Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 273: Frostwolf Clan Mobilization

Thrall, Logosh, and Drek'Thar all felt when the demon arrived. Lewen Novel Network

Especially when Archimonde descended, the elements began to cry in pain.

On the seventh day after that, Zuifeng and Onyxia rushed to Howling Fjord.

In Durotar, Drunken Wind approached Drek'tal directly.

"It's time for the Frostwolf to fulfill its promise. The devil has come back into this world-I don't think you want to be slaves to the devil again?"

Facing the drunk wind, Drektal nodded slowly.

"I once promised the human named Dai Lin that I would fight once for the tomorrow of my clan."

"He fulfilled his promise and sent us to this land suitable for us-and now, I will fulfill my promise."

"What's more, as you said this time the invaders were those demons. I have no reason to refuse. I even hope that my compatriots who have fallen and lost can be saved."

"This time, the Frostwolf is willing to fight."

"Blackstone is willing to fight too!"


"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

In the Hall of Chief Durotar, a war drum made of a huge mammoth skin was blasted, and the rapid drumbeat heralded the mobilization of the Frostwolf and Blackrock Orcs.

All adult orcs, both men and women, came to the open space in front of Durotar and accepted Drek's mobilization.

"Warriors of the Frostwolf clan, Warriors of the Blackstone clan!" With the help of the elements, Drek'Thar's loud voice reached the ears of every orc present, "The elements are wailing, and the devil is coming again! "

"In Draenor, the devil bewitched our people, let them drink the blood of the devil, abandoned the nobility and glory, abandoned the faith of the ancestors, and plunged into the arms of the warlock-and we, although or did not drink the devil The blood, or the blood of the devil has been overcome through tempering, but this shame is still borne on us!"

"Our compatriots are still suffering and languishing! Our shame needs the blood of the devil to wash away!"

"Eight years ago, a human country called Kul Tiras sent us here, and we rested and rested on this land."

"In eight years, we have a new little warrior, we have a new little wolf!"

"And today, it's time for us to fight-for our homeland, for our glory!"

"All the Frostwolf Orcs and Blackrock Orcs obey orders, and now we begin to mobilize. We will go directly south to fight the demons and rescue those compatriots-we will fight to the death!


With Drek'Thar's shout, the orc warriors raised their weapons.



After the start of the general mobilization, in a simple house, the dried meat and weapons on the wall were taken down together. Every household heard the sound of knife blades and whetstones rubbing, and the Frostwolf and Blackstone on the Durotar Tower The banner of was taken down, the Blackrock banner was carried behind Reid Blackhand, and the Frostwolf banner was handed over to Thrall by Drektal.

"Take it, child." Drektal smiled unusually. "This is your father's banner, and now it belongs to you."

When the banner turned out, Thrall's hands even trembled. At this moment, he felt a heavy trust - and responsibility.

Thrall thought of the orcs who took the initiative to create chaos when he fled. He took the banner with both hands and tied it tightly behind his back.

With the help of the spirit of the wind, the banner behind Thrall was hunting and a ferocious Frostwolf was about to emerge.

A few days later, the transport fleet of the Kul Tiras Navy arrived, and the orcs bid farewell to the elderly, pregnant women and children, and set foot on the deck.


When the orcs of the Frostwolf clan and the Blackrock clan arrived at the Whispering Coast, Illidan and Maiev led the demon hunters and watchers to occupy this area.

After disembarking, the orc warriors were okay, Thrall, Rogosh, and Drektal were already furious.

The Tirisfal Woodland has been polluted by shadows and fel energy. The three shamans can clearly feel the wailing of the elements-especially the wild spirits. The wild spirits here are extremely weak, as if their souls have been harvested.

And Illidan looked at these strong orcs with interest, and then shook his head-although he was quite big, he seemed to be a bit stupid.

At the same time, Krasus, Medivh and Jaina also arrived here. They found Dailin as soon as they left Dalaran, and then came to Whisper Coast.

Thrall's color changed suddenly when he saw Jaina.

"Tower, Taresa?" Thrall stammered, "Why are you here?"

"Hey, Little Greenskin, please pay attention to me!" Dalin looked very upset. "That's my daughter Jaina, Jaina Proudmoore, not the Taresa you said!"

Thrall also found something wrong at this time, and he shook his head quickly: "Sorry, I think I made the mistake of confessing to the wrong person, she is indeed not Taresa."

And Jaina glanced at this orc strangely-a rather different guy, who seemed not so rude and spoke the common language well.

After this episode, everyone gathered to discuss what to do next.

"Do you have any news about the Great Devil?" Zuifeng asked first, "I want to confirm who is the leader of this invasion."

"According to some fishing boats in Kul Tiras, a huge demon left the west coast of the Eastern Kingdom a few days ago and walked directly towards Kalimdor." Daelin replied after thinking about it, "Listen to the description. It's a big guy, tens of meters high, blue, with an octopus beard."

"Oh?" Zuifeng raised his and then glanced at Illidan, "This is our old acquaintance, Archimonde!"

"Archimonde?" Dai Lin obviously hadn't heard the name. "How strong is this demon?"

"Very tough." Zuifeng shook his head, "Do you know the power of Neptune? Archimonde is stronger than Neptune."

When Drunk Wind said that, Dai Lin was startled, but then shook his head amusedly: "But according to the description of the fishing boat, he is not fast. It will take at least two months to swim to Kalimdor like this... …"

"..." Suddenly, Drunk Wind didn't know what to say. Thanks to Archimonde who had not enough brains to summon, his choice to swim through the endless sea gave the oath a long time.

"Then we can ignore Archimonde's problem for the time being. What we have to pay attention to now are those endless undead natural disasters and Arthas-and Kil'jaeden that may come."


Five is over! (To be continued.)

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