Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 258: Outbreak of ancient hatred

All this is indeed Kel'Thuzad's conspiracy. Lewen Novel Network

Through the memories of some newly trapped orcs in Dunhold Castle, Kel'Thuzad discovered the traces of Orgrim.

After that, Kel'Thuzad used some magic tricks to quietly locate Orgrim. Now the warchief has neither shaman nor warlock beside him, which makes when he faces the caster When making tricks, know nothing about everything.

When Krasus was looking for evidence of his own research on spiritism, Kel'Thuzad decisively exposed Orgrim.

This time is nothing short of a draw.

The Orc War has been nearly ten years in the past. Although the hatred is still there, the people have rarely mentioned it—even some Paladins have begun to call for the orcs not to be generalized.

But Orgrim's exposure sharpened the whole question.

Because, for humans, Orgrim has committed countless crimes and must be judged.

But for the orcs, Orgrim is a great chief and a great hero.

Against this background, no one would care about the accusation of an orc fugitive—even if he was the son of an orc named Durotan.

After all, Durotan was still Orgrim's friend.

Even Fording has been implicated. If the trial is conducted again now, the old Fording may be sentenced directly.

The Kul Tiras navy quickly dispatched, and densely packed warships directly blocked the east coast of Arathi Highlands.

Lordaeron mobilized almost all the hounds, and the heavily armed soldiers carried the hounds to conduct a carpet search.

The Dalaran magician who is good at prophecy school also began to try to locate Orgrim. Although the predictions he got were vague, he was not afraid-we had enough people.


Orgrim's life is very difficult.

It can even be said to be extremely sad-especially recently.

I don't know when, his traces were exposed, and a large number of humans came nearby and began to chase and intercept themselves.

Many years of escape life made Orgrim calm, but also gave him more time to think. He finally clarified his thoughts and understood that he and his tribe were played by warlocks and demons.

He was tired of the days of hiding in Tibet. He longed to die on the battlefield in glory, holding the hammer of destruction, fighting several times the enemy, and fell into a pool of blood.

But Orgrim could not do this.

He is still the great chieftain of all the orcs. The orcs have not yet escaped the curse of the devil, and their obligations have not yet been fulfilled.

Perhaps for an orc, it is very simple to end his life with death in battle, but it is the most rare to live with honour because of responsibility-at least it proves that the orc has a brain...

Thinking of all the young orcs he knew, Orgrim sighed helplessly.

No one can replace himself.

The older guys may be able to, but they continue to cut the chains of hatred with humans, and the orcs still want to hide.


There was a barking dog in the distance.

Orgrim sprang out from behind the mound, quickly slipped into the forest under the cover of the bushes, and ran towards the southeast.

The wide soles made it possible that even if he weighed more than twice an adult, he would not leave too deep footprints on the sand, and Orgrim covered his tracks while advancing.

The palms were covered with deer blood, and then the faint footprints were erased. Wild deer were everywhere in the Arathi Highlands. In this case, the dog behind could not chase too far.

He had already dismissed all the guards, and was alone at this moment. As for those who did not want to leave, Orgrim stunned them one by one, and then ordered them to be carried away.

Anyway, the goal of mankind is himself, so why bother to the people? What's more, it is more convenient for one person after all.

"Not far in front should be the territory of the troll."

Thinking of those former allies, Orgrim was also a little helpless, the tribe was defeated, and the relationship between the troll and the orcs became worse.

"Forget it, don't go to the troll anymore. The Horde needs allies."

At this moment, Orgrim knew that if he found the troll now, he would undoubtedly harm the troll, and the human beings who were chasing after him would not let the troll go-whether they helped him or not.

Thinking of this, Orgrim smiled self-deprecatingly—when did he learn to be so careless? If it was in Draenor, even if everything was figured out now, I am afraid I would still wield the Hammer of Doom and fight the humans to death and death.

who cares! Orgrim changed direction and ran to the east.

Although there is no future in sight, this orc warrior is still willing to wait.

As long as he can hold it, Orgrim is willing to do his best for his people.

The sky became gloomy, and a heavy rain saved Orgrim-the heavy rain concealed all his traces, and all the trackers temporarily withdrew to the camp.

But Orgrim knew that after the rain, he would face the most severe test-by then, his traces would be unobstructed on the muddy ground!

"If I really can't leave, I'm afraid I can only hand over the Chief to Grom. Unfortunately, Grom is still a little impulsive.

Taking off his armor, looking up at the sky quietly, Orgrim let the cold rain wet his strong body, opened his mouth, and a **** rain flowed into his throat.


Helpless old Fording, Thrall, and Eitrigg bid farewell to Krasus and returned to Kul Tiras.

Now Dalaran is a dangerous place for the orcs, and the hatred between humans and the orcs is raised again, and the result is that they have nothing to do now.

Although Krasus's asylum can be used for them, it is only asylum.

After returning to Kul Tiras, Logosh proposed to take Thrall to Drek'tal.

"I want you to know how a real orc should live."

These words of Logosh moved Thrall-he was used to seeing the haunting companions in the concentration camp, but he did not want to believe that this was what an orc was like, although even Taresa admitted that she had seen an orc It's all true.

After leaving the letter to Dalin, a small boat carried Thrall, Old Fording, Eitrigg, and Rogosh out of Kul Tiras and headed north to Northrend.

Their goal is Howling Fjord, where Thrall will meet his relatives, people, and--

"He will become a shaman." Rogosh was secretly happy in his heart, "young but wise enough, strong and peaceful, I believe Thrall must be a real shaman-an orc Shaman born in Azeroth. full."

On the small boat, Thrall looked excitedly at the sea, feeling extremely excited. (To be continued.)

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