Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 531: Circle of Blood Arena

Although everyone is speechless about the way ogres gain wisdom by directly swallowing Apexis crystals, it is undeniable that Kuror's method is indeed feasible to a considerable degree...

Kuror's method is not complicated, but it sounds effective-look for opportunities to provoke Gruul's sons, lure them to the Arena of Blood, and then blow them up!

Of course, things are not that simple. If the seven sons of Gruul want to find opportunities to lure them into war, they must get some bait to attract these Gorons to the Ring of Blood Arena.

And after these Gorons arrive, there must be enough reasons to let them fight.

What reason can make these Goron angry?

On this point, Kuror has done a lot of research-the ogre took out a piece of "paper" made of animal skin that he didn't know (Brian visually observed that it was some kind of wild boar polluted by other evil energy), and started Make a list.

"At the time Gruul died in the Frostfire Ridge, his seven sons scattered and fled, but before escaping, these Gorons were not idle. While dividing their sphere of influence, they competed for Gruul's. heritage'."

"Gook, controlling the Moknassa orc, he keeps Gruul's one-eyed."

"Maguk, controls the blade tower ogre, he keeps Gruul's treasure chest."

"Greyrock, who controls the bloodmaul ogre, he keeps-uh, the trophies from the battle against the black dragon..." At this point, Kurol looked at Sinest with all three eyes. Pull, the black dragon dragon queen is obviously not in a good mood now.

The trophies are obviously black dragon corpses and heads...

"Sligo, controls the Godunni ogre, he keeps Gruul's battle flag."

"Skullok, controls the soul of the ogre dead, he keeps the artifact of the soul of Goron, the soul grinder."

"There are two more, one is Golgrom the Dragon Eater, and the other is Dunn the Devourer. The specifics of these two guys are still unclear-especially Dunn, who is said to have reached Nagrand."

"Now that we want these Gorons to get angry and take part in the battle, we only need to get what they value most. That's enough-and it is better to be their slaves. In this case, those who lack wisdom will definitely Came to the arena stupidly!"

"Steal?" Brian looked at Kuror. "You said, that's what they care about most. How can it be stolen so easily? And also disguised as their slaves-if we have the ability, we Isn't it good to kill them directly?"

"So I have wisdom, you don't." Kurol looked at Brian condescendingly, "Stealing is far simpler than you think-especially stealing Goron's treasure. These guys don't pay attention to where their treasures are placed. -Unless they need it."

"So, the difficulty of our plan is no longer how to get those Gruul's bits and pieces." Another head of Kuror added, "The difficulty is how to make these guys find that their treasure is gone, and Let them think it was a slave who stole it and exchanged it for freedom."

I have to say that Goron’s perception of the world is not the same as that of ordinary creatures. These big guys have been invincible in Draenor for too long. When the arakkoa used Rukhmar’s legacy to destroy the most permanent Everbow, Goron is almost "invincible", even the old tribe didn't dare to do anything to these big guys.

Over time, they became extremely proud-this kind of pride is not the kind of high elves that look at people with their nostrils based on their background, and Goron's pride is that they don't see anything in their eyes-and it is precisely for this reason. , Gruul dared to clamor with Deathwing.

Although they were cleaned up by Deathwing, the son of Gruul didn’t remember that long. These Gorons still walked sideways in Draenor. In their cognition, what they saw was that they had of.

Under this kind of thinking, Goron would not choose to hide the precious things-putting it in a conspicuous place is enough, no one dared to move it anyway.

In fact, no one dared to move.

Had it not been for the wisdom of the Apexis Crystal, the ogre would not have dared to resist Goronn.

It took a long time for everyone to finally sort out everything.

The task now is to find the place where the treasure of the son of Gruul is placed, take the treasure, leave traces of the corresponding slave, and lure them to the Ring of Blood Arena.

After thinking about it for a while, Kael'thas was the first to react.

"Ogre, your plan seems to have a different meaning! If everything goes according to what you said, I am afraid that the blood mallet, knife tower, and Godani ogres you just mentioned will become your subordinates. I want to After gaining freedom, Ogrila may be" Brian also nodded, "Are you going to be the liberator of the ogre?!"

Several people had been talking to Kuror for a long time, and they also understood the "wisdom" of this ogre, but when he showed that he wanted to liberate all ogres, everyone was surprised again.

Previously, Kuror's wisdom was mostly embodied in spellcasting, reasoning and memory, but no one could think that this ogre already had a higher level of pursuit.

"Liberator?" Kuror's two heads were stunned at the same time. For a long time, the one-eyed head that rarely spoken slowly said, "Kuroer doesn't know what a liberator is, but Kuror wants to let all Every ogre can grow two heads, can learn to use arcane power to make food, will not be hungry, and will not have to fight unwanted battles..."

"Kurlor believes that wisdom is very important, so Kuror hopes that all ogres can have wisdom! Kuror hopes that all ogres can live happily in Orgrila!"

Hearing what Kuror said, everyone was speechless for a while.

This is a great ogre.

Although he is a bit greedy, cunning, and sometimes reckless because of his nature, it is undeniable that for the ogre, Kuror is a true hero.

The hero of the ogre.



It's a bit late, but it's still five-shift today (but it may be updated in the middle of the night).

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