Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 138: The end of the dragon battle

   In fact, at this time, the dragon in the sky is still under great pressure-after all, watching a large group of twisted flesh and blood rush towards you, this is indeed a bit unacceptable.

   But even if it feels unacceptable, this "Death Wing" is something the dragons must face.

   Zuifeng and Onyxia watched from a distance the "Wings of Death" flapping their wings and charging continuously, but they were always in vain. Under the control of the ancient gods, this "Death Wings" seems to have abandoned all fighting skills, and just used the purest physical power to rampage. This looks huge, but the effect is not very good. It was originally flying far away. The other dragons that prevented him from escaping all had the opportunity to pounce on the dragon's breath.

   "It seems something is wrong..."

   Zuifeng also didn't understand what was going on at this time. He always felt that Deathwing would not be so mentally retarded. How would it be unreliable to give himself to the ancient gods?

   But no matter what Drunk Wind thinks, the battle continues.

   If the former Deathwing was wearing iron armor so that the enemy could not break the defense, the current Deathwing is wearing "tentacles", and if it is broken, it will regenerate a layer.

   Relying on this powerful resilience, Deathwing really dragged the Dragon Legion firmly, even if the battle on the ground was about to end, the siege in the sky was delayed.

   In desperation, Ysera could only start to guide the power of the dream again.

   Huge energy began to gather. Although Deathwing was unconscious at this time, this terrifying energy fluctuation also attracted his attention, and he began desperately trying to impact Ysera.

  Of course, the other dragons would not let him easily succeed. The Blue Dragon King used arcane magic to arrange barriers after another, and the interlaced arcane walls crisscrossed and formed a strange maze. Although this maze is not worth mentioning to Drunk Wind, it is more than enough to bully Deathwing who has no IQ.

Deathwing, whose mind was eroded by the ancient gods, smashed through arcane walls in vain, but found sadly that he seemed to be getting farther and farther away from Ysera-these walls were not only obstacles, but also It was an illusion carefully prepared by the Blue Dragon King, which made Deathwing lost.

   Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza tried to block Deathwing with her body at the beginning, but later she found that the power of Deathwing in this case was exaggerated, so she simply gave the job to Malygos.

   Ysera's spell was finally completed while the Blue Dragon King tried to block.

   The power of the Emerald Dream was completely mobilized, and pure natural energy gathered in Ysera's chest, and a green light ball composed purely of the power of the dream appeared.

   Zuifeng found that he seemed to have underestimated the green dragon queen. Although she couldn't deal with even a Harves in the Emerald Dream, outside the dream, after the Green Dragon Queen opened her eyes, the whole world seemed to really tremble!

   Instinctively aware of the wrong Deathwing, hurriedly fled to the east where the number of dragons was small. It is a pity that the dragons had expected it, and they flew over to intercept him.

   At the moment when Malygos' arcane chain took effect, Ysera's attack hit Deathwing's chest.

   The green light burst out, like a firework exploded in midair.

   The pure and incomparable natural energy began to frantically expel the tentacles from Deathwing's body. These flesh and blood tentacles were completely lost to the green brilliance and melted like spring ice and snow.

  At the same time, Malygos began to accumulate arcane power.

The huge arcane power is far more terrifying than Ysera's natural power. The blue dragon king who made his best effort turned his eyes blue at this time, and the surging energy even triggered violent tornadoes, many of which just slipped out of the grid. The Dragonmaw Orcs in Rimbato Fortress were simply taken to the sky by this energy!

   Amidst the wind and lightning, Malygos descended like a demon!

   Just one second before this destruction beam was about to fire, the red in Deathwing's eyes faded.

   "Malygos, Ysera, Alexstrasza, and Nozdormu-are they you? What happened, what happened to me?"

   Deathwing's voice became pure and clean. Although it was still thick, it was no longer annoying.

   The appearance of this voice made the other four dragon kings unable to stop the attack in their hands, and Malygos was fighting the spell's backlash, his eyes fixed on Deathwing.

   "Is that you, Nesario? Are you awake?"

   The Blue Dragon King and his voice trembled because of excitement. At this time, he finally determined that if Deathwing really wakes up, he is willing to accept this old friend!

   At this time, the black dragon shook his head and flew towards Malygos: "Old friends, what happened? What happened to me..."

   Before he could finish speaking, Onyxia arrived with the drunk wind.

   The drunk wind opened the ring of peace of mind.

   The kindness of Death Wing's expression has changed drastically a moment ago-the breath of the ancient **** appears again!

   Looking at Deathwing, who was about to fly in front of him, Malygos was really in a cold sweat at this time! This is a surrender!

   Zuifeng is even more impressed by the scheming of Deathwing! In this battle he not only used Ysera's attack to temporarily get rid of N'Zoth's control, but also took the opportunity to get close to the other dragon kings. Zuifeng believes that if it weren't for the cautious choice to test it out, Malygos and Ysera would be killed or injured in a close-range raid!

   found that his plan had been seen through. Deathwing flew west without hesitation. With the cover of the ancient god's tentacles, the tail of Deathwing had basically healed-at least it did not affect the flight!

   "Pandaman, this is the third time you have done something to me!"

   Deathwing didn't look back, but the voice came from far away.

   "We will meet again-I hope you will have such good luck next time, and there are several other dragon kings by your side!"

   It seems that Deathwing had already planned to make a surprise attack. He flew away without hesitation, acting skillfully like a frightened rabbit...

   When the other dragon kings reacted, Deathwing had already flown far away, and obviously couldn't catch up.

Onyxia carried the drunk wind back to the ground. After transforming back into a human form, the two looked at each other with a bitter smile-really unexpected, in such a net of heaven and earth, Deathwing still took advantage of the dragon king's hesitation to run away Lost.

The battle finally came to an end. Although Deathwing ran away, the Dragon Legion won a great victory overall. The Dragonmaw Orcs were almost wiped out. N'Zoth was greatly injured. Although Deathwing had fallen short, he basically Get rid of the control of the ancient gods.

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