Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 204: Illidan's destination

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Illidan did not believe in the explanation of Drunken Wind.

The prestige of Queen Azshara among the elves is far beyond the imagination of the drunk wind. This queen known as the light in the light is an "idol" that all elves truly admire and love-she combines beauty and strength. The collection of all the excellent qualities in the hearts of the elves.

Even Illidan, who despised tradition, had great affection and trust in Azshara.

And the conclusion that Azshara summoned the devil that Zuifeng said was not in line with Illidan's knowledge of the queen, so Illidan planned to find out for himself.

Then Drunk Wind discovered that Illidan was heading towards the place where the most demons...

"Hey, hey, what are you going to do?!" Drunk Feng panicked, "You are not strong enough to fight the demon army on your own! Your direction is to go to your capital, Jin Azshara. ?"

"Yes, I'm going to see for myself, what is happening with the Queen!"

"What's the use for you to go and see?" Drunk, "Your words have no credibility. To confirm whether the queen is normal, you can at least call a few witnesses?"

"..." Illidan scratched his head, "It seems like this..."

After thinking about it carefully, Illidan decided to find his immediate boss, the lord of Black Raven Citadel, Ravencrest.

"But why are you still moving towards Jin Azshara!"

Seeing the drunken panic, Illidan showed a bad smile: "No way, Black Crow Fort is on the other side of Jin Azshara!"

If Zuifeng had a map in his hand, he would find that Illidan had not deceived himself. Mount Hyjal, Golden Azshara and Black Rook Fortress are basically in a straight line-Mount Hyjal is on the west, Kim Azshara is in the middle, Black Rook Fort and Suramar are on the east.

What else can Drunk Wind say?

So Illidan carried his wand and embarked on a journey of mass killing.

During this long journey, Drunk Wind has seen the horror of the Legion: the chaos and evil of the demons in the Burning Legion are far beyond ordinary people’s imagination. They have no concept of life and death, and they will not pursue happiness and joy. Many people think that the killing of demons is for fun, but the killing of demons in the Burning Legion is just instinct.

During this journey, Illidan became more and more serious. The last time he set off from Black Rook fortress to Mount Hyjal, the demons only appeared near Jin Azshara, and this time Although he made a big circle, he still encountered a considerable number of demons.

When Illidan approached Jin Azshara, Drunk Wind decisively stopped teaching monk skills.

"Now your task is to drive with all your strength, Illidan. I don't want to lose time by teaching you skills. The demons have become more and more unscrupulous. []"

"I understand." Illidan nodded, "I will go directly to Black Raven Fortress to find Lord Ravencrest, I believe he must have an idea!"


When Illidan rushed to the Black Raven Fortress, two full months had passed-when the Well of Eternity did not explode, the land of Azeroth was much larger than later, and Illidan used it from time to time for two months. The result of a transmission.

Coincidentally, this time Illidan also caught up with Ravencrest's meeting.

"We really don't know what these demons are going on-Elisand has complained to me several times, and the demons have even started to harass Suramar!"

The staff of Black Rook Fort seemed a little at a loss.

Everyone knows that the source of these demons is Jin Azshara, but no one knows what the Queen is, so they dare not jump to conclusions.

"Let's do it, Lord Ravencrest." Illidan stood up directly, "I hope to go to Jin Azshara to see what happened, please send a witness to act with me."

Ravencrest subconsciously wanted to say that you can do it by yourself, but after reacting, Lord Black Crow realized that maybe Illidan could hardly prove the accident that happened to Jin Azshara-in case something happened to the real queen, only With Illidan alone, it was really uncertain.

"It's a pity that the Black Raven Fortress has to set up defenses. Most wizards need to stay and prepare the enchantment. Then, Maiev, can you go to Jin Azshara with Illidan?"

As soon as Ravencrest said this, Maiev's and Illidan's expressions turned not so good.

The personalities of the two people have always been incompatible. Maiev is a staid and persistent person; Illidan despises tradition and is very selfish. The two people are not very pleasing to each other.

Maiev was in charge of arresting prisoners before, while Illidan was the captain of the Ravencrest Guard. Although the two occasionally touched and rubbed each other, in general, the well water did not offend the river.

Now because of the appearance of the devil, the wardens also temporarily came to the Black Raven Fortress to obey the dispatch. Now Illidan and Maiev were giving orders under Ravencrest together, and both of them were a little uncomfortable.

Illidan wanted to refuse to be with Maiev for the first time, but even if Drunk Wind prevented him, Maiev chose to silently accept the order.

After the meeting, Illidan did not go to meet his teammates immediately, but found a secluded place to question Drunk Wind.

"Do you know that this woman is a staid neuropathy? Why don't you let me reject Master Ravencrest's proposal? Isn't it good to change a teammate?"

"Two reasons." Different from Illidan's furious appearance, Drunk Wind seemed to be slow and timid. "First of all, you two have a bad relationship, which means that the information you brought back is accurate. If you and Malfurion are together, who knows if you are? String of lines?"

"Second, that woman's strength is good? You are a mage. Combining with her is quite good in terms of combat effectiveness and invisibility-if you dislike your teammates just because of your, that would be too childish."

Illidan hated people saying he was childish, because Tyrande once mentioned that Illidan's behavior was sometimes too naive.

Zuifeng kept it in his heart after hearing Deer Helmet talk about it. This was also a big killer against Illidan.

Poor Illidan, he had no idea that he had been seized by Drunk Wind. Under the guidance of Drunk Wind, his love for Tyrande became Drunk Wind’s best target, and the gossip about Stag Helmet was It became a weapon of drunken wind.

Although the drunk wind temporarily calmed Illidan, the meeting between Illidan and Maiev was not very harmonious...

"Ilidan, hide your ridiculous magic wave in Jin Azshara, I don't want to be held back by you."

"It is you, Maiev-don't mess around in Jin Azshara, the magic of that city is not understandable by a vulgar person like you."


"Huh!" (To be continued.) Mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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