Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 12: Monthly update instructions (must read!!!)


It has been more than two months since I wrote this book unknowingly, and it will be on the shelves at 12 noon today. ~~щww~suimеng~lā

This is good news-the author will have a small amount of money to buy delicious food next month.

In fact, when this book just started, the author was really based on his own interests. As a kid who writes micro-fiction in college entrance examination composition, although he studied engineering for four years in university, he still likes to tell stories from his heart.

When the station was short and the author was told to sign a contract, that was the first time the author thought about whether to write this down as his main business. After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to give it a try.

Then came the lengthy revision and arrangement of the outline.

The first time I came into contact with Blizzard was in elementary school. The Frozen Throne of war3 just appeared, and I almost became addicted to it. At that time, the author was a pure handcuff + elementary school student, but it did not prevent me from driving the "whosyourdaddy" to experience the establishment of Dolot, the tide of terror, the curse of blood elves, and the relics of the cursed.

When I was in junior high school, the emperor was crowned champion, and the author discussed Towerrush and Heaven and Earth Twin Ghosts with my friends after class, bought it, and even read the description of the game with relish.

It was the summer vacation of high school graduation to officially come to World of Warcraft. The Mystery of Pandaren was launched. A little Pandaren shaman left the Wandering Island with the dream of saving the world and embarked on an unknown journey.

In a blink of an eye, World of Warcraft has gone from 5.0 to 7.0, the footman has become the leader, the point card has also become a monthly card/season card, and the friends and thighs that I knew from the Mogu Mountain and Yongchuntai period are slowly gone. Only the author Jun is still in Azeroth against the Burning Legion, but he has no orange...

Many times I think, if it weren't for gameplay, what would happen if I came to Azeroth?

This is the original intention of this novel-put yourself into that world and tell a legend with the worldview of that world.

Azeroth does not have Long Aotian, and the invincible one of us died at the hands of the Burning Legion; Luo Chenggong wanted to protect his people from the dead; our world Sa could only go home and hug his children...

The author is a research party. After deciding to write a book well, he spends a lot of time every day reading original novels, browsing maps, and doing tasks. I hope I can show you an authentic Azeroth story.

The fan fiction of World of Warcraft is not easy to write, one after another in the palace-but the author is confident to finish this and tell the story of Drunken Wind!

Book friends who are worried about the collapse of the book, don’t worry, the outline of the book is complete, and the end is ready, don’t worry, it is not a tragedy; the book friends who are worried about my own palace also don’t worry, one who is willing to postpone the shelves for more than half a month for recommendation How could the author give up easily!

Okay, I've talked a lot, but it looks like I'm talking to myself... Next, let's go dry, about the update!

After being put on the shelves, the three shifts every day will resume. Of course, there has been an outbreak in the past few days!

In addition, a single million rewards plus more!

The monthly ticket is added to the top 20 of the classification, and each liter increases by one!

Each plus one thousand plus more for collection!

The author is determined to be full-time, and will never delay!

Warcraft novels are not easy to write, I hope you can support me!

Tomorrow noon, the outbreak will begin!

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