Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 594: Delano's subconscious

With C'Thun's transformation and research on fungi, he discovered more interesting things. ?? Burning novel???`

For example, these fungal giants gave him a feeling of elemental giants on Azeroth.

C'Thun didn't know that these fungal giants came from a very big background...

When Aggramar came to Draenor, he saw an endless twisted mountain of spores. The violent life energy almost swallowed everything, so he chose to create giants to fight against plants.

But if he doesn't come, will Draenor really be destroyed by plants?

What a joke!

Don't you see, there are a lot of fungal organisms growing in the ocean of Delano.

These fungal creatures can eat everything they see, but they don't eat much.

It's like... Draenor's garbage cleaner!

How did these fungal organisms appear? Who created them?

They have no vigorous vitality, nor are they distorted plants, and even the elements in their bodies are in a balanced state, and they seem to be so stable for thousands of years, never changed!

In fact, it is very simple. These fungi represent nothing else, but Draenor's subconscious mind.

Although Draenor does not have a star soul, nor can a Titan be born, this planet is not without its own consciousness.

The prosperous and crazy elements created wild plants, and then the consciousness of Draenor planet specifically created fungal creatures.

These fungal giants, who have been living in the ocean, have been quietly accumulating their own power. If one day the plants really occupy the land, the fungal giants will land in large numbers!

So... Aggrama's worries are purely about using soy sauce as a Coke, idle...

After all, there is a kind of depravity called Titan thinks you are depraved.

The pure alignment tendencies are always dangerous. Although the absolute order looks good, it is just what it looks like!

The stability of a planet and a world can never be achieved by relying on absolute order.

But it's a pity. Draenor is not Azeroth after all, and there is no Elune who silently bears everything. When Kil'jaeden descended, Draenor's planetary subconsciousness had disappeared.

Draenor is now a pure death star.

As the only legacy of Draenor, the Fungus Giant is now in the hands of C'Thun...

It is foreseeable that after Deathwing completed its own flesh and blood recovery, C'Thun also achieved his own small goal to devour the essence of a planet, although this is a death star...

Under the influence of a panda man who looks cute but actually has a black belly, Azeroth, who was originally Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, is now in deeper water...

However, the current Zangar Marsh finally recovered its calm, the dwarven expedition left, and the only natural enemy of the Sporeman disappeared somehow. As for the depths of the Panya Reservoir, who cares!


While C'Thun was silently devouring the last essence of Draenor, in Terokkar Forest, the Alliance and the Horde were already at war.

After more than a month of hardships, the troll who was filled with Anzu’s **** finally collected enough Anzu items for divination. The Prophet Zul paid a huge price, and it’s not just to reluctantly cast spells in Draenor. An easy thing!

But the other troll almost collapsed, when they rushed to the hidden tomb of Anzu, they found the tent of the tent dwarf archaeological team!

That's right, this is not only Anzu's tomb, it is also the place where Rukhma's body fell.

Anzu has been secretly in love with Rukhmar in his heart, which is why when Setai asked him to attack Rukhmar together, he chose to inform him.

Rukhma is the strongest of the three gods of Arak. If Anzu didn’t have this feeling, he should have agreed to Sete. But because of his secret love for Rukhma, Anzu not only reported on Setai, but also In order to prevent the curse from contaminating everything, he personally swallowed Setai or Anzu would not die...

(Among the crowd, why is Crow's head green?)

But after all, the secret love is just secret love. Knowing that the death of Rukhmar is only when Anzu is her wise brother. In order to commemorate the sacrifice of the raven swallowing the sky, she did not hesitate to consume her life force to create the arakkoa, and then returned from Gorrond After that, he finally died on the peaks of Arak.

When Ansu felt that his time was approaching, he chose to sleep in the same point with Rukhema.

Therefore, the dwarven archaeological team that followed the Apexis crystal vein along the way and the troll hunter team that foretelled Anzu’s whereabouts, the ultimate goal was the same...

Now it's interesting.

Bryan has taken the archaeological team into Rukhmar's tomb, Zul and Loya who is standing by outside look at each other.

There is no flame of love, and no spark of passion.

At this time, even people who have no good brains understand that this is definitely not a funny thing!


Zulpi took off his golden and greeted him with a troll whisper without a smile.

It's a pity that Luo Ya didn't have the time to respond, so she untied the whistle around her neck and took a deep breath.

"Beep, beep"

The sharp whistle rang through the forest!

"Don't be so nervous." Zul stood with his trolls and started to advance slowly, forming a semicircle, surrounding the members of the dwarf expedition, "Don't be so hostile, but we have just fought side by side. Now, I miss the yellow sand of Silithus a bit."

Unlike Zul, who is smiling like a tiger, Roya is extremely nervous now!

There are too many people on the opposite side!

The purpose of the troll this time is to seize the power of the gods of Aranka. In order to subdue the gods of Aranka after the resurrection, Zul brought almost all the masters of the troll reformist!

The iconic broken arm Zul'jin, the violent lord Mandokir, the poisonous priest Venoxis, and the Zandalar Great Prophet Zul who smiled and looked at him!

And the guys behind them seem to be the jungle trolls best at fighting in this environment, and there are a lot of priests!

But the Dwarf Archaeological Team... only two or three kittens...

Soon, the encirclement was completed.

"It seems that you don't like quietly communicating with me. It seems that we can only choose some less civilized methods. Troll warriors, catch all these Alliance dogs!"

In the next moment, the grinning troll drew out the short spear behind him and began to attack.


Anzu’s secret love for Rukhmar was not compiled by me, but the second book of chronicles was written.

Three shifts today, and the third later, it may be late in the night.

From tomorrow on, it will last until the end of the month! (To be continued...)

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