Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 159: The plight of the dragonflight

   Although the cataclysm has not happened yet, the members of the Dragon Legion, especially the Dragon Kings, have felt that something is wrong.

  The reproductive ability of the giant dragon is declining, obviously decreasing.

   This is a very embarrassing question-you know, it is troublesome to give birth to an offspring that can grow into a dragon. Although in theory all dragons can do it, most of the time this job is given to the dragon king.

   Besides the Dragon King, the other dragons will die of old age! Once enough dragons cannot be born, the dragon army will also destroy itself!

  Because the dragon king blessed by the Titan is much stronger than ordinary dragons. Ordinary dragons want to give birth to a heir that can grow into a dragon. It takes a lot of energy and a long time of cultivation. Only the dragon king can continuously give birth to growable children. Of course, this concept of continuity is relative to the dragon. Yes-the ordinary dragon gives birth to a child that can grow and needs to rest for hundreds or even thousands of years, while the dragon king only needs to rest for more than ten years.

   Then there are some new problems. The dragon is not hermaphrodite. The dragon king needs a spouse!

   But the strength of the spouse is far inferior to that of the Dragon King. The Dragon King did not spend much energy in giving birth to heirs, but the spouse said that he was hollowed out. And in order to give birth to as many dragon princes as possible, most of the dragon king’s spouses are in a state of overdraft...

  According to Kle Ostras, the ancient red dragon Telana Strisa, who was once imprisoned with the Red Dragon Queen in Grim Batol, still looks sick.

   There is no reproductive isolation in Azeroth, so it is feasible to use other races to give birth to dragons. It's just that no dragon has gone in this direction before-after all, there are too few mortals of comparable strength.

   The combination of Zuifeng and Onyxia is so eye-catching, it is because it is related to the most fundamental place of the dragon army, the reproduction of the dragon!

   No way, the dragon army is indeed short of manpower now, and there are fewer and fewer dragons that can be used as the spouse of the dragon king.

   Of course, Onyxia knew about this a long time ago—otherwise, how could Drunk Wind keep being hollowed out? But even though he knew this was for the dragonflight, Onyxia would still be embarrassed.

   Under Ysera's repeated questioning, Onyxia finally admitted that she seemed to be able to lay dragon eggs and hatch baby dragons soon.

   Upon hearing the news, Ysera let out a sigh. It seemed that the choice to encourage Zuifeng and Onyxia was the right choice.


   Zuifeng had no idea that Onyxia could lay dragon eggs at this time. He was in the tauren's tent, together with Hamuul and Gulda, persuading Magatha.

"Sister Magatha-it's not that we don't want to deal with boars, but mainly because we don't want to pay too much." Drunkenly and eloquently tells the reason not to attack aggressively, and there is nowhere to draw out the blank scroll of Lorewalker , "If we really head into Razor Heights, the tauren boy is bound to be killed and injured, and the Boars are going to fight, but they are lunatic!"

"Yes, I know the Boars are not easy to deal with!" Magatha stretched out his hand and scratched his waist, "But I believe that this is not a big problem. I brought the best boy this time, to deal with the Boars. It's okay to hit three!"

   "I observed carefully in Razor Heights. There are a large number of plague totems of the dead shaman, which is difficult to deal with. I think our shaman is seriously insufficient." Zuifeng changed his perspective.

   "Isn't there a red dragon, the dragon's breath of the red dragon has the best effect in eliminating diseases." Magatha disagreed.

"It's not the same." Drunk Feng shook his head quickly, "I thought it was okay - but the dragons found that they couldn't use it at Razor Heights. You know the thorny highlands, and you really can't let the dragons Fly in. Once the dragon turns into a human form, their strength will be greatly reduced. Then it will be difficult to display their true strength, and the casualties will still be high."

   Seeing that Magatha was still not convinced, Zuifeng quickly threw out a new point of view.

"We just moved to Mulgore last year. Now is the time to seize the opportunity to cultivate. If we just raid Razor Heights, I believe that only the dead head clan living in Razor Heights among the wild boars will fight us to death. Other clans are happy Watch the show."

"But if we really attacked vigorously, maybe the Boars would choose to come back all to defend their main city, and truce with the Centaur." Speaking of this, Drunken Wind paused slightly, giving Magatha some time to think. "Imagine that once the war between the Centaur and the Boar is ceased, it will be really troublesome."

   Now Magatha is silent.

Although the tauren moved to the Thunder Bluff of Mulgore, the centaur wandering in the barrens beyond the giant gate of Mulgore is still the biggest threat to the tauren. These centaurs have been instigated by the drunken wind. The Boars have been fighting for a year.

   Magatha knows very well that even if the centaur’s brain is not bright, he should now know that there is no benefit from hitting the wild The tauren has food and equipment, but the wild boar only has garbage.

   If the wild boars are really pressed, maybe they will really truce with the centaur, then you can understand with your knees, these centaur will definitely find trouble with the tauren.

  Although they can't attack Mulgore, the tauren still needs the aid of goblins. If the supply line is cut off, the reconstruction of Thunder Bluff will be greatly slowed down.

   At this point, coupled with the continuous persuasion of Gulda and Hamuul around him, Magatha finally resisted his anger in order to reduce casualties.

   "In this case, I can only let the group of stupid pigs go first-but if you say yes, I will participate in the raid!"

   Drunk wind grinned, nodded and agreed.

   finally left the tauren’s tent, drunk wind let out a sigh of relief, just when he was about to go to the druid’s residence to make trouble for Sorea, Magatha’s voice suddenly came.

   "Also, Sorea just spoke a little bit faster. Don't go to his elders to file a complaint. After all, he is just a child."

   got it!

   I really don’t know how Sorea got involved with Magatha—is it because they are both good at bragging?

   shook his head helplessly, Zuifeng could only return to his tent.

   Then, Drunk Wind knew that she seemed to be going to be a dad soon-anyway, Ysera knew the news, and Onyxia was no longer embarrassed and simply told Drunk Wind.

Happiness has come so suddenly, but the two generations are about to be the first father of drunk wind and rarely Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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