls and no Titans, but why is there Holy Light?

After listening to Napoleasta's description, Zul nodded.

Well, I understand every word you say, but I am confused after being connected together.

This unusual-thinking Naaru has begun to pursue the three ultimate philosophical issues, which are completely incomprehensible to the rising trolls. After listening to Zul for a long time, the only conclusion he came to is that the Naaru seems to be true. Knowledge for research...

But this is fine, at least the two sides currently seem to have no conflict.

Napoleast would do it as soon as he was willing to study it. Anyway, it would take a long time to digest Anzu's power, so Zul was not in a hurry for Rukhmar's power.

And according to Zul'jin's report, it seems that the arakkoa had forcibly resurrected Rukhmar once, and there was still a few points left of the flame bird's power, which is unknown!

In general, it was a pleasant exchange. The troll eager to rise and a strange Naaru reached a cooperative intention, and there seemed to be no contradiction.

Then when Zul thought he could finally be cleansed for a while, Napolasta's voice appeared in his heart again.

"It's amazing, you know, I still want to study trolls."

"You said why I can convey my thoughts to Is it because you can resonate with the Holy Light?"

"But I don't think you will use the power of the holy light or believe in the holy light. Why do you receive my holy light resonance?"

"What a magical creature, you seem to have some connection with a Titan? But as far as I know, the guys in the Pantheon don't seem to have your breath..."

"And after feeling carefully, I also found the shadow resonance, which is simply amazing!"



Who said it was nice to get along? You come out...


When Zul was in trouble, Jaldala finally finished drawing the circle.

The huge circle, filled with voodoo, looks very strange.

"Hey the breath of the shadow!"

Zul didn't even care about Napolasta who was still nagging, and looked directly at Galdala.


"Of course!" Jaldara twisted his shoulder slightly, "Leave it to me now!"

Under everyone's gaze, Jaldara occupied the center of the circle, and then dropped a handful of unknown powder.

The voodoo magic of ice trolls is completely different from that of jungle trolls and forest trolls. In the ice and snow of Northrend, it is difficult for them to make voodoo potions, so their casting materials are mainly powder and even some ice trolls are still Will use weird things like mojos as casting materials.

After the powder was sprayed, Jardala took out a small and exquisite staff, and while waving the staff, he started a weird dance.

As Galdala twisted his body, the visible shadows began to gather at the tip of the staff.

Anzu’s Spirit Attracting Ceremony has finally begun!

Attracted by the voodoo essence, the spirit of Anzu finally appeared.

The first is the Napolasta in the universe.

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