Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 432: Pulling the tiger's skin to pull the banner

The battle between the evil tooth troll and the evil branch troll seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and both sides dropped their weapons in unison and began to look up at the sky. ranw?en??????????`t

In the midair, a huge black dragon appeared.

The ferocious horns, the armor of the whole body, the primitive chin, the huge body, the long tail like a steel whip...

"Death... Deathwing?!"

The fanatical Hex was like a cold water topping, and soon calmed down.

No way, the reputation of Deathwing is too loud. Although he has been shaded twice by the drunk wind and unknown, in the eyes of most creatures in Azeroth, Deathwing is still in this world. The strongest one!

Even Hecks thinks so.

Especially when Hex saw the terrifying black dragon Longwei, now his teeth were trembling non-stop.

This has nothing to do with psychological quality, this coercion is already substantial!

And when the flapping figure looked at him, Hex felt that his soul seemed to be crushed for a moment.

This is the feeling that the blood **** Hakkar never brought to himself!

Before he knew it, Hex murmured a passage that was widely circulated in Azeroth.

"The destroyer of the destiny, the terminator of all things, in the shadow of the wings, everything is ashes..."

Hex crawled unconsciously on the ground, trembling.

"Ant, you disturbed me!" Deathwing's voice sounded like thunder, which shook Hex’s ears and drums. "Stop your ridiculous war game immediately. The Hinterland is not a place where you mortals can be alarmed. !"

"I... I follow the will of the great master Hakkar..." Hecks was a little emboldened, "This is great..."

"Haka? The bereaved dog that was driven away by the Zandalar? What right does he have to hold on to his ideas in front of me?" Deathwing suddenly opened its wings, and a few fires burst out of his nose. Although it is a small group, but the abilities contained in it, Heikes felt extremely palpitating, "Or, he did not teach you, the strong is correct?"

"..." Hecks had nothing to say, and could only lie motionless on the ground.

For a long time, when he raised his head again, the Deathwing in the midair had disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

But Hecks didn't think that everything just now was an illusion. Her clothes were soaked, and her legs were still unsteady.

"No, I'm going to ask the great Hakkar for instructions. The Hinterland seems to have secrets that we haven't touched. As long as the evil-toothed idiots, they can't escape, let them go today!"

Thinking about this, Hecks retired directly.

In the eyes of the evil tooth troll, everything just seemed like a dream.

The evil branch troll completely took refuge in Hakkar. Seeing that his side was about to fail completely, when all were sacrificed, the legendary Deathwing appeared, ending the battle between the two sides.

Then Deathwing flapped its wings and flew away!


"Well, the familiar canopy..."

Nomi was in Valera's arms when he woke up.

"Valera, when is it now?"

"Evening." Seeing Nomi waking up, Varela let out a sigh, "I can't believe you finally woke up, you dare to pretend to be Deathwing, and you have concealed it from everyone!"

"It's just a little trick that can't be used on the countertop." Nomi gave a weak smile. "Anyway, Deathwing is also my grandfather. I become like him and use the dwarf world shrinker to deceive people. The effect is not bad……"

That’s right, that huge deathwing was indeed changed by Nomi. He first took advantage of his bloodline to hold Varela together and turned into an extremely highly imitation Deathwing, and then used the Gnomish World Shrinker to make He became extremely large.

Although in Gnomeregan, Nomi lost all goblin engineering products, but the dwarf engineering products on his body are still "alive". This kind of dwarf product without magic fluctuations can be used to fool people but it is better. .

"What about your coercion? That kind of real Longwei makes me almost unable to hold on!"

"A little gadget from my uncle." Nomi smiled bitterly and shook his head. "The effect is amazing, almost the same as my grandpa's momentum, but it is a one-time product that only takes three minutes..."

With that, Nomi took out a black dragon scale that was already full of cracks.

Valera opened her mouth in a little surprise. This was the first time she had seen magical powers other than arcane magic.

Looking at Varela like this, Nomi remembered Nefarian's words: "Integrated technology is the first productive force."

The power of the black dragon in the blood + dwarf engineering + wild magic enchantment = Nomi transforms into a death wing shape in three minutes ~ ~ then what do we do next? "Valella looked at Nomi, "Are you going to put it on?" "

"Pretend it!" Nomi nodded, "I don't know how they would treat the evil-tooth trolls when I am in this way. I will just pretend to be the last, saying that the underground of the Hinterland has an extremely powerful and dangerous place. Strength, once I do it, I will detonate everything, so I can only provide some support, and then by the way some evil tooth trolls' words, and find a chance to clean up the **** of evil branches."

"Then why don't you go directly to Xiezhi's place, wouldn't it be good to just mix in with your disguise?"

"I'm not sure whether the blood **** Hakkar can see through my disguise. Although the priest was scared to death, if Hakkar sees through us, it will be over."

"All right." Valera thought for a while, and finally agreed to this seemingly unreliable suggestion, "But what exactly do we do? Can you keep your pretense?"

"You don't need a dragon form." Nomi smiled slightly, "Of course, this look is not good. I need to emulate the former Duke of Prestor."

Then in Valera's stunned eyes, Nomi quickly became a handsome and mature middle-aged male.

The meticulous black hair, the angular face, the sturdy and tall figure, the well-tailored clothes, the long sword dotted with precious stones, and the long, dragon-shaped shadow.

"How is it?" Nomi lifted his chin slightly, showing a reserved smile, "Is it okay?"

"Hmm!" Valella's eyes were full of small stars, and she nodded wildly without knowing what was going on. At this moment, Valella seemed to have a feeling of being picked up...

Second, you may not believe it. Since I became my grandfather, my love for women has improved a lot? (To be continued...)

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