Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 217: Night watchman's assembly number

The seemingly abrupt change came so logically—Prince Farodis's prestige had gradually penetrated into the hearts of every night elf in Azsuna as early as in his usual words and deeds. 『㈧㈠┡中┡文网『⒈

For thousands of years, as a member of the upper elves, Farodis has often been incompatible with other upper elves.

He gave up the luxurious residence in Jin Azshara, and lived in Azsuna with his people; he gave up the luxury of enjoyment, and spent a lot of money to maintain the largest night elves of the Na'thalas Magic Academy; although he was A magician is never superior, and the warriors and hunters that the wizard wants to share with him in his night watch guard.

This is the charm of Farodis.

This is why when the big bell of the court of Falodis rang, even if it became a ghost, a large number of night watchmen were willing to respond to the call of the prince.

Although these ghosts were mostly complaining about their prince's betrayal of Queen Azshara at the end of their deaths, but now that part of the regained consciousness has realized who is the betrayer.

The warriors took up their weapons again, the hunters summoned their combat partners, and the mages took up their staff.

In the center of the square of the Palace of Farodis, these forces were gathered again. This time it was Prince Farodis who was holding the Tidestone who resisted Azshara, but Prince Farodis and his night watchman. force.

Ravencrest, along with Illidan and Maiev, quietly watched the dense army of elves and ghosts, feeling quite emotional.

"Ilidan, you see, this is the strength of unity." Privately, Drunk Wind taught Illidan secretly, "Only by unity, can we explode truly powerful strength."

"That's just because they are not strong enough now." Illidan curled his lips in disdain, "If Farodis can defeat Azshara, it will take so much trouble."

When Illidan said so, Zuifeng could only be helplessly silent. This is the characteristic of Illidan. He prefers to leave everything in his own hands-not to mention right or wrong, Zuifeng has always thought that this choice is a bit reluctant.

In this case, Zuifeng did not force an explanation. He believed that it was too early and he had time to change Illidan's thinking. Although he did not have the blank scroll in his hands now, Zuifeng still hugged his mouth. confidence.

Looking at the night watchman, Ravencrest had another thought in his heart.

"I don't know if there is any accident to me, the moon guards of Black Rook Fortress will be willing to assemble..."

Shaking his head, Ravencrest stopped thinking about these strange things, but began to think about the next step, quietly waiting for the assembly of the night watchman.


When the night watchman ghosts finally reorganized, Prince Farodis handed a horn to Ravencrest.

"This is the rallying call of the night watch. As long as you sound the horn in Azsuna, the night watch will respond to your call as quickly as possible."

"We are not enough to defeat Azshara. My failure made me understand that it is useless to personally act brutally. Only by unity can we defeat the enemy-it is a pity that I can no longer help you contact your comrades. Now, I will take my people and prepare for the final battle."

Ravencrest took the horn and nodded.

"Don't worry, we will find enough manpower. Azshara's behavior has incurred countless enemies for her, and these will all be our friends."

After bidding farewell to Farodis, Illidan looked at Ravencrest.

"My lord, what should we do next?"

"Go, go to Suramar-Elisand is still waiting for me to convince!"

"Suramar..." Maiev, who was walking at the end, thought secretly, "Ailisander is not such a talkative person-I hope the Grand Magister can stand with us this time."

Thinking of this, Maiev shook his head, followed Ravencrest and Illidan, and rode the Hippogryph.

The three bid farewell to the cursed Azsuna and flew east towards Suramar.


It's a pity that this thing is often good but not bad.

Elisand rejected Ravencrest's proposal.

In the lobby of the Dark Night Fortress, Suramar City Lord Elisand looked arrogant.

"I'm sorry, Ravencrest-I don't think it's time to use force against the Queen. Although we Suramar is really harassed by demons, it's just harassment. To tell you the truth, we have recently I have mastered a new barrier technology that can effectively protect the entire city. If you need it, I can even share this technology..."

"Ailisand!" Ravencrest interrupted her, "Falodis and Azsuna have been cursed by Azshara, she is completely crazy now, even if there is barrier protection, it is difficult to protect Su Rama is foolproof, and..."

"No and, Lord Ravencrest." Elisand's mouth began to press down, showing his impatience, "Suramar doesn't need your worry. If you really want to fight Queen Azshara, then Our conversation can end here, Suramar will not be involved."

Although Elisand looked unbiased, her unshakable tone still showed her inner choice.

Just when Ravencrest was disappointed to leave, Elisand gave him a piece of advice.

"Ravencrest, my astrologer and I have a glimpse of fate. I can't guarantee that it is correct, but the result is enough to keep me safe. I hope you don't blame me. I must also consider for Suramar——I It will not stop other Magisters from leaving Suramar to help you, but I will not provide you with even a little support."

"That's Ravencrest doesn't look back," I don't know what fate is. If we have to say fate, I would rather believe that fate is in our own hands. "

Just as Ravencrest, Illidan, and Maiev left the night fortress and were about to step onto the Hippogryph, a voice stopped them.

"Wait a minute, Lord Ravencrest! Not all Suramars are unwilling to fight Azshara!"

Ravencrest turned his head and found an upper elf dressed as a great magister looking at him.

Looking at the dumb Ravencrest, the upper elf frowned slightly.

"Introduce myself. My name is Talisa. I am the Arcanist of Suramar. I am willing to contribute my strength to the fight against demons-do you welcome me?"

Looking at the beautiful Grand Magister with a giant wand in his hand, Ravencrest had unconcealed appreciation in his eyes.

"Welcome, of course welcome, beautiful lady-I am happy to be friends with everyone who is interested in fighting the devil." (To be continued.)

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