Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 542: Black Dragon and 14 Warriors

When seeing Nomi and Lili together, Old Chen instinctively felt something was wrong.

For these two children, Old Chen couldn't understand it better-they were both really at fault.

Now they are unanimously asking themselves to help, there is definitely a big problem!

But for a while, Lao Chen really didn't realize the problem.

Although I felt something was wrong, Lao Chen didn't realize what was wrong for a while. He was surrounded by black dragons and dragon people. Is there any problem with this?

In Old Chen's thinking, the Black Dragon Queen is Onyxia, so these are all her own.

Old Chen didn't react for a while, but someone did.

Liam found the key to the problem-why do these black dragons and dragon people carry such a strong shadow aura? !

"Be careful, they may be under Deathwing."

Hearing that Liam broke his identity, Farad no longer concealed it.

"Ats, you have no chance to stop Deathwing Lord! Charge!"

Following Farad’s order, the dragons chanted "For Twilight" and began to charge. At the same time, the black dragons in the sky began to gather. They formed a tight formation and began to spit together. Dragon Breath swooped down.

Seeing this, Jaina made a decisive decision, and worked with Kael'thas to prop up a magic shield, enveloping everyone in it, and Lao Chen, who had turned on the physical stability and the attack of the devil, rushed directly. , I caught Nomi and Lili under his ribs, then rolled and brought them back-sometimes it's really useful to roll over!

At the same time, Zul'jin, Illidan, Maiev, the Saurfang brothers, and Liam, who had transformed into a werewolf, had already taken out their weapons to meet these dragons.

Brian took out her own musket, Vasiqi opened her bow and arrows, and Luo Ya, who had been holding back for a long time, also prepared her own engineering supplies.

Black Dragon vs. Fourteen Warriors, the battle begins!


In the past, black dragons often appeared as allies. In the eyes of everyone, black dragons represented reliability-but now, when the identity of the black dragon is an enemy, everyone feels only trouble.

The dragons on the ground are okay. Although the products of these magic transformations have a certain blood of black dragons, they are not the opponents of these real fierce men at all.

During the first wave of the black dragon's dive, the first batch of dragons rushed up by the heroes led by Illidan, like cutting melons and vegetables, all easily let go. If it weren't for the powerful vitality given by the dragon's blood, these Dragon people may lose their lives at the first meeting.

But even so, after the first charge, most of these dragon men fell directly.

Dragon people are not a problem!

But the black dragon in the sky is very troublesome.

Occupying the air superiority, the black dragon's fiery breath caused a lot of trouble to everyone. At this time, Kael'thas recovered from a serious illness and just got rid of the side effects of blood thistle. At this time, his combat effectiveness was quite limited.

And another master, Jaina, doesn't have much defensive spells at all. Although she was taught by Master Antonidas who is proficient in defensive magic, Jaina's focus has always been on energy-shaping spells.

In the past, Jaina would think that the energy-shaping spells are great, destructive, and lethal, but this time, she hopes to master a few more defensive spells. Only an enhanced version of the ice shield cannot withstand the black dragon dragon. interest!

Although there are only five black dragons on Farad's side (and one young dragon without adulthood), their dragon's breath is already capable of causing huge damage to everyone.

"Take care of yourself-leave the two little guys to me!" Illidan saw that Jaina could no longer support him, and said directly, "Take out his own means of registration, we don't have enough spellcasters!"

While speaking, the second dive of the black dragon had already begun.

This time, Jaina removed the ice shield and instead released an enhanced version of ice armor for herself. When she was about to help Kael'thas also come, the elf prince shook his head, gritted his teeth, and suspended himself. In midair, he used his flexibility in the air to avoid the black dragon's breath.

At the same time, Illidan opened his wings and sheltered the two little guys. Brian and Loya hid in the twisting force field. Old Chen directly dispelled the demons. The Saurfang brothers broke through the cauldron, Zul. King turned on the rage, Vashj opened the mana shield, Maiev flickered to the side, and Liam hid in the shadows.

Blazing flames swept across the ground, leaving a place of almost melted gravel. Although everyone was embarrassed, they at least survived this attack.

Below is the time to fight back!

While the black dragons turned around, Illidan put down Nomi and Lili, flapped their wings directly and soared into the air-the eggs could always fly!

With Azzinoth's two-edged swords in one hand, Illidan's goal was led by Farad.

Farad also discovered the aggressive Illidan at this time. For this famous night elf hero, he didn't dare to take it lightly-he didn't want to know which of his scale armor or Azzinoth's double-edged blade was stronger.

So in the face of Illidan's attack, Farad dodged as much as possible on the one hand, while on the other hand he spewed a blaze, hoping to block Illidan's offensive.

He stopped Illidan-but unfortunately, Illidan was not alone.

On Farad's right side, a dagger appeared suddenly.

Shadow Assault!

This was a blind spot that Farad hadn't noticed at all, and the small dagger was inserted directly into the gap between Farad's scales.

Next, Maiev's figure appeared. She flickered and held the dagger, and then swiped it, leaving a wound on Farad's right chest.

And Maiev also consciously changed the direction of the wound, making it cross with the old wound on Farad's wings.

The wound cracked open, Farad roared in pain, and the hot blood began to gurgle.

Watching Farad start to lose his balance.

As long as the black dragon falls to the ground, all questions are easy to talk about, and the Saurfang Brotherhood is happy to teach them how to be human.

But before Yili Dansong dealt with the next one, the sudden change occurred!

The tangled tentacles came out of Farad's wound and patted his wings. Farad looked completely fine!

Of course, it's not entirely all right.

Because it seems that this black dragon is losing consciousness-when facing Illidan's attack again, he didn't evade, but hoped to replace his injury!

"Mortals, welcome the trial from Twilight!"

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