Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 525: Support from the sky

   For Goron, especially the son of Gruul, the four did not want to provoke him.

  According to the Black Dragon Legion’s news, Gruul once hanged all the black dragons except Deathwing...

But because of Moknassah, they had to work hard — no way, think about it, if the four people choose to "see the death and not save", it will definitely make the relationship between the alliance and the tribe deteriorate significantly. When the two parties cooperated, this kind of behavior didn't have a big picture.

   This kind of people who don't have a big picture are often mentally disabled-such as certain roar.

  Furthermore, the four of them are not forced to die, even if the Moknassa Orcs can't handle the Goronn themselves, but they really provide a lot of help to the unfamiliar group of four.

  Like the Goron hunting trap, although it is extremely simple, but according to Luo Ya's evaluation, this thing is really the essence of the trap.

What is the essence of    trap?

   varies from person to person, adapt to local conditions!

Yesterday Loya’s engineering stuff was not effective against the one-eyed monster, on the one hand because the one-eyed monster itself was rough and fleshy, and on the other hand, because Loya’s stuff was not aimed at large creatures, just like the mouse trap is fatal to rats. But for people? It only hurts for a few days...

  Moreover, now a few people have Gook's map of action, which means they can premeditately ambush-ambush and trap, which is enough for them to clean up the big guy.

   So the next day, in a place where Gok must pass, the four men started the action according to the battle plan prepared yesterday.


   Loya and Brian are in charge of the trap part-originally Loya strongly opposed Brian to come and help-"What if he tries to do it first?"

   But Kael'thas and Jaina didn't know anything about engineering. Kael'thas learned enchanting. Jaina could not do anything except magic. After thinking about it, Brian was more useful.

   In desperation, Luo Ya could only arrange huge traps while struggling to lay out huge traps, while constantly admonishing Brian.

   "Hey, be careful, that button can't be touched."

   "You can't step on there, don't settle down!"

   "Damn, can't you see such a big pit!"


   On the other hand, Kael'thas is setting up a circle with Jaina's help.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to set up the magic circle, His Royal Highness Kael'thas began to talk endlessly about the magical principles contained in the "large and powerful awakening circle" he had arranged. After finding that the "warm man" could not attract Jaina, Kay Alsace turned to show his erudition.


  The more excited Prince Kael'thas did not appear, at this moment Jaina looked at her eyes as if she was looking at a male white chicken with an open screen.

  Poor Kael'thas, your interest is on people who shouldn't be, and your skills are much worse than Illidan.

The layout of a large powerful awakening circle is very difficult. Although Kael'thas is a master of circle and enchantment, Jaina's magic skills are also very high, but it is a pity that the physical traps of Roja and Brian have been arranged. , Waking up the magic circle is only half completed.

   Looking at the dense lines and runes, both Brian and Loya felt dizzy.

   "Hey, Loya, how did your mage remember all these things?"

   "You ask me, who should I ask? I still need drawings when I make engineering items. I always feel that they actually have a book in their heads, and write all useful knowledge in different categories."

   "Didn't you mix Dalaran? You don't know?"

   "I majored in magic engineering, but this kind of magic mystery is a deadly enemy. I did not clean up those enchanters."

   "I bet, you will definitely be taken care of by those enchanters!"

   "Shut up, dwarf, you talk a lot!"

   Just as Kael'thas and Jaina used magic paint to draw the magic circle on the ground, Loya and Brian were chatting, an unexpected behemoth appeared in the sky.


   Black Dragon.

   The four people stopped their work at the same time and looked at this big guy.

   These four people have all seen Onyxia's dragon form. At that time, Onyxia had become the Queen of the Black Dragon, so she was quite large.

   But the one in front of him is no bigger than Onyxia.

   and it looks quite similar to Onyxia!

   Unlike Onyxia, this black dragon's body is covered with hideous scars-like a livestock burned by a red soldering iron.

   Of course, the four people will not have the slightest contempt for this dragon because of this.

   "Mortals, why did you come to Delano?"

  Although this black dragon hasn't changed into a human form, it's arrogant but has a clear view, and the four people with their own minds are even a little dumbfounded.

   Seeing the shock of the four people, the black dragon looked very satisfied, and then finally turned into a human form-after all, such communication is really inconvenient.

   This is a female dragon, a black dragon whose human form is a female high elf!

"Who are you? Are you on Deathwing's side or Onyxia's side?" Kael'thas, who reacted first, frowned. After all, the dress of this high elf made him a little uncomfortable. I have never heard of such a powerful black dragon. "

The strength of the dragon can be judged by its size (of course, a certain Regos is not, the blue dragon that can be headshot by the dwarves, blinding his size...), Kael'thas has already determined that this black dragon is obviously Not the generals.

   "Hahaha, my daughter is really extraordinary!" Hearing Kael'thas' words, the black dragon laughed loudly, "My name is Sinestra!"


   Black Dragon Queen, the only living spouse of Deathwing, mother of Nefarian and Onyxia!

   All four of them breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Cinestra's own report.

   is a friend but not an enemy!

   Listening to Sinestra's tone, she seems to be on Onyxia's side!

Sure enough, the dragon mother then began to inquire about the black dragon returning to Azeroth, especially after learning that in Grim Batol, Deathwing was hanged and nearly lost her life. Cinestra was extremely happy.

The only problem is that after learning that Onyxia was married to Drunk Wind, Sinestra was extremely unhappy-but she knew that Drunk Wind exiled Deathwing in Frostfire Ridge. But it comes from the inertia of thinking that despise mortals.

   After Cinestra's inquiry was completed, Kael'thas began to represent the oath, and then asked about Cinestra's black dragon in Draenor.

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