Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 619: 10,000 years of Zandalar

In Delano, some people entered the marriage hall because of blind dates, and some people dug their ancestors out of graves, but most people are still preparing for war.

The Alliance’s Fortress of Revenge has not been built, but the Horde’s Fortress of Glory has been completed.

With the efforts of countless hard labors, a magnificent fortress stood on the Hellfire Peninsula, a few hundred kilometers northeast of the Hellfire Fortress.

At the moment when the last brick of the Fortress of Glory was finished, the war between the Alliance and the Horde finally began in an all-round way.

Without temptation, both parties will go all out when they come up.

"Hellfire Citadel?" Looking at the map, King Saurfang was really annoyed, "Damn, I'm really not used to this strategy!"

"...To be honest, I miss Orgrim a little..." Shaking his head, Grommash said reluctantly that he actually didn't know what to do, "Did the warchief give you any instructions?"

"Instructions?" King Saurfang was stunned, then shook his head, "No, he just said that we should fight in the way we do best."

In fact, Thrall had instructions.

It’s just that Thrall’s instructions are for King Saurfang to watch Grommash and don’t let him do anything irrational...

But at this time, how can King Saurfang tell the truth!

And according to Thrall’s instructions, if you have the opportunity, try to let the trolls rush ahead. After all, the current tribe is a "bipolar pattern", and the cause of this war was originally caused by the trolls!

For King Saurfang and Gromash's hesitation, King Rastakhan showed disdain.

"Don't think about so many meaningless things, all we need to do is to find alliances, and then crush them, nothing more!"

Hearing what King Rastakhan said, King Saurfang raised his eyebrows without leaving a trace.

This is exactly what he wants.

During the last "skirt", King Rastakhan showed extraordinary fighting power. According to the descriptions given by the orcs who saw King Rastakhan fight, the king of trolls was simply terrifying— -Ignores magic, is extremely destructive, and integrates with the mount.

The contradiction between King Rastakhan and Zul is not particularly clear to the orcs, but what they know is that Zul is now seeking some kind of power.

And it's a way to secretly dig out the gods of Arak by holding the orcs as a shield.

Although the tribe said that I like this way of picking things up, it is obvious that the orcs are obviously not without opinions.

Now it seems that since King Rastakhan is eager to fight, then-you are welcome to charge!


Lord Fortagan looked at the dense trolls and orcs under the Hellfire Citadel, feeling a little helpless.

Now the entire Second Legion of Stormwind has been trapped in the isolated city.

Fortunately, the Hellfire Fortress is dangerous enough, and there are no unrelated personnel here, the supplies of the Second Army can be maintained for a period of time, and the morale is fair.

But Duke Furtagan knew in his heart that this situation might not last long.

In recent days, the number of orcs and trolls outside the Hellfire Citadel has increased significantly, and Duke Furtagan believes that this is a sign of the official start of the war.

According to the agreement before departure, when the Horde began to attack the Hellfire Citadel, it was when the Alliance Mage took action. Duke Furtagan believed that Turalyon could not put himself to death, let alone abandon the Second Legion.

Obviously, as long as the orcs do their hands, that **** battle will begin.

Just thinking about it, the next moment, Duke Furtagan, who was observing the battlefield with the dwarf telescope, found a familiar figure that made him tremble.

King Rastakhan!

Sitting on the golden throne, King Rastakhan held the golden golden spear in his hand. Before the battle began, King Rastakhan cut the palm of his hand with a sharp spear, and then cut the red The blood smeared on the sharp edge of the spear.

I don't know if it was the hallucination of Duke Futagan. At this time, he felt that the spear seemed to be burning, stinging his eyes.

King Rastakhan seemed to feel the prying eyes from Duke Futagon in the distance, and he raised his head, showing sharp fangs.


Obviously it was just a greeting, but Duke Furtagan smelled danger.


Putting down the golden spear in his hand, King Rastakhan closed his eyes on his throne.

Interesting humans, keen intuition-it is incredible, once barbaric and vulgar humans can one day produce such a brilliant civilization.

Yes, in the eyes of King Rastakhan, humans are "barbaric and vulgar."

Because King Rastakhan is actually an old guy who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

King Rastakhan-then Rastakhan-had seen Thor.

That's right, it's the emperor of the Mogu tribe, the name is the King of Killing Kings, the God of God of Death, Thor.

There was an ancient covenant between the Mogu tribe and Zandalari trolls, and both parties agreed to advance and retreat together.

The genius Thor has mastered the technique of resurrection-after making preparations, the dead can be brought back to life after a ritual at a certain price.

Because of the "Hundred Kings" that the Mogu tribe once experienced, Thor had seen too many intrigues and could not fully trust his warlords.

So when considering his own resurrection, he gave the key to his resurrection to the Zandalar troll, and let the cloud serpent Narak he trained as the gatekeeper, and then his warlords acted as the guards of the tomb to ensure that nothing went wrong. ——As long as someone wants to resurrect themselves, they can always get enough clues.

But things are not that simple.

The impossible Thor was killed by the Life Reshaping Device in Uldum, and a large number of Zandalar troll priests who accompanied him died. A few lucky ones returned to Pandaria with Thor's corpse.

Rastakhan is one of them-the most inconspicuous.

The Thunder God fell, the Mogu tribe fell into civil strife again, the trolls no longer contacted the Mogu tribe, and Thor’s resurrection was also stranded, but not everything about Thor was buried in Thunder Mountain, about the miraculous resurrection of Thor. Skills, another person knows.


No one knows that this seemingly mindless guy is actually the most insidious.

At that time, the great prophet of the Zandalar troll, Zura Sera, died with Thor in Uldum, and in Zandalar, Zura Sera's descendants still hold the power.

In this case, Rastakhan, who secretly mastered the magical resurrection skills, chose to hide himself and wait for the opportunity.

He believes that he will have the opportunity to seize the Zandalar troll's notification right, just like Thor did to the Mogu tribe.

Before long, Rastakhan waited for this opportunity.

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