Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 561: The weird twin emperor

The Gemini Emperor, under C'Thun, the ruler of Ahn'Qiraj.

In the game, Veklor, the Demon King of the Twin Emperors, is immune to all physical damage and effects, while the Sword King, Vic Nilas, is immune to all magical damage and effects.

Of course, Zuifeng believes that the Gemini Emperor will never be like this.

But without waiting for Drunk Wind to test their true strength, these two guys actually started telling you the story line by line.

"Mortals, we never thought that someone would dare to disturb the master's sleep."

"And dare to commit all kinds of sins in Ahn'Qiraj."

"What's more interesting is that the one headed by you seems to know us well."

"It's like an old enemy who has fought for many years."

"We have to have some other thinking."

"It's a pity that reckless little girl ruined our plan."

"A very important weapon was also ruined."

"But that doesn't matter anymore."

"Since it has arrived, please use it as our research object."

"After that, we will give you eternal sleep."

Except for Drunk Wind, the others listened dumbfoundedly as these two guys finished the long double reed-for a while, everyone really didn't understand why there was such a stubborn guy.

Seeing everyone's astonishment, especially Kael'thas, who grinned and looked stunned, curled his lips in disdain.

Surprised, you were more than their nonsense when you were in Storm Fortress!


Before the battle began, with the exception of Onyxia, the seven-headed dragon began to tremble.

Drunk Wind was surprised to see a **** beetle appearing in front of everyone with a disc, and then Alexstrasza, Ysera, Malygos, and Nozdormu all appeared very uncomfortable, and Yalei Goss, Kerresstrass, and Melin Sela were directly paralyzed.

Why is this thing so like the soul of a dragon?

Seemingly discovering the surprise of Drunken Wind, the Twin Emperors began to laugh.

"Deathwing has provided us with a very good idea. The power of the dragon could not be used to restrain the dragon. Thank you for giving us such a great sample thousands of years ago."

"The resonance crystal activated the blood of the sample and cast this interesting gadget. Now it seems to be very effective for the dragon."

Suddenly Zuifeng didn't know what to say.

Damn butterfly effect!

Although the journey of the War of the Ancients was very rewarding, the same drunken wind also attracted a lot of eyes that shouldn't be concerned about him.

Whether it is the ancient gods or the Burning Legion, they seem to have a lot of fear for Drunken Wind. In this case, Drunken Wind can always meet some "surprises".

Do you still remember the ancient **** who came out to make trouble at the last moment of the ancient war?

At the last moment, N'Zoth tried to come out to pick peaches, but was successfully stopped by the drunkenness he had prepared.

With N'Zoth's character, might he be drunk?

of course not!

But in fact, after Zuifeng returned from the ancient times, Maohai really didn't have any desperate believers of the ancient gods to die.

Could it be because N'Zoth was persuaded?

How can it be! Although N'Zoth is cautious, he will never allow a guy who is always outside his plan!

During this trip to Ahn'Qiraj, Zuifeng found a lot of traces against himself and against the oath. From these traces, Zuifeng gradually produced an inference.

Is he trying to unite everyone in Azeroth to fight against demons and ancient gods, while the ancient gods are also in series?

The occurrence of this thought caused Zuifeng to shiver directly.

If under the guidance of the drunk wind, the oath, the alliance and the tribe work together against the ancient gods, then no matter which ancient gods may not be opponents, after all, their bodies are still in a sealed state and their combat power is also very limited.

But what if these ancient gods unite together?

Although they cannot leave their current place because of the seal, they can communicate with each other!

If Yogg-Saron escapes from prison while Deathwing is doing things, does Drunk Wind have the energy to stop it?

Really may not be!

Drunk had to admit that things became complicated.

Just when Zuifeng started to think because of this clue, some people couldn't bear it anymore.

Grommash said that his **** roar was already hungry and thirsty-in this narrow and cramped underground, turning around along the tortuous corridors made this already very annoying orc warrior very uncomfortable. .

Now that the enemy had appeared, Grommash decided to talk again and again-his target was the sword king Vic Nilas.

Vik Nilas carried a big sword on his back, which looked unusual, and Grommash thought it was a good opponent!


Without hesitation, Grommash raised the Gorehowl in his hand and began to charge.

Vic Nilas watched with interest the guy who was less than half of his height rushing towards him. It was obvious that he was under the influence of God before choosing to attack recklessly.

Vik Nilas moved slightly in his thoughts, stopping the brother who tried to give Gromash a bit of pain with a shadow arrow, and then drew the big sword behind him.

"Come on, mortal, let me see, why are you so valued by the master!"

Facing Grommash's slash, Vik Nilas's big sword steadily parried the attack.

Although Grommash was irritable, he didn't lose his reason. After fighting against each other, he realized that the opponent had an advantage in strength.

C'Thun controls the worms, but does not restrict the worms' own competition, so Vik Nilas can become one of the twin emperors because he is strong enough.

The body of nearly five meters has given Vik Nilas enough strength. The long life and countless battles he has experienced have given him sufficient fighting skills. As a warrior, Vik Nilas's strength is completely absent. Under Grommash-even faintly suppressing Grommash.

Grommash also clearly understands this. When facing insects, strength is never his strength, explosiveness is!

Don't forget what made the famous name of Goroar—that's the blood of countless powerful Gorons!

Goron's strength was countless times greater than the worm in front of him, but even so, they still fell under the gorehowl!

As a result, Gromash started a rare fight. He wanted to find out the weakness of Vik Nilas and then figured out a way to kill with one blow.

When beheading, Gorehowl never failed Grommash!


I can no longer cultivate immortals, and I will go to bed after this chapter!

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