Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 267: Gilneas counterattack

Two days later, when Jaina and Krasus rushed back to Fenmu Village with a large amount of red dragon potions, all they saw were the ruins of a fire. network

The shocked Jaina found Arthas and asked what was going on, but Arthas explained everything together.

"The demon named Mal'Ganis escaped, but I finally found a clue. It is in the town of Bell in the east of Lordaeron. There is the devil's base camp. I must end the demon, for me and for the dead in Fenmu Village. ."

Kraths was completely speechless at this time. He didn't understand why he left so many potions, but he still couldn't save the villagers in Fenmu Village.

Arthas was really too anxious—his eager revenge made the villagers of Fenmu Village suffer this catastrophe for nothing.

"His Royal Highness, don't you realize the problem? You are being led by the nose by the devil now!" Krasus frowned, "He calculated your impatience and deceived the potion in your hand. Now if you are going to that town, I am afraid you will fall into a new trap."

"I am not afraid of traps, and even I am no longer afraid of death-I sometimes wonder if I can die with the devil to wash away my shame." Arthas raised his warhammer, "I will Be responsible for my actions, but before that, I will complete my revenge!"

When a person is not even afraid of death, it is already difficult to convince him-Krasus found that he had nothing to say for a moment.

And Anna looked at Arthas blankly, tears streaming down her cheeks slowly, at this moment, she felt as if she was about to lose her lover.


What happened in Fenmu Village soon spread throughout the Eastern Kingdom.

The one who responded most violently to this was Silver Hand, and the other was Gilneas.

The Silver Hand thought that Arthas's behavior was wrong, and they couldn't believe that a Paladin who insisted on justice would do such a frantic thing.

And Gilneas is because the grave village was once his territory, and the villagers are their relatives.

In order to build the Greymane Wall. King Jean gave up a piece of land in the Silver Pine Forest—and Fenmu Village was a part of it. Therefore, many people living in Gilneas still have inextricably linked relations with the villagers of Tomb Village.

But now Fenmu Village was slaughtered by Alsace. In this case, Gilneas could not sit still.

King Jean issued a public statement that he thought Alsace had already. Later, he pointed the finger at Terenas Menethil, King of Lordaeron. Said that it was because of Terenas' ambition that all these tragedies occurred.

After issuing the statement, the angry Greymane even led the army and walked down the Greymane Wall!

Lost the cover of Lordaeron’s army, the black cable group was beaten to lose their armor and their armor, and a large number of their machinery became Gilneas’ trophies. The angry black cable demanded compensation from Terenas, but was forked out of the palace by the guards. .

In this case, Dalaran, Stormwind City, Kul Tiras and even the Silver Hand all turned their suspicion on Lordaeron.

No way, the prince slaughtering a large number of villagers is too eye-catching.

After discovering that the situation was beyond his control, Terenas decided to sell Kel'Thuzad directly.

So he announced some experimental sites of Kel'Thuzad, hoping to clear up his suspicions and let everyone focus on Kel'Thuzad. Of course, in order not to mix himself in, he just said that there are some unknown people. Experiment so that even if Kel'Thuzad bites back, he can insist that Kel'Thuzad is holding a grudge.

But he didn't know that Kel'Thuzad had collected all the evidence. As a result, whether Dalaran or Silver Hand, the investigators they sent found nothing after exploring.

Terenas was embarrassed now.

In this situation, in the eyes of a third party, everything is almost certainly the ghost of Terenas. And the last so-called evidence and exposure are a kind of confusing sophistry and excuse-they think Terenas has created some unnecessary evidence in an attempt to wash away his suspicion, but unfortunately this will only make Terry Nas became darker and darker.

Terenas finally felt burnt.

At this time, His Majesty the King of Lordaeron realized that he was using Kel'Thuzad, why is Kel'Thuzad using himself? Kel'Thuzad had never taken his so-called evidence to heart.

Terenas, in a cold sweat, suddenly discovered that he knew nothing about power-the consequence of being used to solving problems by political means was that, facing the intervention of powerful enemies, the situation in Lordaeron was now a mess.

In desperation, Terenas could only delay as much as possible on the one hand; on the other hand, he was waiting for Arthas' victory in Zhongzhen. As long as Arthas solved the dreadlord, then everything can be evaded to the devil.

Although it now seems that the annexation of Kyrgyzstan is no longer possible. But as long as the devil is dealt with, at least Lordaeron can put himself in the position of the victim and will not decline due to this.

Fortunately, although Gilneas had the intention to counterattack at this time, but the strength was not good. After Terenas launched the militia, Greymane and his Gilneas army were firmly blocked not far under the Greymane Wall. .

With Terenas' efforts, the Alliance finally focused its attention on the Lordaeron army led by Arthas.

At this time, this only attracted the attention of the entire league. And Alsace's army has surrounded the entire Zhongzhen.

At this time, looks like an evil boss base camp.

The hideous city wall was renovated. Various zombies and undead wandering nearby. There are even some weird giant monsters at the gate.

These giant monsters stitched together from a large number of corpses waved the hooks and knives in their hands. Guarding the gate of Zhongzhen.

Seeing this, the observers of Dalaran and the Silver Hand couldn't help but sigh. It turned out that this was the origin of everything.

And Arthas did not hesitate to attack Zhong Zhen.

Because of the participation of the devil, Krasus summoned the oaths of the Eastern Kingdoms for the first time-in this case, it was obviously no longer a civil war of humans, and the oath had to intervene.

But when the dragonflight arrived, Arthas refused to help—he insisted on defeating Mal'Ganis by himself. (To be continued.)


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