Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 196: Trial and murder

? Tirion Fording's defense caused many people to ponder-if what the Paladin said is true, then maybe at least the orc named Guyle is innocent.

The four Paladins as judges had to admit that Fording's words made sense, so the court could only temporarily adjourn the court for the four judges to think carefully.

"Turayyan, you are most familiar with that pandaman-tell me, are all the examples that Fording cited are true?"

Facing Uther's doubts, Turalyon frowned.

"You know, I didn't participate in the expedition, so Khadgar told me many things." Seeing the other three paladins nodded, Turalyon continued, "I don't know much about the Frostwolf Orcs, but Kadgar Degas mentioned His Majesty the King of Kul Tiras, and Admiral Daelin really seemed to have an orc advisor next to him."

"Don't you find that His Majesty Dai Lin has stopped insisting that the orc must die?"

The three-way transaction between Kul Tiras, Stromgarde and Frostwolf Orcs was not made public, so most of the news that the Alliance got was about Kul Tiras assisting Stromgarde, and the actions of Frostwolf were carried out in secret. .

Therefore, most people in the alliance believed that Stromgarde had bought Kul Tiras at the cost of ownership of the land of Arathi to help relocate the country.

Although Kul Tiras has obtained the Arathi Highlands, it has not been able to implement the rule for so many years. As a person is not a prosperous maritime kingdom, Kul Tiras has not been able to use the land of Arathi Highlands. ——What's more, the syndicate and the ogres on the Arathi Highlands have become a pot of porridge in the past few years. There was news of the appearance of forest trolls not long ago.

Hearing Turalyon's words, the other three paladins couldn't help but nod their heads. The rumors were widespread, and Dai Lin did have a spellcaster who wore a thick cloak all year round.

"As far as he said that the orcs were enslaved by demons, this is true. Khadgar and I discussed this issue in detail. At first, Medivh was influenced by Sargeras to open the Dark Portal, and the Expeditionary Army was in Draenor. It was also discovered that the master of the orc warlock was indeed a demon, and it is very likely that these guys were indeed enslaved when they were fighting with us."

Hearing Turalyon said this, Uther felt that things got tricky. If this is really the case, the orcs do not carry original sin, then many of the alliance's policies on the orcs need to be changed.

"Tirion will really ask us questions..."

Due to insufficient evidence, Uther did not dare to jump to a conclusion, so after thinking about it, the four paladins decided to pronounce on Uther's confession first.

So, after four judges totaled two full hours, the court announced the result of the trial of Tirion Fording.

"The original Paladin of the Silver Hand, Lord Tirion Fording of Hearthglen, for concealing information, neglecting his duty, depriving the title and territory of the nobleman, and canceling all duties within the Silver Hand."

"In light of what he said, the orc named Guyle is completely innocent, so the accusation of his treason will be pronounced after the orc Guyle wakes up and is interrogated."

"Tirion Fording, do you accept the court's decision?"

"I accept." Old Fording nodded, "This is the fairest trial for me-I only hope that Guil's trial is as fair now."

After Old Fording pleaded guilty, the Paladin on the side tied his armor and warhammer to the war horse and handed it over to Uther.

"Tirion Fording, you will probably be here for a while before the final result appears. I promise that once that orc wakes up, I will continue your trial as soon as possible."

"I am willing to obey the court's arrangements."


Back in the prison, Old Fording began to write letters to his home one after another. In the letters, he fully described his own mental journey, and has been teaching his son to be a truly kind and upright person. people.

And Guyle was still unconscious, and Eitrigg, who was imprisoned with him, had been taking care of this young orc, because he heard from other orcs that Guyle seemed to have some incredible news.

Old Fording was calm, but the Silver Hand was not calm at all. Originally, the opinions of the Paladins on the War of Lordaeron in Gilneas were different. Now I'm looking at Old Fording's views on the orcs. The group is getting messier.

This is not the time when the Silver Hand was just established. At that time, all the members of the Knights were single-mindedly beating the orcs; and now facing internal contradictions and disagreements, the Paladins were lost.

At this time, the Paladins discovered that although the Holy Light could help them defeat the enemy, the Holy Light would not help them choose the right path.

As a result, a new group came into being in the hands of the silver. They called themselves light-bumpers. They were unwilling to participate in the battle on the front line. Instead, they were thinking about the ultimate meaning of the light and what justice is—a group appeared in the hands of the silver. philosopher……

The chaos in the outside world has nothing to do with the prison. Old Fording should still eat and drink, and Eitrigg still takes care of Guyle.

But one night, Eitrigg was awakened.

The perception of the veteran made him discover that an intruder had entered the cell, and what he saw after opening his eyes was a mage who wanted to attack Guyle.

The mage shrouded himself in a black robe, and Eitrigg found a dilapidated, deadly force attacking Guyle.

Eitrigg wanted to stop the mage, but found that he had been restrained in place, unable to stand up.

Just when he was desperate, another wizard appeared-a fellow who also shrouded himself in a black robe.

A blue light flashed in the hands of the mage who appeared later, interrupting the spellcasting of the previous mage.

"Your Excellency Medivh?" The casting was interrupted, but the first mage was rather disapproving, "You are actually resurrected."

"It seems that the Guardian is hiding very voice has obviously been specially processed, so the hoarse does not want to be human.

"Sure enough, there is a mouse watching." Medivh stared at the mage in front of him with his staff, hoping to find evidence that could prove his identity.

"Don't waste your efforts, Lord Guardian, you won't find out who I am—just as if you were powerless to stop everything, that comatose Pandaren is your fate."

After speaking, he turned into a shadow and disappeared into the narrow cell.

Medivh frowned tightly as he felt the strange spatial fluctuations.

"Quick, take this guy." Medivh suddenly turned around and said to Eitrigg, "I will cast a spell to turn you into crows and leave here temporarily. The prison is no longer safe!"

"Then, where's Fording?"

Hearing Eitrigg's question about Fording, Medivh smiled appreciatively: "He will come out soon." (To be continued.)

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