Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 576: For the orcs' tomorrow

The troll is thinking about doing something with the gods of Arak, while the atmosphere of the orc is completely divided into two parts.

The brainless guy is celebrating the victory of the Quicksand Battle-this time the orcs have far more results than the Alliance. On the one hand, they have brought a lot of rewards from the oath, and on the other hand, these orcs feel very honored.

Others with brains are already worried about the future of the orcs.

Thrall found his teacher Drektal after receiving the report.

"Teacher, where is the tribe's tomorrow?"

"Guyle, why do you ask such a question?"

"I think the gains from this battle are different from what I expected."

"Talk about it." Drektal frowned. "What kind of gain?"

"I think this time, the orcs seem to have fought a battle in the dark. We don't know too many details and purpose."

Hearing what Thrall said, Drektal nodded subconsciously, then shook his head again.

"It's not accurate to say that-as far as I know, the alliance's battles are also carried out in the dark-or that everyone except the Pandaren named Drunk Wind can't figure out this war. everything of."

"If it's just like this, I won't worry about it." Thrall grinned subconsciously, "But the point is, I didn't discover the real gains of our orcs."

"Glory and food, isn't this a harvest?"

"But it didn't grow."

"No growth?" Drektal's expression also became serious, "Be more specific."

"I still remember that I organized a hunt for the first time after becoming a shaman." Thrall carefully considered his own description. "That time I learned not only the skills of hunting, but also the purpose, direction, and meaning of hunting, but In this battle, the fighters did honed their skills, but in my opinion, this is just a sharpening, not a hunting. It has no purpose, direction or meaning, like those hired adventures. Like others, blood and sacrifice for the promised benefit, I don’t think this is the right path for the tribe."

Hearing what Thrall said, Drektal finally smiled with satisfaction.

"I am very pleased to see your growth now, Guyl. Being able to think about this question proves that you are already a qualified leader."

Hearing Drektal's praise, Thrall didn't show the slightest joy-because it meant that his worries were all right!

Sure enough, what Drektal said below directly caused Thrall's heart to sink to the bottom.

"I also thought about a lot of things about the vows. At first, I thought they were just an absolutely neutral organization dedicated to maintaining the peace and security of Azeroth. Now it seems that is not the case."

"That is?"

"What they pledge to maintain is peace and stability. They don't want a war in Azeroth, and they don't even want a major change in Azeroth."

"What does this mean?" Thrall felt that he knew something vaguely, but he couldn't say it clearly. "Although I always feel that Oath has any thoughts, I can't say it clearly..."

"They don't want the tribe to rise. The rise of the tribe is inevitably accompanied by blood and fire."

As Drektal said, Thrall stood blankly on the spot.

Don't want the tribe to rise?

Don't want the tribe to rise!

In the last Orgrimmar conflict, Thrall was taken to defend Azeroth under the coercion of the drunken wind, and he did not realize the most beautiful and deeper meaning. Now Drektal Once he said, he realized it instantly.

Provide glory, provide food and grass, use it for your own use, not give it to the territory, isn't this to curb the rise of the tribe!

After reacting, Thrall finally sweated again and again!

Having said that, Drektal was a little helpless.

"I have asked for the guidance of the element many times. The element told me that it was for Azeroth. I didn't realize the problem at first. After all, things in Draenor have taught us enough lessons. Only a complete world can There are happy orcs--but now, there seems to be some conflict between them..."

"Element?" Thrall found the point, "Could it be that the element guides us to follow the vow?"


Drektal nodded hard after a while.

Thrall's blue eyes were full of disbelief. He couldn't believe for a while that those elemental spirits would actually give such guidance.

In Thrall’s impression, the elements are always wise and kind, but now, he really can’t believe that the elements will follow the oath and curb the rise of the tribe!

"...I'm going to listen to the voice of the elemental spirit."

Drek'tal didn't speak, but accompanied Thrall, stepped onto the Frostwolf, and once again came to the altar where Thrall was enlightened.

The spirit of the earth is still tough and dull, the spirit of the flames is passionate and violent, the spirit of the flowing water is still moisturized and reckless, and the spirit of the wind is still free and unrestrained.

But Thrall keenly felt a strange alienation.

After finishing his prayers, Thrall was in pain.

"Why is this? The spirit of the elements...why is it dissatisfied with us, as if to abandon us?"

"I don't know Drektal shook his head helplessly," Since the last Orgrimmar incident, the instructions of the Elemental Spirit have become more vague and perfunctory. "

Thrall frowned, sat silently on a huge rock beside the altar, and began to think carefully about the whole thing.

"Maintain the stability of Azeroth-the rise of the tribe-the indifference of the elemental spirit..."

After a long time, Thrall raised his head, his eyes piercing.

"Teacher, things seem to be different from what you think."

"How do you say?" Facing Thrall, who was confident in his mind, Drektal didn't follow his thoughts for a while, "Where is it different?"

"The rise of the tribe will not necessarily destabilize Azeroth, and we don't need to stand on the opposite side of the oath-as for the spirit of the elements, I think there is another reason for this."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"The oath will not give up the use of us. Next time, we will also use the oath. Orcs are never afraid of war, but humans are not necessarily. As long as our performance is good enough, we can get enough resources from the oath. Sooner or later, our strength will surpass the alliance. At that time, the premise of stability is to safeguard our interests."

"Now that the pledge is not willing to give us land, it is because the interests of the alliance can maintain stability, but when the situation changes, things are different."

"What about the elemental spirit?"

"Maybe some orcs have made the wrong choice. I will go to Orgrimmar again, and I should gain something."


First more.

Celebrate that I finally stopped cultivating immortals, and today is five shifts~

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