Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 243: The legend of a warrior (five/five)

The departure of Agamagan and Mannoroth caught everyone off guard, but the battle still continued. @乐@文@小@说|

To everyone's expectations, it was not Aviana and Goldrinn who seemed to be crushed to complete the task first, but Hu En.

Huen Gaoling, the great chieftain of the tauren, he ended the state of splitting the tauren and brought all the tauren together into a unified and powerful tribe.

When Malfurion summoned reinforcements, Hu En, who had witnessed the demon's actions, also led the Tauren warriors into the battle.

Although the Tauren had just been unified and the number of soldiers was scarce, this time Hu En brought a small number of reinforcements, but when they went into battle, everyone was refreshed.

Years of fighting have made these tauren skilled in their skills. When facing the devil, they were awe-inspiring. The totem pole and spear in their hands caused huge damage to the devil.

And Hoon is undoubtedly the most dazzling one.

Hu En, holding the spear of the eagle, rushed forward, and was the first one to enter the Dreadlord. His only target was Tichondrius.

The tall Hu En is very eye-catching in the battlefield. He has pigtails all over his head, and each one represents a powerful enemy he defeated. The eagle spear in his hand is extremely sharp, and a piece of animal skin is wrapped at the junction of the spear head and the spear body, and it is densely written with blessings and his brilliant achievements.

Hu En is a warrior who attaches great importance to glory, and in his opinion, defeating the demon named Tichondrius can obtain supreme glory!

Hoon’s idea is very correct.

When he really faced the dreadlord, he was so excited that his muscles were shaking slightly!

Such a powerful breath!

At this moment, Hoon decided that this opponent was worth fighting!

At this time, Tichondrius was also very surprised by the guy in front of him. Although he looked rustic, his aura was already the pinnacle of a mortal.

Of course, since the Dreadlord was not good at hand-to-hand combat, Tichondrius' first reaction was to confuse him with words.

"Tauren, I am honored to know you-I admit that you are a very powerful fighter. Why do you fight against the Legion?" Tichondrius smiled hypocritically, "The Burning Legion needs a powerful fighter like you. To conquer everything."

Hu En was unmoved, wielding the spear of the eagle and began to charge Tichondrius.

Tichondrius was not in a hurry. After carefully observing Hu En, he concluded that the tauren in front of him valued honor, so he began to try to confuse him from a different angle.

"Tauren, if you join the Burning Legion, your name will resound in all realms, and countless lives will tremble because of your presence. At that time, your people will be proud of you!"

Tichondrius used the unique hypnotic method of the Dreadlord, and kept bewitching Hu En. His tongue was blooming, and he described a glorious future for Hu En. In his mouth, it seemed that Hu En could become the master of all realms by turning around and fighting for the Burning Legion.

If Tichondrius faced someone else, maybe his bewitching would really work. Unfortunately, Hoon didn't seem to hear it.

When Tichondrius dodges left and right, Hu En is also carefully observing the habit of the big bat in front of him, predicting the opponent’s next move. The superb skills honed in many battles make Hu En’s attack more and more Fatal, Tichondrius can no longer maintain his calm appearance now!

"damn it!"

Tichondrius was finally frustrated. He found that the stupid cow in front of him was like a rock in a pit, smelly and hard. He only knew that he charged with a spear and charged again, and the faster he charged.

"Since you don't want to serve for the Legion, then you will be destroyed by the Legion!"

The unbearable Tichondrius finally began to fight back, and between waving his hands, he summoned a large swarm of rotten bees, and various weird bugs rushed towards Hu En with their stench.

Facing the terrible rotten bee colony, Hu En still chose to charge and rushed over quickly.

After a momentary stench, a few bugs bit Hu En's body.

But this not only failed Hu En to back down, it aroused his fighting spirit!

When Tichondrius raised his hand for the second time to summon the rotten bee swarm, Hu En, who had been prepared, trampled the ground severely.

"War trampled!"

The strong anti-joint hind legs with **** hoofs slammed heavily on the ground, and the unexpected shock directly interrupted Tichondrius's spellcasting!

This interruption made Tichondrius' heart sink.

What a keen sense of fighting!

The dreadlord summons the rotten bee swarm only needs to gently raise his hand, but with such a hand, Hu En seized the opportunity!

Hu En, who has mastered the initiative, is not forgiving, and is directly a set of combo punches!

The haunting eagle's spear is elusive every blow like an antelope hangs its horns. And after clarifying the dreadlord's combat thinking, Hu En completely controlled the battle!

In this case, any of Tichondrius’s spellcasting movements becomes extremely difficult, as long as he wants to raise his hand, he will be interrupted. The Dreadlord has never been so suffocated!

"Jie Jie Jie..." The helpless Tichondrius had no choice but to transform into a group of bats, leaving the battle briefly, and then reappearing not far away.

Relying on this little gap, the Dreadlord finally summoned Hellfire before Hu En charged to his side again.

Facing the fel hellfire falling from the sky, Hoon took a step back wisely—then he found that under the cover of hellfire, Tichondrius began to chant a spell.

The strange shadows began to gather, and Hu En frowned.

It seemed that the dreadlord seemed determined to use these two stone men to hold him down, and then used a powerful spell to solve the battle.

And I really couldn't solve these two Stone Men for a while-the point is that the Stone Men obviously can't stun them!

But Hu En showed a bright smile.

"I have dealt with the shaman many times-how to attack the shaman protected by the earth element, I am the most experienced!"

After Hu En took a deep breath, ignored the hellfire's interception and rushed towards Tichondrius.

"Stupid!" Tichondrius was disdainful, "Fel Hellfire is not something you can impulsively move!"

But the next moment, the dreadlord's eyes widened.

Hu En suddenly jumped before the Fel Hellfire! Where he exerted his force, the earth split like a spider web, and two Fel Hellfires fell directly into the ground-and Hu En flew over their heads and fell directly in front of Tichondrius!

"Thunder blow!"

The dizzy dreadlord had to stop the spell.

Then Tichondrius lost consciousness before he woke up.

At the next moment, Cenarius, who was casting the Rain of Tranquility, was surprised to find that Huen Gaoling was holding the head of a dreadlord excitedly and roaring loudly.

"Tichondrius has died under my hand!" (To be continued.)

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