Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 194: The Trial in Nanhai Town

? In Eitrigg's mouth, Old Fording learned about the history of the orcs for the first time, and for the first time understood that the orcs attacking Azeroth was a trap for the Burning Legion.

Moreover, Old Fording also learned about the existence of the Frostwolf Orcs and the story of Logosh.

These things greatly refreshed Old Fording's view of orcs-he discovered for the first time that orcs were not all bloodthirsty beasts, and they also had their own wisdom.

Later, Old Fording went to Kul Tiras once, where he secretly saw Logosh.

That was the first time he saw the power of the shaman. Watching the elemental spirit of Azeroth accept Logosh's request, Old Fording finally believed that the orcs were not all bastards.

After that, Old Fording found Eitrigg for the third time. He vowed that as long as Eitrigg did not affect the lives of the people of Hearthglen, he would never expose Eitrigg’s existence to others-in the honor of a paladin. .

After this incident, Old Fording began to think more about what kind of situation he was facing and who was his enemy. After thinking about it, he had to admit that the oath was right and the devil was Ai. Xerath's real threat.

It is precisely because of Old Fording's opinion that some paladins within the Silver Hand are willing to re-examine the relationship with the orcs.

And a few days ago, unexpectedly, Eitrigg found Old Fording late at night.

The old soldier directly abandoned the honor of the soldier and knelt before Old Fording.

In the shock of Old Fording, Eitrigg touched his head to the ground, hoping that Fording would save an orc.

"Please, human paladin. We used to be enemies. I shouldn't have expected your forgiveness and help, but this orc is too important. He is the son of Durotan. He was seriously injured while fleeing. I am meager. His knowledge of herbal medicine is powerless, only you can help him!"

In Logosh’s mouth, Eitrigg had heard the name of Durotan. The chief of the Frostwolf gave his life to fight the warlock. The entire Frostwolf clan had no place in Azeroth. Evil.

This "little guy" named Guyer did not have any sins, but now he is seriously injured and dying.

Looking at the angry orc, Old Fording felt something was wrong, but out of respect for the Chief Durotan, he chose to save the orc.

"Holy Healing!"

In the dazzling light, the numerous scars on Thrall began to heal gradually-although the poor orc hadn't woken up yet.

Eitrigg took a sigh of relief, and the old orc thanked him so much that he took Guyle and left Old Fording's house.

On the second day, Barthilas came to Hearthglen and asked Fording about the orcs.

Upon learning that Guyle would be executed once he was found, Fording concealed everything.

However, during the carpet search by Barthilas and his men, Guyle and Eitrigg and a small wave of orcs were still found.

And when he discovered Guyle, Barthilas, who was also a paladin, directly discovered the traces of Holy Healing on Guyle's body!

Holy Healing is not a simple spell, even the young and promising Barthilas could not master it, and there is only one person who can use Holy Healing in Hearthglen-Tirion Fording!

Because of the loss of his parents, Barthilas hated the orcs very much, and that is why he admires the old Fording who made great achievements in the orc wars, and the behavior of the old Fording to help the orcs in his opinion is a betrayal of humans. .

He asked Old Fording angrily, and the answer was that the orc was not sinful.

"Are you crazy?" Barthilas started shooting the case, "No sin? My parents died in the hands of these green skins!"

"This is different. He is not a murderer. You can't deny everything just because some people are in the race..."

"Part? A part of the executioners after the orcs? All the hands of the orcs are covered with blood! That is the blood of countless innocent people-it is the greatest kindness to let them wash their sins in the concentration camp!"

Barthilas, who was so angry and lost his mind, simply arrested Old Fording, then pressed them to Nanhai Town, and sent a messenger to notify all the Paladins that Tirion Fording had betrayed the human race.

In the temporary prison in Nanhai Town, Old Fording quietly thought about what he had done. He thought of his wife and son.

Will they be punished for their actions?

probably not.

Should Guyil be punished for the sins of his people?

Of course not!

In Fording's view, justice is to protect the good and to punish the evildoers-not to judge which race is born with original sin.

After firming up this conviction, Fording began to prepare a defense-not for himself, but for Eitrigg and Guyle.


After many years, Nanhai Town became lively again. The last time when the big figures of the Alliance gathered here, when Stormwind City was destroyed, Lothar brought the residents of Stormwind City to ask for help.

Uther, Dathohan, Turalyon and Gavinrad had a small meeting before the official trial.

All four of them were shocked by the actions of their former comrades. They couldn't understand why Old Fording would be willing to help an orc.

After thinking and communicating for a long time, the four Paladins were still confused by Old Fording's actions. In desperation, the four had to wait until the trial meeting to listen to the opinions of the parties themselves.

After the meeting, Turalyon walked quietly to the pier of Nanhai Town alone. After many years, he once again came to the place where he and Alleria first met.

Time flies, and unconsciously, Turalyon finds that he has known Alleria for more than ten years-and next year will be the two people’s ten-year wedding I think of Alleria at home. Ya and Ryan, Turalyon felt warm in his heart.

At the same time, a crow sneaked into the prison where Old Fording was being held.

Seeing the person taking off his hood, Old Fording widened his eyes in shock and almost screamed.

"Master Tirion Fording, don't get excited." The man put his finger on his mouth and made a silent gesture, "I'm not that controlled **** anymore. Now I have a new life. "

In the dim prison, an old mage wore a large black cloak and held the staff in his hand, quietly watching Old Fording.

"The problem of the orcs is far more complicated than I thought. The drunken coma is also for another reason. A new darkness is watching Azeroth-I hope you can stick to your ideas."

"This does not need you to remind me that the Paladin will always stand by his justice and glory." Old Fording in the prison uniform smiled sadly, "Compared with me, you should think about how to combine Eitrigg and Gu Ill saved it—honourable Medivh the Guardian!" (To be continued.)

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