Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 600: Drunk wind hiding behind the scenes (5/5)

Whether it is the migration of C'Thun, the conflict between the Alliance and the tribe, or even what Medivh proposed, everything is actually in the calculations of Drunk Wind.

This seemingly male-minded Pandaren is actually not a magnificent guy. After all, he has the soul of an alien human, not a purely native Pandaren.

Zuifeng certainly hopes that Azeroth will be settled in peace forever, but he is not the Virgin after all. If he can achieve his goal by using and calculating, Zuifeng doesn't mind being a little more sinister.

For example, this time, Medivh was actually sold by Drunk Wind.

Regarding the migration of C'Thun, the Alliance and the Horde did not respond, but there were some dissatisfied voices in the pledge.

Blood elves and night elves (especially some druids) are very opposed to this compromise to the ancient gods.

But helpless everyone had no better way, so this idea was passed by after all.

Although Drunk Wind has been particularly low-key in recent years, he still noticed different voices within the oath, so this development of Draenor is not only to give the Alliance and the Horde a chance to vent, but also to express opinions to those who have opinions in the oath. Opportunity for your own opinion.

Who made the opponents this time the night elf druid and the blood elf paladin? This group of guys have no political minds, and they don't realize that Drunk Wind is deliberately looking for a topic, let them make their own voice, and give them a chance to brush up on their sense of existence.

After all, only a sense of existence can produce satisfaction and inspire them to continue to struggle.

As for Medivh...

Today, Medivh has basically figured it out.

Drunk Wind is really to blame for himself-otherwise, Drunk Wind would not ask Medivh to formally propose this idea at the Oath Meeting. Look at the deal between Drunk Wind and Archbishop Faor, there are not many people inside the vow. Know-if Drunk Wind really wants to fight for the power of the warlock, security can let Medivh act secretly.

But even if he knew that Drunk Wind had thundered himself, Medivh couldn't get angry.

In all fairness, the choice of Drunk Wind is indeed the best one.

Medivh has a sense of urgency. He doesn't want the vow to stop because of internal problems. If he is wronged by this point, he can eliminate the contradictions in the vow. Those grievances are nothing at all.

The so-called gentleman can deceive, refers to this situation, heroes are always the easiest to calculate, because they always make the greatest choice.

So Zuifeng never thinks of himself as a hero, I am a panda-eater!


Seeing Loya who was exhausted in front of him and Brian who was unconscious, Medivh's head grew bigger.

Originally wanted to find a demon to clean up and vent, who would have thought that he would encounter such a huge trouble.

Without Loya’s introduction, Medivh had already roughly guessed what happened to her and Brian. The news of the troll’s half-travel can be kept from others, but Medivh can’t keep it from others. It has been more than a month since Nagrand. No trolls have appeared!

Obviously, the unsuspecting dwarves and dwarves were miserably dealt with by the trolls.

Medivh actually wanted to drag Loya back to find the troll desperately now.

You know, Medivh once fought with Gurubashi trolls in order to protect the kingdom of Stormwind—though he was a troll who was slinged unilaterally by the trolls, Medivh, who was a guardian at the time, looked like a human. Like Deathwing, the trolls can only be reduced to ashes under his anger.

But now, the resurrected Medivh is no longer the wizard of Stormwind.

Medivh is now a member of the pledge.

Unlike Drunk Wind, Medivh is the true Virgin.

If anyone dares to bully the Pandaren in Pandaria, Zuifeng will never care about the neutrality of the vows, and will decisively take the little brother to clean up the group of guys.

But Medivh saw that the Alliance had suffered a loss from the Horde, but he held back and did not make a move.

Not completely missed, he saved Brian-Medivh absorbed the vitality of an unfortunate freshwater beast and injected it into Brian's body.

Brian’s physical damage is actually not serious. The main problem is that his vitality is sucked away by Zul and he cannot recover himself. Now that he has enough vitality to replenish, Brian has not woken up for a while, but his face already looks That's a lot better.

But Luo Ya's face was very bad.

Medivh made it clear that he would not do more.

"Your Excellency Guardian, do you really let the tribe go on like this?"

"I'm no longer a guardian." Medivh shook his head wearily, "I am just a warlock now, the only warlock who promises to be the only warlock, nothing more."

Roja heard Medivh's subtext and knew that he would not help anymore. Although she was dissatisfied, she couldn't ask for anything more considering Medivh's identity.

But soon, Luo Ya rolled her eyes and found a new way.

"Then, I don't ask you to help me directly. Now I'm going to talk to this Ethereal spirit. It seems that you know him How about helping me consult? I can pay you a commission. "

The flexible-minded Luo Ya quickly found the best solution. Although the bandage man in front of him didn't know its origin, he seemed to be a figure with hands and eyes open to the sky.

If you only trade with him, Loya's heart is still a little unreliable, but it seems that Medivh seems to know this guy very well. Asking Medivh to be a middleman is always not too much, right?

Medivh readily agreed to Roya's request-Zhengshou didn't know how to help the Alliance as best as he could. This was an opportunity!

Nerus suddenly had an urge to cry on the side.

Medivh’s participation directly means that the benefits he receives will plummet!

After some bargaining, Roja used the crack generator she bought from Millhouse in exchange for a lot of supplies from Nerus.

Life Potion, Vitality Potion, Concealment Potion, Speeding Scroll, Lifting Root Scroll, Water Walking Scroll...

A whole backpack is stuffed with consumables suitable for running away and driving.

Although this trade Nerus still made a lot of money, but if Medivh hadn't acted as a middleman, Nerus believed he could make more than three times more.

Contrary to the frustrated Nerus, Medivh was refreshed a lot. He didn't expect that bargaining is sometimes a very good way to vent.

Then, after the transaction was completed, the three finally separated, Roja and Brian were going to return to Azeroth from the Dark Portal, and Medivh continued to find the devil's trouble.

As for Nerus, the businessman has discovered a new trading target.


After the fifth change, please ask for various votes. .


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