Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 252: Big bang

The inverted maelstrom above the Well of Eternity is finally fully formed.

Under the action of the law of space, countless demons began to stand unstable, and were sucked in by the maelstrom and sent back to the twisting void.

The energy of the magic circle prepared for summoning Sargeras is so huge when it reverses. The energy provided by countless innocent night elf souls has caused all things that do not belong to this world to be rejected-even The devil's body was sucked into the maelstrom.

And Ravencrest, Malfurion, Maiev, and Tyrande waited for the rebels who knew their inner situation to tears.

"Ilidan made it!"

"The demons are all driven out!"

"We have won!"

On the contrary, almost all of the upper elves fell to the ground. It seemed that the demons he relied on had been driven out by the unknown great power of the resistance army, and he seemed to be defeated.

Just when the demon was expelled, Illidan suddenly found that the well water in the Well of Eternity seemed to be boiling.

The magical water of the well began to bubble, and then the whole land began to tremble, and in the Well of Eternity, another whirlpool was slowly taking shape.

"not good!"

Illidan began to stand unstable.

"You must leave now!"

Thinking of this, Illidan began to call out Drunk Wind, but there was no response.

The ground had been cracked open, and Illidan flew into the air with his wings flapping, looking privately.

In the palace, there are frightened and scurrying maids, where is the shadow of drunk wind!

In desperation, Illidan could only fly away from here, flying towards the outside of Jin Azshara.


At the same time, Vaschi, who was desperate, finally returned to Azshara.

"Vashj, what is going on? Why is the earth trembling?"

"Master Illidan, he..."

"What happened to Illidan?"

"Master Illidan betrayed us..."

"What?" Azshara was shocked, "How dare he? He actually!"

"Your Majesty, it's not time for us to hold accountable. I'm afraid there is something wrong with the Well of Eternity..."

Before the words fell, the walls of the palace began to peel off, and the marble floor tiles began to crack in large areas. It seemed that something bad was about to happen.


Vashj who tried to support Azshara was slapped directly on the face.

"Go away! Go find your traitor!"

But as soon as he finished the fight, Azshara realized his mistake, and he was betrayed by Illidan. Wasn't Vaschi?

But the queen's reservedness wouldn't make her apologize, but she didn't break away from Vasiqi's support again.

The Well of Eternity began to accumulate energy sharply, such a huge amount of energy, even the rebels outside the city were aware of it.

"No! Retreat!"

The rebels on all sides began to retreat, trying to stay away from Jin Azshara.

It was also at this time that Queen Azshara's voice resounded throughout the city of Jin Azshara.

"Everyone comes to my palace to gather, and I will protect everyone in this great change."

The upper elves began to march towards Azshara's palace. In the process, with the Well of Eternity as the center, the earth finally began to crack, a gorge gradually formed, and many unlucky ones fell directly into the depths of the ground.

The huge canyon began to spread towards the periphery of Jin Azshara-thanks to the enchantment the queen used to protect the city, this enchantment gave the rebels time to react, allowing them to retreat quickly and leave this terrifying city.

When they retreated, Illidan also found his brother.

Looking at Illidan who had turned into a demon, Malfurion unexpectedly hugged him directly.

"Welcome back, my brother, our great hero."

But Illidan was silent.

"What's the matter?" Malfurion frowned. "Didn't you succeed? You are our hero now!"

"No..." Illidan sighed, "Actually, Drunk Wind is the hero... He wounded Sargeras and gave me the last time. Without him, I am afraid that Sargeras has come... …"

Hearing what Illidan said, Malfurion fell silent.

"Drunk Wind left like this, leaving me only a guard and a letter..."

"Wait a minute, a letter!" Illidan suddenly reacted, "Maybe Drunk Wind has made arrangements!"

Just as Illidan withdrew the letter of Drunken Wind from the guard of Azzinoth's Warglaive, in Azshara's palace, the once light in the light was on the verge of despair.

The Well of Eternity exploded.

But this explosion was not the kind of explosion that erupted, but a strange collapse.

The collapsed Well of Eternity turned into a maelstrom, tearing everything apart, and the Palace of Azshara, which was just around the Well of Eternity, was even more affected.

After summoning all the surviving high-level elves, Azshara arranged a magical shield for her palace. She did her best without reservation, which made the entire palace preserved in the face of the tearing of the well of eternity.

But Azshara herself became increasingly unable to support it.

She has lost contact with the Well of Eternity, she has lost the favor of the world of Azeroth, and she is no longer the light of the light.

At the last moment, the queen was finally willing to fulfill her responsibilities, hoping to protect her followers with her life.

However, under the torn of the maelstrom, the entire Golden Azshara has reached the sea level, and the turbulent sea is overflowing. Azshara found that his persistence seems to have limited effect-it is a matter of time to be swallowed by the sea!

At this time, a voice appeared in Azshara's ear.

" your...followers--give you...more powerful...power..."

"But...I need you... to surrender to...I—for...I..."

The intermittent voice was but Azshara could not take care of these anymore.

"I promise you, I am willing to surrender!"

Azshara couldn't hold it anymore, the last shield broke, the sea water poured in, and in the midst of it, Azshara felt extremely cold, dark and slippery...

The well-prepared rebels had already withdrawn for a long time at this time. Although the ground is still rupturing and the rifts are still spreading, the speed has been much slower-at least the spreading speed is slower than walking, and it can always Avoid it.

Malfurion and Illidan carefully read the letter left by Drunk Wind, and then their expressions became extremely exciting...


The remaining third watch is at night, and the drunk wind is about to return. (To be continued.)

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