Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 623: Lothar and Rastaja

Looking at the Hellfire Citadel full of tribal flags, Lothar had only one doubt in his heart at this time-where is the Second Legion of Stormwind?

If they have retreated, why didn't they see any broken soldiers on the way Lothar came?

Could it be...

In the next moment, Lothar saw the ugly face of a troll.

"Are you looking for him?"

Lothar felt that his breathing was about to stop, and a long pole was picked up, and he saw the corpse of Duke Bovar Fortagan.

"Originally, I thought about using his corpse to make a trophy, but now I have changed my mind-Paladin, I think you are more suitable!"

While speaking, the troll has jumped directly off the wall.

Seeing the iconic golden spear, Turalyon narrowed his eyes slightly.


From the mouths of the dwarves and dwarves who retreated, the name he heard the most was.

"Troll God of War", "Invincible", "One Move to Control the Enemy"...

All these are describing the horror of this troll.

Muradin's serious injury showed that this troll was not easy to provoke.

But at this moment, Turalyon didn't have the slightest fear in his heart, only anger.

Endless anger.

Maybe you are strong, but this is not a reason for you to be unscrupulous!

At the end of the Orc War for almost two decades, Turalyon has actually deliberately ignored the warriors who died in the hands of the old tribe for many times, and has repeatedly told himself that the current tribe is a new tribe. The beast is different.

And because of some friendship with Drunk Wind, Turalyon knew how difficult the difficulties Azeroth is facing now. Only the Alliance and the Horde can stand together to solve the problem.

But now it seems that the tribe has never rested.

Perhaps the Alliance has been too peaceful lately, some people have forgotten who is the master of Azeroth!

Even if Medivh is not there, Thoradin is not, the troll has never been a human opponent!


The battle between Rastakhan and Lothar was not so intense.

Unlike the fight with a mage, a warrior and a paladin were destined to be less dazzling.

With the golden spear and the unpretentious sword, every confrontation will sparkle.

Unlike the young paladins who like to use the light to reflect their power, Turalyon's light is restrained and his moves are simple and unpretentious.

And Rastakhan became more cautious after two moves.

Facing Turalyon, who had set out to defend and counterattack from the very beginning, Rastakhan could not be as easy as dealing with Muradin. Under the blessing of the power of the Holy Light, Turalyon’s power is still at a disadvantage, but it is no longer Lethal again.

In other words, Turalyon has the ability to fight Rastakha!

This is a battle that no one else can get in.

Rastakhan's golden spear is extremely sharp, Turalyon inherited from Lothar's sword is also strong and reliable, after the recast, the sword of the Great Royal Knight is heavy and generous, which is most suitable for Turalyon.

A simple thrust, a simple block, a simple counterattack, and a simple dodge. The two moves look very simple, but they have a sense of power.

Regardless of top and bottom!

In front of Turalyon, who was guarding the door, the invincible Rastakhan finally did not pay the old posture of the **** of war. Although he was at a disadvantage, Turalyon's mortal enemy took Rastakhar!

After being hacked and parried again, Rastakhan did not rush to attack again after retracting the spear.

The Troll King narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the Paladin in front of him.

Turalyon has been in middle age and has been running for Stormwind for many years, his sideburns have appeared gray hair-but even so, he is still full of energy.

I don't know why, Rastakhan feels that this human being is different from his previous cognition-I don't want to be as greedy as those adventurers, not as proud as those mages, and not as marketable as those merchants.

For some reason, Rastakhan instinctively felt that he hated the guy in front of him.

Why do humans do this? We trolls are the natives of this world!

Thinking of this, Rastakhan grinned and shook his head.

"You are very interesting, human, you are different from those of your kind-now, tell me your name."

"Turalyon." The General Marshal of Stormwind moved his stiff shoulder, "Remember this name, this is the one who killed you!"

"Cut..." Rastakhan sneered at Turalyon's words, "Rastakhan is immortal, human beings-in front of me, you are just ants succumbing to time."

"Shut up, dirty troll!" Turalyon interrupted Rastakhan directly, "You are not qualified to judge humans!"

"Unqualified?" Rastakhan shook his head, "You know, I may kill more humans than you can name—when facing death, few of them are not afraid— —After the exam, the trolls are different. For our faith and trolls never fear death, even if we know that we must die, we will not fear!"

"Dying for ambition and desire, what's so proud of!" Turalyon raised his eyebrows directly, "You attacked the Alliance in Draenor without any reason, and said you are brave?!"

"Although I don't know what Zul did." Rastakhan still stared at Turalyon, "But I believe that he was for the rise of the troll!"

"Rising up can hurt innocent dwarves and gnomes?" Turalyon stared at Rastakhan, "Undeclared war when they are conducting archaeological research, surprise attack?!"


Facing Turalyon’s awe-inspiring accusation, Rastakhan suddenly burst out laughing.

After a long time, after Turalyon's face was full of doubts, Rastakhan finally stopped laughing.

"Innocent? Then tell me that Amani trolls have lived in the forest for generations and were driven out of your home by you and the long-eared bastard. Are you innocent?"

"You are overpopulated, and you are not satisfied with Arathi Highlands. Go south to build Stormwind City. Are the Jackals of Irwin and the Gurubashi trolls farther south innocent?"

"Is the troll warrior who was forced to fight in his homeland and fought to the last moment innocent?"

"Unfortunately, the Holy Light has never cared for trolls. Compassion is invalid. We can only take up weapons."

"You always have a peculiar sense of superiority and call the orcs the invaders, but for the trolls, aren't you also the invaders?"

"In Azeroth, who is cleaner than whom?"

"Now I dare say that everyone in the alliance, as long as he shares what you call the glory of the alliance, then to the troll, he is more than dead!"

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