Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 147: Reunion of old friends

   As Rexxar gets deeper and deeper into Alterac Valley, the snow and wind here are getting heavier and harder to track the footprints of the Frostwolf.

   Fortunately, this is Rexxar, maybe a hunter has simply lost his way!

The wind and snow were not the most annoying. What made Rexxar even more annoyed was that a huge beast seemed to rush around in Alterac Valley not long ago. As a result, many traces of the Frostwolf were destroyed. Even Rexxar was kicked in the wrong direction because of a tuft, and walked a long way in the wind and snow!

   After a difficult trek for nearly three days, Rexxar finally saw the familiar orc fortress before sunset. Strangely, there was a huge snow monster squatting next to the fortress.

   "Rexxar came to visit the Frostwolf Orcs! Is Durotan here?"

   It was finally about to meet the Frostwolf Orcs, and Rexxar was very uneasy at this time. As early as in Draenor, Rexxar, who likes to wander around, had seen the Frostwolf Orcs. These orcs who accompanied the warwolves were very angry with Rexxar.

  War wolf, Rexxar couldn't help but think of his war wolf again...

   "I hope the Frostwolf clan does not become the same bloodthirsty beast." Rexxar can only expect this silently in his heart.

   It was not Durotan who came out to greet Rexxar, but a blind shaman and two Pandaren.


   Actually, when Drunk Wind just arrived at the Frostwolf Fortress, the atmosphere was very tense.

   No way, the snowmen in Alterac Valley once brought a lot of trouble to the Frostwolf clan. Such a big snowman king appeared in front of the fortress, who knew what would happen.

   Seeing something was wrong, Zuifeng jumped down quickly, pointed at himself and said "friend" in orc language.

  The communication between the two parties is actually not very smooth-the Frostwolf Orcs are always hostile to Zuifeng and Lao Chen, and the two Pandarens are always unclear about their thoughts.

   But when Drunk Wind tried to say the word "Durotan", these orcs became a lot more friendly, and even prepared a small tent for the two of them. Although they have been watching them for a long time, their attitude has been much better.

   "Hey, Drunk Wind, what does Durotan mean?" Taking advantage of an opportunity of no one, Old Chen asked Drunk Wind secretly, "I never heard that Rexxar taught you this sentence."

   "That's their chief." Zuifeng smiled, "The name of a soldier."

   Old Chen still had a clear idea of ​​the chief. He looked at Drunk in amazement: "How do you know their chief? Isn't their chief the blind man?"

"Durotan was their last chief, but he is dead-the blind man is their current chief, Drek'tal, a shaman, and the one you are looking for. We need to wait for Rexxar to come, translator Too important."

   "I knew I was going to deal with orcs, so I bought a scroll of wisdom in Booty Bay." Old Chen grinned, "That stuff is really easy to use, but it's too expensive."

   "Scroll of Wisdom? What is it?" Zuifeng was very interested in this term.

"A kind of mage's scroll." When encountering a matter that drunk wind doesn't understand, Old Chen seemed excited. "There is a one-time wisdom technique on it, which can make the lingua franca of wisdom biology-Rexxar used it. , Spent all my savings."

   Drunk Wind is a little dazed, it's okay.

   "Wait a minute." Zuifeng found some problems, "Didn't you say that you taught Lexar the lingua franca?"

  The cowhide was punctured, and Old Chen scratched his head awkwardly: "I taught the basics, but it was too slow to learn bit by bit. I bought a scroll from the goblin."

   "What? You bought it from a goblin? Did you bargain?"

   "Chop it, I cut it by 20%!"

   Looking at the proud old Chen, Zuifeng decided not to tell him the cruel facts-only bargaining for 20% when doing business with goblins, you will die!

  While waiting anxiously, in the evening of the third day, Lao Chen and Zuifeng finally heard the roar of the Snowman King.

   Sure enough, Rexxar came.

   Rexxar was also very happy to meet his old friend. Although the Beastmaster belongs to the wilderness, he didn't want his soul to be too lonely.

   Rexxar stretched out his fist to hammer Old Chen's chest, and was easily caught by Drunk Wind, and then the two slammed his shoulder.

After the welcoming ceremony, Rexxar said his question: "Where is Levi Khan? Could it be that the troll can't stand the cold here and hide in the tent? What about Onyxia? Are you afraid of the cold?"

   Rexxar’s rare joke did not make Zuifeng and Lao Chen a little bit happy.

   "Onyxia needs to deal with some things-it's also related to the Blackrock Orcs. She went to the Blackrock Spire."

   "As for Levi Khan..." The drunk wind paused, "He returned to the arms of the troll death."

   "What's the matter?" Rexxar directly squeezed the axe in his hand, "Who did it?"

   "Don't do that." Drunk wind patted Rexxar on the shoulder, "Levy Khan died just as he should-he faced Deathwing fearlessly, even mocking Deathwing in the last moments of his life."

Even Rexxar has heard of Deathwing’s famous Listening to Zuifeng’s words, the Beastmaster nodded: “Then, Livihan’s death is so glorious. I feel that there is such a friend. pride!"

   While talking, Drexler stepped up. With the firm steps of the old shaman, the violent cold wind seemed to subside.

   "Rexxar? Rexxar, the beast king of the Moknassa clan?"

   "Yes, it's me!" Rexxar said with a pounding chest, "Hello, dear shaman! I am really honored to see a shaman--not a **** warlock!"

   "Are these two of your friends?" After sniffing and confirming Rexxar's identity, Drexler asked, "Can you tell me?"

   Rexxar probably talked about the reason why he left the tribe because of the death of the wolf and his experience along the way.

   "That's it. Once we were enemies, but now that we have no position, we are friends."

   After confirming the identities of Zuifeng and Lao Chen, Drektal bowed slightly.

   "Then, please come and talk with friends-what happened to Durotan, we couldn't wait to hear from him."

   Under Drek'Thar's guidance, the group came to Frostwolf Citadel.

"Rexxar, I have a lot to say. I hope you can translate it to Drek'tal for me." Drunk Feng stabbed Rexxar with his elbow. "Very important news, even concerning the future of your orcs. ."

   Looking at the serious drunk wind, Rexxar nodded.


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