Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 170: The so-called degeneration and transformation

"His Royal Highness, you didn't really intend to perform the sacrifice ceremony, did you? You haven't even read the specific records of the sacrifice ceremony carefully, right?"

Torsedlin looked at Leah King in surprise.

"If you look carefully, you will know that sacrifice rituals require sacrificial potions, and I am the only one who can deploy sacrificial potions!"

Looking at the fel energy in the room, Tosidlin finally discovered that the original name of the problematic mana wine was fel protection potion!

Seeing Torsedrin’s understanding, Lia Jin smiled miserably: "His Royal Highness, I know a lot more than you thought. If there is no accident, my granddaughter would have died in your hands?"

Torsedlin's eyes widened instantly!

"Anjinquelis died of nothing. It is impossible to die of Sartre. Before I went, I forced her to drink double shadow protection and shadow detection potions. As long as Sartre approached, she would send out a beam to the sky. A beam of light! But not."

Liakin's eyes were full of sadness: "And when I saw the prince, I asked about the smell of shadow protection potions. I don't think the prince needs to guard against Sartre?"

"No, I didn't mean it!"

Torsedrin closed his eyes, unable to move, and kept chanting that he didn't mean to.

"Of course I know you didn't mean it. You are no longer the prince. You have been contaminated by the devil!"

Liakin's words were like a sharp sword, directly piercing the heart that Tosedlin had been hiding.

Tosidlin actually knew it, frequent headaches, uncontrollable anger, craving for energy distortion

But what can we know?

Torsedlin could no longer expel this demon's will. He tried to suppress this will with his sense of responsibility as a prince, but this suppression has become increasingly difficult.

"Since you know so much, don't you know why I became like this?"

Uncovering his disguise, Tosidlin became hysterical.

"I want to stop absorbing the energy of the devil, but you ignorant mud legs, how do you know who is good for you? If I hadn’t used my strength to suppress the Council of Ere'Thalas, you Believe it or not you have been kicked out a long time ago?"

"I know demons, I know better than any of you! But what can it do? If I insist on absorbing pure aura, this city would have been unable to hold on a hundred years ago!"

Lia Kim closed her eyes.

"I know, I know both." Two lines of muddy tears flowed slowly from the corners of her eyes, "So even if I know the cause of my granddaughter's death, I don't want to make it public. I know that the pain you have endured far exceeds we"

Liakin's unexpected understanding made Tosidlin stunned in his chair.

"You know, I hope my child will not be exposed to Aoneng from the beginning, so that he will grow up healthily. He has become a strong warrior, and his wife is the same. Unfortunately, they died together while looking for herbs. Shred."

"Our weak body is destined to be impossible to become a fighter, so when my granddaughter chose her own path, I did not prevent her from becoming a mage."

"I thought for a long time. What we want to reject is not the aura, but the eternity. We can use the auras that we can, instead of relying on external forces, just like human beings. Unfortunately, I understood it too late. Now Eresa Russ is very sick."

Liakin’s words caused Tosidlin to fall into contemplation. Giving up immortality can indeed rejuvenate Syndra, and if you really want to teach magic like human beings, maybe the addiction will not appear in the next generation of elves. in.

But is it really feasible to give up eternal life?

Imagining death, Tosidlin shivered.

Seeing Tosidlin sinking into deep thought, Lia King showed a kind smile: "If it's for Syndra's future, what if I pay a little?"

After a long time, Torsedlin seemed to regain some sense of reason.

"Tell me about your plan, Your Royal Highness, I am willing to help if feasible."

"I plan to do something against the Great Arcanist." Torsedrin did not hide it. "I believe they will not allow my sacrifice ritual to proceed normally. They will inevitably take action to **** my energy, so the ritual is fake, and Their sacrifice is real."

"Their sacrifice?" Lia Jin frowned. "Are you trying to extract their magic?"

"Yes." Tosedlin nodded without hesitation. "I know these guys' flying dogs, but I have never had the opportunity to start. Now that the current Ere'Thalas has reached the point of survival, I only I can deal with them first."

"So, what then?"

"Then I will look for a new source of energy and kill Imottal. During this time I will rely on the energy of the Great Arcanist."

"You mean, kill the demon of Imottal and find a new source of energy."

"That's right" Torsedlin showed a confident smile on his face, "Whether it is a dragon or a naga, I will find a new source of energy! Actually I already have some ideas."

Lia Jin looked at Tosidlin suspiciously: "Open your mouth and drink some mana."

Torsedlin froze awkwardly.

"Why, dare not to drink?"

"Hahahaha!" Tosedlin stood up, "The old immortal's mind is quite bright. I wanted to delay it for a while, but you didn't expect you to find out."

"Damn it!" Lia Jin picked up a staff from an inconspicuous place behind I didn't expect you to be completely eroded! You actually fell so quickly! "

"Fallen? No, no, no, this is a new life!" Torsedrin's eyes glowed with green light, "You are right. Ao Neng is indeed not suitable, but Fel Energy is suitable!"

As he said, a pair of bat wings slowly spread from Torsedlin's back.

"Recently, I finally received the will of the great Sargeras. Only then did I know how stupid you were to resist the Burning Legion! Instead of becoming slaves to the addiction, we might as well become a member of the Burning Legion!"

With that said, Torsedrin reached his right hand deep, and a beam of fel energy broke Liakin's shield and nailed her to the wall.

"Go to hell, old stuff! All those who stop the Burning Legion will be crushed into dust!"

Liakin's words moved Tosidlin, but unfortunately the result was not what she wanted, she didn't know how terrible the devil's will was.

If it weren't for someone who was on guard at the beginning, it would be almost impossible to look back as long as they were exposed to the fel energy. To be continued.

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