Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 483: Doubt and self-doubt

"No wonder you need to make up lessons with your wife later." Seeing Thrall's surprised look, Zuifeng secretly shook his head, "Fighting is good, but the knowledge reserves are completely insufficient."

Looking at Thrall, he was still very puzzled, and Zuifeng could only explain the problem more clearly.

"Thar, you should know that elemental spirits can manifest as elemental creatures, right?"

"Yes." Thrall frowned and nodded. "I have seen a lot of elemental creatures."

"Then you should know that in the face of powerful enemies, elemental creatures will also show fear."

"This... how is this possible?" Thrall's eyes widened, "I can't believe it, the elements are also afraid?!"

"Of course." Zuifeng nodded slightly, "Elements have their own emotions, just like fire elements are often passionate and impulsive. This is their nature. And the most sensitive element for other things is wildness. Spirit."

In fact, in addition to the orcs, there are many races in Azeroth that follow the Shamanism.

The tauren, furbolg, dark iron dwarf, pandaman, and goblin all have shamans.

And these shamans of different races are similar in their understanding of most elements.

The four elemental spirits, such as wind, flames, earth, and flowing water, are easy to observe due to their real existence. Therefore, even if shamans are new and different, they cannot produce any other interpretations.

The only element that can cause differences due to race is the wild spirit.

Drunk Wind also came into contact with some Pandaren shamans when he was in Pandaria-the Shado-Pan is not only monks, but spellcasters such as wizards and shamans are also very important members of the Shado-Pan.

Therefore, Drunk Wind also knows a thing or two about the elemental spirit. It seems that the world's Saqiang is strong, but after all, it is not an academic school, and Yeluzi's combat effectiveness is good, but often the theoretical knowledge is not solid enough.

Of course, Zuifeng wouldn't make up lessons for Thrall. After all, the element Zuifeng was only a little understanding. If it weren't for learning the element clone, Zuifeng might not have understood it for a lifetime.


After leaving Orgrimmar, Drunk Wind suddenly had other ideas.

Maybe others didn't know that the ancient **** did it, but Sunderland might know, after all, in the last communication, Sunderland once said that he participated in the battle against the ancient god.

Maybe he can find out which guy is doing this?

With this thought in mind, Drunk Wind once again came to the scene of the incident and summoned Sunderland.

And the first reaction of the wind chaser also verified Drunk Wind's conjecture-as soon as Sunderland appeared, he showed a strong guard.

"Sunderland, have you also felt the breath of the ancient gods?" Drunk Feng looked at Sunderland, "it is indeed the traces of the ancient gods, right?"

"That's right." Sunderland's side murmured, "I will never forget this disgusting and decadent smell, even after a long time."

"So, can you recognize that this smell belongs to the ancient god?"

"Um... this is the breath of Saratas."

"Saratas?" After Zuifeng repeatedly confirmed it, he found that this was a name he had never heard before, "Describe this guy-our way of naming the ancient **** may be different."

But Zuifeng soon discovered that Sunderland's description was not equal to any ancient **** he knew.

It can also be said that this ancient **** has similarities with every ancient **** known to Drunk Wind!

Drunk and stupefied.

Isn't this the ancient **** I know?

Not a bunch of eyes C'Thun, not a bunch of Tentacle N'Zoth, nor a bunch of mouthed Yogg-Saron, nor the indomitable Y'Shaarj.

According to Sunderland's description, a rather strange image appeared in Zuifeng's mind.

The indescribable distortion of the body, the irregularly distributed organs and tissues, the same boundless servants... This is not any known ancient god!

Could it be said that there are more than four ancient gods?

But if there is a fifth ancient god, what role does he play in Azeroth?

Unfortunately, Sunderland didn't know much about this ancient god, and Zuifeng couldn't get more useful news.

In this case, Zuifeng could only sigh helplessly.

The current impressions of Azeroth and Zuifeng have changed a lot, although most of them are benign changes, but it is undeniable that this has also greatly reduced the "prophet" of Zuifeng.

But what?

Drunk Wind clenched his fists-no matter how difficult it is, I must never give up lightly!

Now that things have been unexpected, it is difficult to simply put everything aside and proceed from everything in front of to carefully study what happened!


Just when Zuifeng began to seek truth from facts, new waves had already occurred within the alliance unknowingly.

The cause of the matter was simple. Brian Bronzebeard complained to Varian about the bad weather in the wetland.

"Seriously, the wetland is really hell. Since the Battle of the Three Hammers, it has always looked gloomy."

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. The nervous Varian was in a state of being a soldier. Hearing Brian say this, he inquired about the original Three Hammers.

But now that the three hammers are in one, Thaurissan is not there, so Brian probably talked about the history of the three hammers.

When he heard that Mordgood used the power of the shadows to start a war "overpowering", Varian felt that something was wrong.

Familiar plot, inexplicable war, sudden provocation...

Thinking of Drunk Wind's words, another questionable target within the Alliance, Varian couldn't help but think of the Dark Iron Dwarf who had just joined the Alliance.

If the suspected traitor is the Dark Iron Dwarf, then Drunk Wind’s concerns make sense—after all, the three hammers have just merged into one. If you openly doubt the loyalty of the Dark Iron Dwarf at this knot, then I am afraid it will be quite serious. Political events. Maybe it will directly cause the Three Hammers to go to war again, and then it will be really bad.

The ignorance of Drunk Wind’s words caused Varian to have a huge misunderstanding, but fortunately, King Val was no longer an unsatisfied rookie at this time. He did not show dissatisfaction with the Dark Iron Dwarf because of his suspicion. But it is undeniable that near Thaurissan’s residence, the number of spies from MI7 began to increase rapidly.

Not only Drunk Wind, the Alliance and the Horde also entered a state of doubt and self-doubt.

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