Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 208: Aftereffects of Fel Energy Use

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Nyquis looked a little surprised as a **** envoy walked into Jin Azshara with two night elves.

It’s not that the envoy came back with the prisoners before, but the target they captured was undoubtedly not extremely powerful guys, and they caught a large number of them. Like this time the envoy only brought back two "weak" civilians, or the first time.

But Niequis didn't question much. A commoner like a mage and a priestess of the Sisterhood of Elune are indeed worth sending alone.

Not long after entering Jin Azshara, while no one noticed for a while, Illidan manipulated the Doomsday Guard and Maiev to a corner and collapsed directly to the ground.

After falling to the ground, Illidan's robe was quickly wetted with sweat, and the short-term use of fel energy brought him unexpected and serious consequences.

Contrary to the orderly arcane arts, fel energy is a chaotic force. At this time, Illidan felt that part of his magic circuit had been burned by fel energy.

For a mage, the damage to the magic circuit can be fatal!

And Drunk Wind is also very uncomfortable-Illidan's spellcasting was carried out with the help of a staff. In the process, the staff was also "baptized" by fel energy. Drunk Wind felt that he had been thrown into a sulfur pool . After reaching the corner, Zuifeng immediately left the staff, and then burst into tears in his soul state.

Don’t ask me how my soul shed tears, I don’t know...

And Maiev looked helplessly at the painful Drunken Wind and Illidan, trying to relieve Illidan's pain with blessings. Although Illidan's magic circuit could not be saved, it could at least relieve him of some pain.

After a long time, Illidan slowly sat up.

"Terrible energy-this chaotic energy is a hundred times more violent than arcane arts! If arcane arts can be manipulated in detail, then this energy can only be directed in the general direction. Even if it is only directed for a short time, I was almost completely overdrawn."

"This is the power of the fel energy, and the Burning Legion relied on this violent power to conquer the world." Drunk wind finally recovered, no longer running nose and tears, "the destructive power of fel energy is so strong. "

"Fel energy?" Illidan frowned, "This name is really appropriate."

"We'll talk about the attributes of fel energy later. Where do we go next? This corner is not very safe, and the demon's body should be cleaned up."

"In this way, Illidan, you have to deal with the devil's corpse, Nirvana technique, cleavage technique or something, I believe you can."

Illidan nodded.

"And Maiev, you go around and find a house where no one lives-it seems that the houses of the civilians around have been demolished, so just stare at the house of the nobleman."

Maiev also nodded.

"Okay, do it!"

With a word from Drunk Wind, Maiev and Illidan both started their own actions.

Illidan moved the demon's body to the ruins, and then repeatedly cast splitting operations. The demon's body was broken into a large mass of indescribable matter, which merged with the **** of the ruins.

Maiev, on the other hand, sneaked into the home of a manned upper elf, stole a set of clothes and replaced it with her priestly costume-although this kind of large sleeves and robes seemed to be a drag on Maiev.

Then Maiev began to sway along the road towards the center of the city, and after arriving at an upper elf residential area, he began to explore these houses one by one.

The huge Golden Azshara is very polarized.

On the one hand, civilians have very limited places to live. They can only use their own hands to build a shelter from the wind and rain in a narrow civilian area. It is precisely because of the tight space that the tree house can use three-dimensional space. It is very popular among civilians; on the other hand, the upper elves have built large gardens and villas for themselves with the help of magic, and the owners of these gardens and villas often never return for a long time.

However, in the current Jin Azshara, almost all the giant trees have been uprooted. No one knows where the civilians who used to live in the tree house are now.

Among the ruins, Maiev found a huge manor, and after sneaking in, Maiev found that the manor was empty.

Maiev then searched the manor carefully. It seemed to be a place for rest during the vacation. There were a lot of hunting equipment in the warehouse. It seemed that the owner had taken things from here and went out to hunt in the city.

"It looks like a good place." Maiev nodded secretly. "Now there are demons everywhere. It is estimated that in a short time, the owner of the manor is not willing to come to such a remote place not far from the city wall-here for temporary purposes. The stronghold is just right."

Thinking of this, Maiev confirmed it again and started to return.

The darkness had come unknowingly, and the night elves' habit of coming out at night has increased the risk factor of the entire Golden Azshara for this team.

After returning to the meeting place, Illidan seemed to have regained his vitality and his drunken expression no longer pained. Just as Maiev was talking about the manor he had discovered, she interrupted her with an abrupt "gu".

Maiev's belly called...

Maiev hadn't eaten anything for the whole day.

And Illidan also felt that he was hungry and uncomfortable-he didn't bother to laugh at Maiev, but just started making bread.

But this time, an accident happened.

As the magic circuit was burned by fel energy, what Illidan made this time could no longer be called bread.

The dark green unidentified mass exudes the pungent smell of fel.

Seeing this kind of thing, Maiev's face was full of disgust, and she secretly vowed that she would not try it even if she starved to death.

Illidan was also very embarrassed. He tried again, but what he did was still this weird thing.

Only Zuifeng thought this thing was a bit familiar—how could it look like a healing stone for a warlock! Considering that the shaman of the orc quickly became an orc warlock after using the fel Drunk Wind has begun to think, would the caster who used the fel energy automatically be converted to the warlock?

Before Drunk Wind could get any results, he saw Illidan gritted his teeth and squeezed a piece of "bread" to deliver it to his mouth.

"Let it go, Illidan." Drunk Wind stopped him quickly, "What are you doing?"

Illidan was a little embarrassed.

"I'm so hungry that I can hardly move anymore-I want to try this stuff if I can eat it, just a small piece..."

"Stop kidding, isn't it just for food! Maiev, take me, let's find food!"

"Eh eh eh? But I can't cook!" Maiev waved quickly.

"Don't talk nonsense, I will! My job is to be a chef!" (To be continued.) (Pandaman's self-cultivation..5656650)--(Pandaman's self-cultivation)

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