Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 241: Peace and No War on the Eastern Front (Wednesday/Friday)

Just as the rebels on the west were desperately delaying time, the rebels on the east were also desperate-just desperately on their way.

The importance of the drunk wind is fully revealed at this time. He can go between the emerald dream and reality in his soul state, and it is easy to drive directly in the dream. With time distortion, use these two points, the western and eastern lines. You can get news from each other thousands of miles away.

Although relying on a fixed teleportation circle, Azshara's armies can also transmit messages to each other, but the efficiency is completely incomparable to Drunken Wind!

On the way, Ravencrest has been thinking about what Illidan has done-from the current point of view, he did go undercover and brought back a lot of internal information about the Burning Legion, but Ravencrest was strangely , Why does he pass the news to Maiev every time?

Obviously two people dislike each other!

Well, in fact, Drunk Wind just doesn’t want more people to know about his existence. So far, only Illidan, Maiev, Malfurion, Cenarius, Malorne, Fandral and Yi know him. Sera.

The drunken caution caused a misunderstanding to Ravencrest. He felt that there was some close relationship between Illidan and Maiev.


Unlike Ravencrest, Varoson's life was very difficult at this time.

The guy he hated the most was getting closer and closer to Queen Azshara, which filled his heart with nameless jealousy.

Fortunately, Illidan was injured recently, and it was said that he had something to do with the queen's maid, which made Varoson's mood a lot better.

——After all, with the maid, you can’t get involved with the queen!

That's right, Varothen really dreamed of being able to be with Queen Azshara. Although Azshara was all over the country, most of the night elves, including the high-level elves who served her, did not dare to blaspheme against her.

However, Varoson and Harves are two guys with impure goals. They always dream of being the guest of Queen Azshara.

Thinking of Harves, Varoson felt even better.

Although he besieged the Black Raven Fortress and failed to assassinate Ravencrest, his other competitor, Harvey, besieged Mount Hyjal and assassinated Malfurion ushered in an even worse failure-at this time Varoson finally I found that the best way to improve your mood after failure is for someone to be worse than you. If this person is your enemy, the effect is better!

After all, love rivals are also enemies.

Had it not been for the great Sargeras, maybe he would never have to worry about Harves again!

"Master Sargeras..."

At this time, Varoson still didn’t know what his queen had made. If he knew that Azshara wanted to be Sargeras’s partner, it is estimated that the captain of the guard might collapse on the spot and met Sargeras. After resurrecting Harves as a brand-new creature, Varoson had already admired this great existence.

As the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front, Varoson was absent-minded, and his upper-level elves were all negligent.

Although Azshara no longer offered sacrifices to the Highborne after obtaining the Demon Soul, there were already many poor souls in the city of Jin Azshara as nourishment. Although Azshara no longer sacrifices the upper elves, and explained that the dead are all rice worms who are not worthy of sharing the glory of the kingdom, but the remaining upper elves are not fools, and everyone has their own careful thoughts.

This is also the reason why Varothen is not taking the initiative to attack. Without the support of the devil, these high-level elves with their own thoughts want to fight Black Raven Fortress? too difficult!

Thanks to the high-level elves who opened one eye and closed the other, the forcible march of the Eastern Front Rebels was not hindered.

Fifteen days after the departure, the resistance army appeared not far from the city of Jin Azshara.

This time their news couldn't be kept secret, and even Queen Azshara was alarmed.

"Varousin! I am very disappointed in you! I don't ask you to fight back against the rebels in Black Rook Fort, but you just watched them besieging my capital like this?"

Varoson was sprayed with dog blood, but he could only do nothing. After leaving the palace, he put on his armor, pulled up the last soldiers and demons among Jin Azshara, and boarded the city wall.

According to Drunk Wind’s plan, Ravencrest’s siege seemed to be thunderous, but the actual raindrops were small. This gave Varoson a very serious illusion that he thought Ravencrest’s soldiers were tired.

As a result, the excited Varosen boldly launched a surprise attack, sending a team of elite magicians to rely on digging tunnels to attack the rebel camp.

Varosen’s purpose is very clear. It is still Ravencrest. Years of dealings have made him understand how strong Ravencrest’s commanding ability is. Varosen believes that without Ravencrest, the rebels are nothing but soil. Chicken dog!

But he didn't know that there were earth spirits in the resistance...

As soon as Varothen's mages had just started to dig tunnels, the Earthling had already discovered them.

And when the wizards finally "break out of the ground", they found themselves in a tragedy.

According to the information given by Turing, the Resistance Army had already been waiting at the tunnel exit!

So on the second day, Varoson finally knew why the mages who had high hopes of the rebellion last night did not move.

The mage **** into zongzi became the object of wanton ridicule by the rebels, which caused the morale of the queen's guard on the wall to drop!

Although Varosen was gritted with, there was nothing he could do!

After the sneak attack failed, Varoson no longer tried to attack. Now he can only defend on the wall honestly. This will make the resistance army unable to start. Although according to the plan, the initial task of the eastern resistance has been achieved. If nothing happens, the devil will surely come back!

As early as when the Eastern Front Rebels approached Jin Azshara, Drunk Wind informed Malfurion to prepare.

Unlike the "peace" east line, the west line has been playing endlessly for half a month!

The demons who were also holding the time-delayed mind fought a "tacit battle" with the rebels.

The daily routine of the Western Front is: in the morning, the demon attack, the Resistance Army will defend long-rangely, and then the Resistance Army will send one or two demigods to countercharge, and then rescue after being trapped; in the afternoon, Malorne singles out Archimonde and fights. At night, the two sides will retreat and fight again tomorrow.

And when the rebels knew that the devil was about to retreat, they rarely launched an active offensive-the devil should not be allowed to retreat easily, otherwise the rebels on the eastern front would be unable to resist, there is no tree of the world there! (To be continued.)

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