Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 156: Undercurrent surging Northrend

   Northrend, Icecrown Glacier.

   Ner'zhul's soul was helplessly imprisoned in a piece of ice that never melted.

  In the battle of the Dark Temple, Ner'zhul was angered by Kil'jaeden. After his body was shattered, his soul was lost in the Twisting Void-and Kil'jaeden, who had fallen to failure, soon thought of this cunning orc again.

   The deceiver used ice to imprison Ner'zhul's soul and sent him to Northrend, Azeroth, on the cold Icecrown Glacier.

   Perhaps Ner'zhul should be thankful that he has no body, otherwise the cold wind will undoubtedly tear his body apart.

When Ner'zhul first arrived at Icecrown, he didn’t know what role he played. He didn’t understand why Kil'jaeden dropped himself here, and he still looked full of meaning-until Ner'zhul tried to use it. His spirit connected a creature near him, which was a snow monster.

   Very magical, the snow monster quickly succumbed to Ner'zhul's will. Ner'zhul could easily use this big man as if the soul in the snow monster's body belonged to Ner'zhul.

   Ner'zhul tried to use his own spirit to contact other creatures. Creatures such as ice wolf and mammoth quickly succumbed to Ner'zhul's will.

   While Ner'zhul kept trying, a dreadlord suddenly appeared in front of the ice.

   "Mal'Ganis, greet you-it seems that our Lord Ner'zhul has initially mastered his abilities."

   Mal'Ganis was polite, but his expression was extremely mocking. Of course, Ner'zhul didn't know it. After losing his body, Ner'zhul could only feel the presence of others, but he could "see" nothing.

   Although I can't see the irony of Mal'Ganis's mouth, in Ner'zhul's feeling, Mal'Ganis is not a cute existence.

   Ner'zhul did not hesitate to express his doubt, which was also received by Mal'Ganis.

   "Kil'jaeden-sama will give you the last chance to make up for it-of course, in order to prevent you from having unnecessary thoughts, you can only limit your state. Spiritual communication is enough for the Burning Legion."

   Ner'zhul did not dare to express his dissatisfaction. Although he knew that he was smashed by the guy named Velen, but out of fear of the devil, Ner'zhul could only suppress all negative emotions, and then did his best to show his loyalty.

Mal'Ganis seemed to enjoy Ner'zhul's favor. He did not continue to satirize the poor orc soul, but directly confessed Kil'jaeden's request: "Here, avoid the sight of humans and orcs to develop your own strength. , And then find a way to open the portal to summon the Burning Legion to this world."

   The task is very troublesome. If Ner'zhul was still that orc, he might frown and shirk or try to bargain, but in the current state, Ner'zhul can only accept it.

   Regarding Ner'zhul's answer without hesitation, Mal'Ganis didn't seem to be surprised. He self-consciously informed Ner'zhul's request and help one by one.

   The most important thing in this is how to force the soul of the deceased back into his body and fight for himself.


   After confirming that Mal'Ganis had really left, Ner'zhul vented his anger in vain on Icecrown.

   But how can this be?

   "I need power, my true power."

   In the Icecrown Glacier, a large number of snow monsters moved, and they built a higher and higher throne.

   Ner'zhul changed himself to the Lich King according to Kil'jaeden's ideas, and developed his power in the Icecrown, until he read the situation of the dragon in the memory of a snow monster.

   Different from the original world line, because Drunk Wind rescued the Red Dragon Queen in Grim Batol, Levi Khan gave his life to crush the Demon Soul. At this time, a large number of dragons returned to the Temple of Dragon Sleep. Ner'zhul knows the horror of dragons, which makes him only secretly carry out his work. As for the towering throne, don't even think about it-as long as he dares to build, the dragon will not be far away on the Dragonbone Wilderness The siege came without hesitation, and the fragile Ner'zhul would be dead.

   In desperation, Ner'zhul could only develop downward.

   The collision between the Scourge and the Azjol-Nerub Empire has advanced a lot.

   These worms who are immune to Ner'zhul's mind control have brought great trouble to the Lich King's plan. Their bravery and wisdom have caused Ner'zhul to suffer a great loss.

   Compared with the strong soldiers and horses in the original world line, the Scourge at this time is still two or three kittens, and the only units with a single unit are the mammoth, snowman and ice wolf. These low-IQ goods were obviously not enough to look at the spiders of Azjol-Nerub, and Ner'zhul's army was beaten up and down.

  At the time of crisis, Ner'zhul had no choice but to make peace with these worms.

   Anub'arak, the king of the Azjol-Nerub Empire, initially refused, but soon new changes appeared. The Azjol-Nerubians who were digging down to prepare for the war encountered a new enemy——the The Azjol-Nerubians originated from the Aqir, and Aki Worm people are the creations and slaves of the ancient gods, but after Titan defeated the ancient gods, most of these bug people betrayed their former masters without hesitation.

And it is very ironic that the mantis under Y'Shaarj who was killed by the Titans always maintained the worship of Y'Shaarj; C'Thun spent a lot of effort to restore the control of the Ah'Shaarj; and The Azjol-Nerubians under Yogg-Saron completely betrayed the ancient god.

The passage of time made the Azjol-Nerubians almost forget that there are faceless men sealed in the prison of the underground Titan. Unscrupulous excavations liberated these minions who are truly loyal to Yogrontha. avoid.

   In desperation, Anub'arak could only accept the Lich King's petition, and united with Ner'zhul's men to deal with those faceless.

But he didn't know that Ner'zhul was secretly developing a plague potion and sent a lot of hands to look for test items outside Northrend (including the poor boar man), in the plan of the Lich King In, the Faceless will be destroyed, and Azjol-Nerub will be the starting point for his rise.

   Just as the undercurrent was surging under the ice storm, Kul Tiras ships carrying the remnants of Stromgarde came to Solacha Basin, and at the same time, the Frostwolf Orcs also arrived at Howling Fjord.

There are also those poor Blackrock Orcs. Under the supervision of the Black Dragon, they passed from the Blackrock Tower to the Dragonblight Wilderness through the portal. Their task is to go to Howling Fjord and meet the Frostwolf Orcs. Unfortunately, this is destined to be a difficult journey~ friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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