Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 520: The hero sees slightly the same

   It is a pity that the excitement of the orcs did not last long.

   Because after Varok publicly announced that the orcs needed to leave Nagrand, the orcs boiled, not just because of the excitement. This time, the orcs were angry.

   Although the Mag'han Orcs are looking forward to the tribe's sobriety and return, this does not mean that they are willing to leave Nagrand!

   Yes, this is indeed getting barren and the pollution of fel energy is getting heavier, but this is Nagrand after all, it is the last refuge of the orcs.

   Before the weapons in the Mag'har orcs' hands were put down, they aimed directly at Varok, and even Dranosh didn't understand why his father said that.

"Quiet." At the critical moment, Gaia'an stood behind Varok. Although she was old, her body was still straight and the elements were still surrounded. The majestic appearance made the noisy young man finally calm down, "Listen. After Varok finished speaking, no one wants to give up my hometown. I didn't want to leave Frostfire Ridge at the beginning!"

  Varok turned his head, nodded gratefully to Gaiaan, and then continued.

   "Azeroth is different from Draenor. It is richer there and the elements are more active. Of course, there are challenges there."

   "The demons have always been full of illusions about that world. They hope to turn all creatures into their own slaves and all the lands into the current Shadowmoon Valley. Therefore, we need strength, the strength to unite together!"

   As he said, Varok pulled Zul'jin past.

   "This is a troll, our comrade-in-arms who once fought side by side, they have an ancient history, and like us, they are brave and fearless in fighting."

   Then Lao Chen.

   "This is the Pandaren. They are honest and enthusiastic, but they are equally rational and brave. The oath of their leadership has been on the front line of resisting the devil."

   "Of course, Azeroth still has an alliance. Although those cunning guys are hateful, we also used to fight side by side in order to save the world. When we were comrades in arms, we were still reliable."

   "I think, except for the lads from the Warsong clan, isn't your previous hometown not Nagrand? In order to survive, don't you also leave your homeland temporarily?"

   "Unlike Nagrand, Azeroth can let us live as long as we are willing to defend it!"

   "Nagrand is still beautiful now, but how long can Nagrand be beautiful on the dying planet of Draenor? Orcs are not cowards who were holding onto the dying planet!"

  Varok's words caused some orcs present to think, but more were still puzzled.

These words have exhausted Varok’s brain cells. He is better at boosting morale before fighting, rather than telling about a policy or something. Therefore, after seeing the orcs still do not understand, Varok has some Anxious.

   After all, in this respect, there is a huge gap between his eloquence and Thrall.

   At the critical moment, Gaiaan said.

   "Children, now we don't think about the world called Azeroth, now think about the first lesson I taught you, listen to the voice of the elements."

"Although you are not a shaman, I believe you can feel the joys, sorrows, sorrows, joys and winds of this world blowing plants, the slight trembling of the leaves is the dance of the wind, the burning of the wood, the beeping of the fire, the confession of the flame, take a deep breath, you You will smell the smell of the earth close to the stream, you can hear the sound of the water, and the elemental spirit is always by our side."

   "But now Nagrand, are the elements happy?"

   "Thirty years ago, at the Omrigg Conference, everyone competed for courage and strength. There were countless animals on the Nagrand grassland as our challenge, from the proboscis to the sky eagle, now?"

"Garrosh, don't be ashamed, I know that the blood on your face comes from prairie dogs, because there are not enough prey in this land. The key to Omrigg is no longer courage and strength, but luck. Your luck determines what kind of prey you can meet!"

   Hearing Gaiaan’s words, the young orcs began to nod their heads. Now Nagrand is indeed barren a lot.

   "The elements are declining and the resources are depleted. How long can Nagrand last? We all know that this level of destruction cannot be cured by the shaman's remedy."

   "But why are we going to other worlds? There are even our enemies there!" Garrosh finally plucked up the courage and asked his doubts, "Since that world is so good, why should we share it?"

   On this, Varok opened his mouth suddenly. In fact, he didn’t figure it out, or in his opinion, all of this was due to the tremendous pressure brought by the oath, and sharing was only a last resort.

   But Gaiaan, who has never been to Azeroth, knows everything.

   "Once in Draenor, someone also asked this question. Draenor, which was not destroyed at the time, was so beautiful, why should we share it with the draenei? Why share it with the arakkoa? Why share it with the ogre?"

   "And then? We abandoned our tradition."

   "We defeated the arakkoa, conquered the ogres, slaughtered the draenei, and destroyed Draenor by the way."

   "The flame is warm, but the fire will burn The current is nourishing, but the flood will wash everything down! The way of the element lies in balance, and in the world, we are also a part of balance."

   "For so many years, I have been thinking, and I have been asking the elements, why the tribe will be lost, will become the devil's lackey, will abandon their nobleness."

   "Not because of ambition, not because, but because we have lost our balance, we will push ourselves to the border of extinction under excessive recklessness."

   "At the beginning, the whole tribe was fighting, really just because of the blood of the devil in the body?"

"No! The reason for all this is that the orcs have lost their balance in this world. Maybe there is no demon blood. We will destroy this world in another way. As far as I know, some shamans had already attacked the enslavement element. Thoughts! After losing balance, the blood of the devil is just a reason!"

After Gaiaan’s recounting, the orcs gradually recovered their calm and realized the necessity of leaving. Varok discovered that Gaiaan and Thrall are often the same, or that Thrall and his grandmother are really similar. .

   If the drunk wind is here, he might feel the terrible old shaman.

   When a person's thinking exceeds the existing limitations and his stand is very firm, he is often the most terrifying enemy.

   This is also why Thrall was able to pull up the tribe's airs and even cheat his daughter to sell his father with a few old, weak and sick races, but Garrosh's strength could only be besieged by Orgrimmar.

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