Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 552: Block from the bug

Faced with Blox's help, Nazgrim chose to accept it.

Unlike Gromash, who was born with a noble background and was born with honors, Nazgorin has paid more attention to cooperation during more than ten years of displacement. Only when everyone stays together can they face difficulties.

So after discovering that Brocks was far superior to him, Nazgrim put himself in the position of support.

This made Gromash snorted coldly while watching the battle.

Originally, he wanted this young man to join the Warsong Guard, but now it seems that it is not suitable.

This guy named Nazgrim had more thoughts like Thrall-he would not pursue honor, and everything should be based on reality.

Without the pride of Gromash, Nazgrim was angry, but he chose the best plan instead of carrying everything by himself.

This choice is unacceptable in Gromash's view.

Although he lost to Thrall in Mak'gora, Grommash didn’t change his mind. Although Ata was willing to bet and accept the loss, everything followed Thrall’s orders and even received Drunk Wind’s command. Inwardly, Grommash never gave up his pride.

"Helper? Hahaha—the death of your companion doesn't seem to make you smarter, sad mortals."

But before he could finish his cruel words, Skram was slapped in the face-originally Skram was fighting under Nazgrim, but when Brocks entered the battle, the whole battle turned over.

Skram discovered that this guy who was newly joining the battle was not an opponent at all.

"How could it be possible that a mere mortal actually fiddled with fate!"

Skram finally realized the problem, his attack was always just right to be avoided by Brocks, and Brocks' attack, he had already "seen", but he couldn't avoid it!

Under Brocks’ main attack, Nazgrim was gradually able to launch some unexpected attacks. Soon, Skram’s gorgeous robe was cut into pieces, and the two long tentacles were also cut off. One, even three legs are broken...

Under this unfavorable situation, Skram replayed the old trick, divided into three, and then hid his true body.

Unfortunately, he failed to fool Brocks.

Before Nazgrim reminded him, Brox ignored the two Skrams in front of him. Instead, he jumped high and jumped onto a platform next to him, facing the air with an axe.

"Impossible, mortal, you can't find me!" Skram appeared embarrassed and screamed in pain, "How dare you resist fate!"

Brocks didn't want to talk nonsense with him, it was an axe to come back.

Skram couldn't escape.

Brox's sharp blade hit Skram's torso.

As a fanatic of C'Thun, Skram doesn't know how to use defensive spells. This axe is strong!

The carapace collapsed, and all kinds of juices in Skram's body began to flow out of the wound. The prophet could no longer stand, and finally fell to the ground.

Brocks tilted his head and motioned to Nazgrim to give the final blow, and Nazgrim shook his head.

"You are the winner."

"Without Jurone's sacrifice, victory would not be so simple."

Hearing what Brocks said, Nazgrim finally clenched his battle axe, and then slashed head-on at Skram.

"You are just delaying the inevitable... destiny..."

Skram's death does not mean the end of the battle.

The building here that looks like a temple is very suspicious.

This worm looks very unusual, his appearance obviously means something.

Just as the four people approached the temple gate cautiously, a large group of worms suddenly burst out of a fork in the road next to it.

Seeing this scene, Jindu gave a signal for the first time.

A panda-faced firework exploded in the air, and seeing the drunken wind that was still preparing, immediately began to assemble the commando.

"Maiev! Vaschi! Stop staring at each other, you two, prepare to fight!"

"All the members of the Alliance, Horde, Oath, Quicksand Commando, gather!"


After Drunk Wind assembled more than twenty commandos and started to set off toward the predetermined position, the four of Gromash had fallen into layers of worms.

The leader of the worm is not someone else, it is the famous General Rajax-the worm general who ambushed the son of Fandral in the battle of the quicksand and disintegrated the will of Fandral.

Before the battle began, Drunk Wind informed the commando of everything he knew about Ahn'Qiraj, and when Rajax reported his home, Grommash, Brox and Jindo realized something was wrong. .

"Be careful, we have met the Lord." Jin Du put the voodoo mask on his waist on his face. "The frontline commander of the dignified general does not go to fight, but leads heavy troops to guard a temple. This is definitely The place we are looking for."

Hearing what Jindu said, several people nodded one after another, and then they got twelve points.

Seeing a few outsiders in front of him look like they were waiting, Rajax laughed.

"Since you dare to break into Ahn'Qiraj, do you still want to go out alive?"

"Is it going to go out alive? It has nothing to do with your lackey." Grommash bared his fangs disdainfully, "Our goal is your master, not you janitor trash-yours. The responsibility is to bite the tail and bark, not to pretend to be the master and speak up here."

Grommash, who was full of taunting skill points, stopped Ajax’s hatred when he opened his

Although there is no expression on Rajax's face (do you still expect to see the facial expression of an upright beetle?), everyone knows that this guy is really angry.

"Enough, you rubbish!" Rajax kept waving his huge clamp-like right hand and screamed angrily. "Don't think that after you have cleaned up a guy who can only act like a tiger and pretend to be a ghost in the name of fate, he thinks he is. Very powerful-we are warriors who have gone through the test of violent death, and the dragons have been smashed into the sand under our hands!"

"Huh... the dragon buckles and sinks into the sand, and then you can't get out for a thousand years?" Grommash shook his head contemptuously, "Don't put gold on your face. You are the only one who failed in the battle of quicksand. By!"

Rajax, who failed to fight, simply stopped talking, but directly waved his sturdy and terrifying right hand and rushed towards Gromash.


An angry Rajax directly clamped the claws of his right hand to Gromash. He must cut this cheap trash into two parts!

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