Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 23: Question of demigod style

After the tauren settled down in Coke Valley and Lie Sun Stone Residence, Drunk Wind remembered Zalta's instructions, so he said goodbye to Kane Bloodhoof, took Zalta's heart, and rode the can to Ashenvale .

At this time, Ashenvale has no demons wandering around, and no orcs are deforestation. The entire gloomy forest valley is full of tranquility and peace. This atmosphere is deeply infected by the drunk wind and makes him fly in a hurry. Hurrying, instead of walking, he walked slowly along the Stone Claw Path to the depths of Ash Gulch.

   Not right! Murderous!

   Zuifeng stopped suddenly, and found that there were only a few fawns around him gnawing on the dry grass, not even beasts. But the physical instincts cultivated in the long-term battle are clearly reminding Drunk Wind that he is locked.

   "In Ashenvale at this time, the only one who can lock me is probably the night elf sentry, right?" Thinking of this, Drunk Wind raised his hands simply.

"Is it the sentinel of the night elves? My name is Drunk Wind, Drunk Wind Ironpaw, and I am a Pandaren. I have no ill intentions. I am instructed by Zalta, the son of Cenarius, to come to Cenarius, the guardian of the jungle. of."

Not far in front of   , the space seemed a little distorted, and then several night elves holding bows and arrows appeared.

"Stranger, although I am willing to believe your words, I hope you'd better stand still and wait for our captain to come and confirm." The leading female night elf smiled stiffly, as if she wanted to release Goodwill, but the bow and arrow in his hand is still aimed at Drunk Wind.

   Drunk Wind didn’t think it was too disgusting. This team of sentinels seemed to be novices. The action of holding bows and arrows was more tense than guarding. The murderousness he showed before might be more hopeful that he would retreat.

   Soon, the captain of this group of sentries arrived.

Captain    is an older male night elf, with thick, dark green hair, wearing a wallet, holding a staff in his hand-looks like a druid.

When I saw the druid, Drunk Wind basically had a bottom, because Cenarius was the first trainer of the druid. Before the War of the Ancients, the current Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage was The follower Cenarius practices the way of the druid, and this druid should have a way to contact Cenarion.

   Sure enough, after Drunk Wind explained his intention, the druid named Rios Deerhoof simply agreed to Drunk Wind’s request.

"Master Cenarius is treating the injured animals with the druids in the small house in the forest. The winter is coming too early this year. Many animals in Ashenvale are not ready for the winter, so we have to help them. So as not to be too difficult for them this winter."

   Zuifeng nodded to indicate his understanding, this abnormal weather also disrupted his plan, or else he had already followed the tauren to Mulgore.

Soon, Drunk Wind followed Rios Deerhoof to the small house in the forest. There are few buildings here, but there are very strong trees everywhere. Drunk Wind can guarantee that many of these trees must be dormant—— In other words, it is a tree man who is replenishing his energy.

  In a small residence in the forest, Drunk Wind finally met Cenarius, the son of the demigod Malorne, the guardian of the jungle, and the father of the dryad.

In fact, in the eyes of Drunk Wind, Cenarius was an embarrassing demigod. On the one hand, he did not have the strength to approach the true **** as powerful as his father, the white stag, Malorne; on the other hand, he was also drunk by the demon. The legendary blood warrior Gromash Hellscream was hacked to death; the most embarrassing thing was that when the Legion came back, he was corrupted...

  Well, facing this druid godfather who is good at giving birth, and who is at the bottom of the demigod in other aspects, Drunk Wind's heart is not as respectful as he looks on the surface.

   "Pandaren, welcome to Ashenvale, please explain your intentions."

"Honorable demigod Cenarius, my name is Drunk Wind Ironpaw. This time I came to accept Zalta's trust and brought his relics. He said he would take his heart to Ashenvale, Hand it to you."

   Hearing the word "relic", Cenarius was obviously shocked.

   "That kid didn't want to come to see me when he finally dissipated, didn't he?" Cenarius couldn't help crying, "He was so stubborn to death."

   Zuifeng felt very embarrassed at this time. A demigod more than three meters tall stood in front of you and wept. You can only look up and cannot leave. This makes Zuifeng suffer.

   Finally, Cenarius sorted out his emotions and said again: "Thank you anyway, Drunk, can you tell me his last story?"

"Of course. My tauren friends and I deceived the Centaur through a series of strategies, and came to the west coast of Desolate Land, hoping to leave from the sea. Unexpectedly, the Centaur invited their mother, Princess Se of the Earth Element. Ledes, in desperation, we can only ask for help from Zalta. At this time, Zalta has been killed by a We found his soul wandering in Maraudon, and he agreed We persuaded Princess Theradras, but he finally chose to dissipate completely."

   After listening to the description of Drunk Wind, Cenarius looked very helpless, and could only end up with the heart of Zalta, quietly feeling the vitality and vitality in this beating heart.

"I misunderstood this child. I thought he had been infected by the princess of the earth elemental princess. I didn't expect the princess of the earth elemental princess to put away her temper for him. I really did not expect it. This heart is not so much dead After returning to me, it is better to prove to me that he is still that pure Zalta. No matter what, my child finally returned to me."

   Seeing Cenarius' tendency to weep again, Drunk Wind quickly retreated.

Leaving Cenarius, drunk and light, the tauren has settled down, and Zalta’s entrustment has been completed. This winter, I will simply take the can and walk around Ashenvale and enjoy the vibrant scenery. , By the way, find out if there are any new delicacies.

  Who expected that Drunk Wind was about to leave, Rios Deerhoof looked for Drunk Wind directly, saying that it was Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage who had something to look for himself.

   Malfurion Stormrage? Was the sleeping **** sleeping in the emerald dream awake? Come to find yourself? Zuifeng felt very surprised. But looking at Rios' posture, I must go this trip.

In desperation, Drunk Wind could only secretly slander the stingy demigod for help without payment (he chose to forget that he indirectly killed the demigod's son), while sitting on the horned eagle, set off to fly Go to and welcome readers to read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are available at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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