Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 141: Brilliant no longer Stromgarde

   Stepping on the Arathi Highlands, Zuifeng and Lao Chen can’t wait to find a city to take a break.

   Two people were exhausted physically and mentally after having meals and sleeping for half a month. Every day they could only gnaw on the dry heron legs in the wetland. This day is simply too painful for foodies.

   After crossing the Sador Bridge, there is a large road ahead. Drunk Feng asked about it, and then headed north along the road, then turned west, and in a few days, he would be able to rush to Torrent Fort!

   "This is great!" Old Chen almost jumped with excitement, "I can finally find a place to take a shower, have a big meal, and then sleep comfortably!"

   Zuifeng also nodded, taking a breath.

   Three days later, Zai Fen and Lao Chen finally came to the gate of Stromgarde Fortress.

   Compared with the time when Stromgarde was just established thousands of years ago, Stromgarde today is obviously a bit dilapidated. The old city walls can be called disrepair for a long time, and the civilians who enter and exit seem to be pleasing.

   Thinking of the many pastures and farmlands that I saw along the way, the drunken brows frowned tightly-this is very wrong! Why are these people in such a bad state of mind?

   Stromgarde Kingdom in the Arathi Highlands. Although the land here has become relatively barren after thousands of years of reclamation, there is not much population here!

   And the orc war has ended, and there are no other burdens here, why do you always feel that the people of Stromgarde live like refugees?


   Thoras Trollbane can be said to be full of despair at this time.

Stromgarde was originally unburdened by the orc asylum, but since the high elves withdrew from the alliance and without the big gold master, the finances of the entire alliance became stretched. Terenas complained to himself that it was almost impossible to afford it more than once. Up these orcs.

   As a result, when Thoras felt weak, he promised to help share some.

   This was originally a small thing. Stromgarde’s assistance was more of a kind of help than an obligation, but what Thoras did not expect was that Terenas was holding a feather as an arrow!

   At the Alliance General Assembly, all the six nations agreed and passed the resolution of Stromgarde to help the orcs contain, and then Terenas simply allocated a large sum of funds to Stromgarde.

   Solas is dumbfounded now!

   If you say yes, can I help you depending on the situation? How come I must help you? !

Terenas’ political skills have been perfectly demonstrated at this time. He began to publicize the selflessness of Stromgarde, and has repeatedly expressed his expectation of Stromgarde’s help. The result of this is that if Thoras dares not Complete these funding tasks, then Stromgarde’s credibility in the alliance will plummet.

If it’s just the credibility issue, Thoras might try to shamelessly and couldn’t accept it, but Terenas deliberately or unintentionally stated that if he didn’t take the money, he would economically sanction Stromgarde, which made Sora. Si was really helpless.

   The helpless Stromgarde can only increase taxes.

  Imagine that at this time, the Kingdom of Stormwind almost does not collect taxes, but Stromgarde is increasing taxes!

   Do you think this is Terenas' plan? too naive!

   Ten days ago, just after the completion of the first batch of funding apportionment in Stromgarde, at the alliance meeting held again, Thoras made it clear that Stromgarde was doing his best now and was unable to continue, and hoped to cancel the apportionment.

   The other five human nations expressed their understanding, and then rejected Stromgarde’s proposal!

At this time, Thoras realized that the current alliance is no longer the united body that faces the orcs. All countries have their own cautious thinking - and Stromgarde with the weakest national strength has become this cautious thinking. The victim!

  Terenas Menethil, the king of Lordaeron, is the master of all this, and naturally he will not easily let Stromgarde be let go. Solas thought of this.

   Then the attitude of Kul Tiras hanging up high is very interesting. Admiral Daelin Proudmoore seems to have something new and he sold Stromgarde without hesitation.

   Chief of the Kirin Tor Council in Dalaran, Master Antonidas has an antagonism with Stromgarde.

After the Alterac king Aiden betrayed the alliance, the Alterac noble Barov family stood on the side of the alliance. As a result, after the war, the Barov family not only didn't get the reward they deserved, but in Terena. With the suggestion and support of Si, Gene, Thoras and Varian, he was deprived of almost all his territory!

   The Duchess of the Barov family, Jandis Barov, is the younger sister of Antonidas. Although Antonidas tried his best to prevent this behavior, there was no way to resist the four to three vote.

The vote took place when the expeditionary army was fighting in Draenor. As the beneficiary, Terenas did not hesitate to confiscate the Barov family’s territory and return it to Lordaeron; Genn had not withdrawn from the alliance at the time, he and Teri Nass reached some relevant agreements and agreed to sacrifice Barov; Solas did not realize Terenas’ true face at that time. He believed Terenas’s lie about Barov’s bet on both sides, and was willing to Punish them; and without Lothar's help, Varian is Terenas's echo worm ~ ~ Basically, Stormwind is simply following the vote.

   This incident made Antonidas feel discouraged by the alliance, and at the same time secretly hated the four countries that were approved by the vote. Finally, this time, Thoras suffered a lot. Antonidas directly stated that Stromgarde should bear the share!

   The attitude of Stormwind City is very interesting. At this time, Varian Wrynn still respects Terenas on the surface, but with the help of Turalyon and Khadgar, Varian who has experienced too much is no longer a political idiot. Stromgarde is out of help at this time, so I might as well just vote for it. There are also opportunities to make friends with Dalaran and Antonidas—sorry, I didn’t know everything before, I just got Terena. Si lied.

   The ugliness of politics was revealed at this time. Stromgarde’s loyalty and goodwill to the alliance became the reason for its decline, and the integrity of King Thoras became a reminder of Stromgarde.

   What’s more frightening is that the ogres around Arathi Highlands are now starting to move around. Since Stromgarde’s army suffered heavy losses during the expedition, Stromgarde even had to ask the Alliance for help to defend against the ogres and Syndicate thieves.

   This also blocked Stromgarde’s last road-the road to withdraw from the alliance.

   Thoras paid a heavy price for his innocence. If he did not quit the alliance, Stromgarde would be exploited endlessly; if he quit the alliance, Stromgarde would die at the hands of thieves and ogres.

Standing on the ancient walls of Stromgarde, Thoras looked at the Arathi Highlands in the sunset, and his heart was extremely heavy. After so much, he finally understood Terenas’s purpose-to force himself to abdicate and annex Stromgarde~ friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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