Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 511: Zulkin's purpose

   After Illidan signed a series of treaties for "losing power and humiliating the country" and vowed not to have any thoughts about Mother Shahrush, he finally reluctantly calmed Maiev and Vaschi.

Liam, who was watching the show, also recovered from his invisibility. He felt that he had learned a lot. Next time, if Rona is in a bad mood, he will have a way to solve it—don’t look at Rona as a famous female man in Gilneas, but with this Compared with the two, they are really gentle...

   After solving the problem of the mother of Shahrush, the Illidan group of four began their mission-to find a pit in Draenor for the ancient gods.

According to Drunk Wind’s request, the ancient gods need a place that attracts them enough to serve as their "new home", because they have not tried to pass through the ancient gods (mainly they dare not), and Drunk Wind can only use mortal ones. Thinking to predict the preferences of the ancient gods.

  In this way, the ancient gods need a relatively free and stable environment, which is conducive to spreading beliefs and developing believers.

  Thinking about it, it seems that Zangar Marsh is the most suitable...

  Since I don't know what Outland is like now, Illidan's main search target is Zangar Marsh-anyway, starting from the Dark Temple, just go northwest.

   So Illidan simply took a rough map and headed northwest.


  The words are divided into two parts, and the Illidan group has no story, so we moved our perspective to the tribe group.

Varok Saurfang, Brocks Saurfang, and Zul'kin are all taciturn characters. They renewed their views with weapons and fists, so they left the Dark Temple and went west to Nagrand. On the way, most of these people are silent.

   But Old Chen couldn't help it!

   Pandaren often have their own chattering attributes, and Lao Chen is even more of a mid-strength. Unless he has to shut up for stealth missions, Lao Chen will keep talking endlessly.

   And Delano is a different world, which aroused Old Chen's curiosity.

  It was okay in Shadowmoon Valley. It was very deserted and there was nothing around. Old Chen talked to himself after looking around. It was okay for the other three people to get used to it, and even chat with Old Chen occasionally.

   But after leaving Shadowmoon Valley and coming to Tekaro Forest, Old Chen seemed to have discovered a new world and couldn't stop.

  Te Carlo Forest is an area where Talador and Aranka merged under the influence of the twisting void before Delano. The ecology here is relatively rich. Although it is still barren, unlike Shadowmoon Valley, which is heavily polluted by fel energy, there are still some creatures here.

   Therefore, the curiosity Lao Chen began to lose his business. He began to collect all the interesting plants along the way, and then began to make wine.

   With the help of Elemental Keg, the old-aged beer fermented very quickly. After the beer was brewed, he enthusiastically invited the other three to taste it.

   Both the Saurfang brothers and Zulkin expressed interest in Lao Chen's beer.

   Then no surprise, all three of them were easily overwhelmed by Old Chen.

   Just kidding, is Lao Chen's wine so easy to drink?

   After a whole day of vomiting and headaches, the three of them would no longer have even the slightest interest in Lao Chen's wine, and they even looked at Lao Chen with a strange look.

   Old Chen said that he was very sad, and then began to entertain himself, making his own wine and drinking.

  Because of a little homesickness, the Saurfang brothers are not as calm as they seem on the surface. The result is that the three thoughtful people did not notice the real and most abnormal guy.


   For Zul'jin, the significance of this trip to Draenor is not only to observe Draenor as a member of the tribe, but more importantly, to find a new God Loa.


   As we mentioned before, the beliefs of trolls are very complicated. The God Loa worshipped by each small tribe may be a powerful creature or a dead warrior.

   But the reason why trolls worship Loa is the same. I offer sacrifices to you and you give me strength. This model has not changed for thousands of years.

   Now, at the suggestion of the Prophet Zul, a small group of progressive trolls have begun to seek change.

   As one of the oldest creatures in Azeroth, the life of the troll is very difficult, and other races have come from behind. In this case, the ancient and barbaric tradition of trolls is becoming increasingly unpopular.

   And after the Darkspear troll who joined the vows hugged his thighs, his standard of living has been greatly improved. Other trolls saw it, and his heart was full of envy and hatred.

  Although the trolls have joined the tribe now, it is obvious that the thighs of the tribe are not thick at all.

   So, a group of trolls headed by Zul proposed to be self-reliant, and only with strong strength can the troll's status and life in Azeroth be improved!

  The idea is pretty good.

   It was difficult at the time-only when you look closely, you can discover that, unknowingly, the troll has fallen far behind this world, and the troll lacks casters!

   Arcane magic?

   Sorry, this thing is a ghost symbol in the eyes of the troll, I don't understand it at all, and there is no member of the tribe who can learn arcane magic, and the troll has nowhere to learn it.

   Elemental Faith?

   Although this has the same meaning as voodoo, the trolls still have a long way to go if they want to have a shaman. The key is that the orcs themselves are too slow to train shamans. How can they help the trolls!


  Dear, don’t be kidding, it’s not funny at all!

  Thinking about it, it seems that the troll can only start from its own tradition and find a new path.

   It happens that the ice troll has returned to the mainstream society of trolls recently. Zul was excited to discover that the ice troll has a method to extract the power of Loa!

   This is great!

  Especially the recent werewolf incident in The troll found that if a sufficiently powerful God of Loa's power can be extracted, the troll's strength will change drastically!

   But the question that follows is, where is Loa strong enough?

  The gods of the wilderness?

   Haha, as long as your troll dares to act against the gods of the wilderness, vow you dare to act against the troll.

  Want to extract the power of the wild gods? This is anti-Azeroth!

   But if you don’t move the wild gods, how powerful those little Luoa gods are!

   When the trolls were struggling to find a way out, Drunk Wind proposed to explore Draenor.

   This time the troll suddenly discovered a new idea-Draenor is a whole new world, maybe there is a mighty Loa that the troll is looking for!

   And Zul'jin, is the guy who is responsible for finding the powerful God Loa!

   Now, Zul'jin has eyebrows.



In the new World of Warcraft ptr server, in order to test the performance, all the targets of Dalaran were set to be attackable. When the players formed a group to brush Nomi, they were not accidentally hanged, hahaha! This is real news, you can search it!

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