Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 610: The malaise shaman

In all fairness, Draenor is actually not a good place for the caster. ?? Huo Ran? Text??????`

Regardless of how Medivh is coming and going freely, in fact, except for sorcerers, most wizards will find it difficult to cast spells in places like Draenor that are mostly exposed to the twisting void. Energy chaos, elemental Rage, in this case, the possibility of failing to cast a spell is greatly increased.

So since they came to Draenor, most of the wizards in Dalaran were in a state of closed eyes and meditation.

Considering the importance of Taylor's actions, Master Moira, who wanted to keep pretending to be dead, gave Taylor a piece of his rune and told him that he could crush it in an emergency.

Of course, this runestone is not the kind of high-quality goods that you can crush the mage directly to open the space to save you, but the inferior goods that the mage will understand when it is broken.

But having said that, if this piece is crushed to save you, Tyler will probably not crush it. Although it sounds cruel, in fact, the lives of the sergeant and a five-man team were completely absent in the war. The mana of a magic master is very important.

After the battle was over, the runestone was crushed, and Taylor only wanted to revenge the fortress's alliance, knowing that there was an accident in the plan, and the action to **** supplies from the Hellfire Peninsula might not be so smooth.

Compared with the alliance, the time for the tribe to get the news is really late.

When the Warsong soldiers on duty saw the seriously injured Nazgrim reluctantly return to the Fortress of Glory with willpower, he almost blew the horn representing the enemy attack.

It's too awful!

Nazgrim had a mouth on his stomach. He had no time to treat the wound during the two consecutive days and nights. He simply bandaged it. With every step of his progress, the young man from Warsong almost You can see the intestines inside Nazgrim.

"Quickly, I want to see King Saurfang for the emergency military situation!" Nazgrim reluctantly supported the wall, removed the scout token representing the emergency situation from his waist, and handed it to the guards. Lin brought back the latest developments in the alliance!"

The guards didn't dare to neglect, he took the scout token, ran into the Glory Fortress, and found King Saurfang.

Hearing that Nazgrim came back from a serious injury and claimed to have brought back the movement of the alliance, King Saurfang instantly felt that something was wrong.

He knew Nazgrim. Although the little guy was a little immature, he was definitely one of the best among the orc warriors. In the eyes of King Saurfang, the front of ten or twenty human warriors could not be won. Nazgrim's.

Now that Nazgrim returned from a serious injury and was still alone, Varoksaurfang felt that something was wrong in an instant.

Hurrying to the gate of the Fortress of Glory, King Saurfang set up Nazgorin to the nearest tent, and after driving out the sleeping laborers, he began to inquire about what happened to Nazgorin. .

After listening to Nazgrim's narration, King Saurfang frowned.

Very troublesome, difficult to handle!

According to Nazgrim's description, it seems that the Alliance is using wizards to pass messages. I am afraid that the human transport troops have reached the Hellfire Citadel.

The caster gap!

Thinking of the caster, King Saurfang's head hurts even more...

After arriving in Draenor, the troll witch doctors said that using voodoo magic here requires double the material, while the orc shaman is completely useless.

Draenor, especially the current Hellfire Peninsula, is not suitable for shaman survival at all!

Most of the current orc shamans received elemental enlightenment in Durotar in Northrend. They accepted the relatively mild elements of Azeroth from the beginning, so after coming to Draenor, they quickly became Draenor's elemental incompatibility led to malaise.

On the one hand, it is because the world is different and the elements are different. On the other hand, because the evil energy is overflowing here, the shaman needs to be vigilant at all times to prevent himself from being polluted by the evil energy.


King Saurfang is really desperate. Now he desperately needs Gromash to come to the Fortress of Glory. Without the help of the caster, the tribe can only rely on the fast-moving wolf cavalry to gain an advantage.

Fortunately, when King Saurfang left the tent, he saw the person he was looking forward to, Gromash, returning from Nagrand with the wolf-riding predators of the Warsong clan.

Originally Grommash went to Nagrand to pick up the Mag'han Orcs for Azeroth, but Gaiaan was quite dissatisfied with the guy who took the lead in drinking the blood of the devil. After meeting, not only did he not look good, but even With a gun and a stick in his words, Grommash had a good meal.

Drinking the blood of the devil has always been Grommash’s heart Although he is angry, he can’t refute it. He can only sulking in Garadar while sending a messenger to express that he is fundamental. Can't communicate with Mag'har orcs.

At this moment, the war between the Alliance and the Horde broke out.

In order to exercise restraint, neither Varian nor Thrall chose to end in person.

For the alliance, Turalyon is responsible for everything, and Thrall of the Horde has appointed Gromash as the commander-in-chief.

So after receiving the news, Grommash finally didn't need to look at Gaiaan's face anymore. He made a decisive decision and chose to return with the Warsong Predator.

It now appears that the time is just right.

After seeing Grommash, King Saurfang finally breathed a sigh of relief. He briefly told Grommash what happened and asked him to go to Hellfire Citadel first to prevent the Alliance from obtaining supplies.

Grommash, who was already irritated, readily agreed.

"Warriors, our goal has appeared. The despicable Alliance Dog wants to **** the supplies in the Hellfire Citadel under our noses, can we just sit back and ignore it?"


"Now everyone, turn the wolves and follow me forward, let the Alliance Dog taste our blade wolf cavalry, dispatch!"


The warsong predators roared, and turned the wolves to speed their march.

Perhaps for Nazgrim, it takes a long time for the Glory Citadel to reach the Hellfire Citadel, but for the wolf cavalry who speeds up the march, this is just a long time.

Grommash, who rushed to the forefront on his own wolf, showed a grinning smile.

Alliance dog, under the wolves of Warsong, you will have nowhere to escape!

Today’s update is over~

The monthly pass is doubled, so I ask for a wave of tickets~

(Four more, the author really doesn't want to continue cultivating immortals...) (To be continued...)

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