Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 250: 3rd party in the shadow

Facing Vasiqi's doubts, Illidan finally gritted his teeth and nodded. @乐@文@小@说|

"Why..." Illidan's affirmation made Vasiqi distraught, "Obviously you are my hero..."

Looking at Vaschi, who was tearful, Illidan remembered a joke that Zuifeng told himself.

"I'm sorry, I am a hero." These words suddenly blurted out, "It's just that I am the hero of this world-when the devil comes, this world needs a hero."

"Leave here, Vaschi, although I want to expel the devil, I don't want to hurt you—you go to Azshara, no matter what, I believe she can guarantee your safety."

Speaking, Illidan lifted Vasiqi's shackles.

Vaschi, who was regaining freedom, didn't say much, but took a deep look at Illidan, then turned around and left slowly.

High in the sky, the inverted maelstrom gradually took shape, and many demons had already felt that something was wrong. It seemed that the world had begun to reject themselves!

This is not good news!

Just as Illidan was about to be done, Drunk Wind suddenly screamed in Azzinoth's Warblade Gauntlets behind him.

"Ilidan be careful!"

When Illidan heard the words, he subconsciously flashed, and a shadow arrow was inserted in the position he had just been.

"Yeah, the response is very quick."

Not far away, a Sartre appeared.


Illidan was shocked. He didn't expect Harves to appear here-don't look at this guy's bad appearance, but anyway, after all, he has been transformed by Sargeras!

Although Illidan has the confidence to feel Harves easily, he still has to preside over the magic circle now, as long as Harves drags him down, after the devil reacts, everything will fall short!

Unfortunately, the magic circle can no longer be stopped.

In the critical moment, Drunk Wind finally manifested his value.

Suddenly a pandaman appeared in front of Harves-although it looked a little ethereal, it was the soul of a real pandaman...

After blinking, Harves finally confirmed that this was indeed a soul.

"No wonder - I said how the legendary nympho, Illidan, has transformed, and I also know that hooking up the maid, it turns out that there is someone else behind!"

It's a pity that Illidan was busy presiding over the circle and ignored him at all.

"Soul state?" Seeing that the language could not interfere with Illidan, Harves began to turn to Drunk Wind. "Although I am not as good at playing with souls as those warlocks, but you are a Pandaren, I don't think it is..."

"What nonsense, look at the boxing (╬ ̄ bowl ̄)=○#( ̄#) ̄

Before Harves finished speaking, Drunk Feng rushed forward and punched his ugly face.

Harves was still triumphantly grind, never expected that the soul could beat people, and was knocked to the ground with a punch by Drunk Wind.

Subsequently, Harves' body collapsed.

Just when Zuifeng looked at his fist strangely, Illidan spoke.

"Leave him alone, Sargeras cursed him when he was resurrected. Now no matter how slight the injury is, his body will collapse. Go and see around..."

Before Illidan could finish speaking, Harves had already stood up, this time he was no longer rickety, and he seemed to be more energetic.

Illidan was slapped in the face and felt so embarrassed. Azshara had said that Harves had been punished for two-sided and three-sided, but why did it seem that nothing happened this time?

"Hahaha." Harves laughed up to the sky, "Do you think I will do what Sargeras' lackeys do? You are too naive. You don't know how powerful a existence is in this world, I really The master not only reshaped my body, but also gave me many other powers!"

"And you ignorant mortals, you don't even know the master's greatness! This world will be swallowed by the shadows, and you will definitely..."

"Stop, tell me who your master is, Yogg-Saron or N'Zoth?"

The question that Zuifeng suddenly asked made Harves a crowing **** whose throat was pinched-Zuifeng touched his nose. It feels so good to forcibly stop others from acting!

"No, how can you know the name of the master! This is impossible!"

Harvis became a little hysterical as he reacted, and he started attacking Drunk Wind like a mad dog.

Unfortunately, his attack was completely ineffective.

"Trash!" A voice suddenly appeared in everyone's hearts, "Harves, you really are a trash!"

Perceiving the voice of the ancient god, Harvez fell directly to his knees and began to cry.

"Master, I can, they are not my opponent at all..."

It's a pity that his master obviously didn't give him a chance. After a weird twitch, Harves' eyes and breath have changed.

"The fragile body--but it's enough to clean you up, Pandaren!"

Following the words of "Harves", a large number of twisted shots grew out of his body, and in a blink of an eye he was completely unrecognizable.


Drunk Feng was shocked. He really didn't expect that N'Zoth could come in such a short period of time-Titan's prison is all tofu, right?

"Mortal, you really know me. It seems that you are more interesting than I thought. Then, would you like to come under my command?"

Obviously, the content is absurd, but to N'Zoth, it seems to be the world's most reasonable.

"Zhan Enlightenment Meditation!"

Drunk Feng with a headache sat directly on the ground, his five hearts turned to the sky, and he began to fight against N'Zoth's broken thoughts.

"Interestingly, the last time I saw this situation was when I was fighting Y'Shaarj-it seems that the dead ghost has brought you an incredible wealth."

"Unfortunately this is useless, you still have to die."

"I think Sargeras must really want to deal with the betrayer himself-of course, and the little **** who bewitched the betrayer."

"Jie Jie Jie."

N'Zoth, who had become a tentacle monster, began to cast spells on Illidan quickly relaxed the movement in his hand, the sky inverted vortex no longer grew, but a huge portal It began to appear slowly.

On the other side of the portal, an extremely palpitating breath was slowly approaching.

"Drunk, think of a way, that's Sargeras, if he comes, we're all over!"

"I know Sargeras better than you, although I don't know what kind of madness N'Zoth is driving, but let me solve this problem in the end!"

"Ilidan, you must seize the opportunity!"

"Also, in the gap between your egg knife guard, I left a letter, take a look when you have time!"

"I'm going!"


Five is over! Drunk Wind will face Sargeras tomorrow! (To be continued.)

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