Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 136: Battle in the fortress

  Grim Batol’s fortress, the main fighting force of the Dragon Legion is dragons.

Although dragon men can’t fly, as long as they are summoned by dragons, they can be teleported in short distances—so when the dragon army arrived, a large number of dragon men were teleported to the fortress. in.

   With the cooperation of the young dragons in the sky, these dragon people launched their revenge on the dragonmaw orcs.

   At this time, the Dragonmaw Orcs finally felt the pain of the enemy facing the dragon. The young dragons of various colors spewed deadly breaths, making the dragon roar orcs had to give up the idea of ​​fighting on wide terrain.

   But the appearance of Death Wing collapsed half of the main peak of Grim Batol. At this time, it has become an open-air Grim Batol fortress. Where is there no open space?

   The Dragonmaw Orcs who had lost their command swarmed to the lower level of the fortress. Under the crowd, a large number of Orcs died of trampling, and more died of Blue Dragons.

   These blue dragon people who are good at magic said that this kind of people is the most suitable for our Faye!

  While waving his hands, a large swath of smooth ice appeared, causing the Dragonmaw Orcs to plunge into greater chaos.

   Above the cold ice, the power of arcane caused the temperature to drop sharply, and in the blink of an eye a group of small dark clouds appeared.

   Pieces of slap-sized snowflakes mixed with goose-egg-sized hail fell, and slammed into the crowd of Dragonmaw Orcs.

  Countless orcs were beaten to blood.

   A few lucky guys came to the lower level, but unfortunately they didn't find the way to escape, so the black dragon who jumped directly from the upper level stopped.

   don't bring such fun!

   This is purely bullying people with physical fitness!

The black dragon people don’t know how to cast spells. They are pure warriors, but the physical quality of these muscle monsters is really lacking. As we all know, the buildings of the dwarves are very magnificent and huge (God knows that their small people need such a big room. What to do), and Grim Batol, as the fortress of the Wildhammer dwarves, was once built according to the standards of the capital!

For this reason, the Wildhammer dwarves have worked hard to hollow out most of the main peak of Grim Batol, and after some careful modification, it becomes what it is now-if it weren't for the death of the last king of the Dark Iron Dwarf Curse, how could the Wildhammer dwarves give up here and let the Dragonmaw Orcs take a big deal!

   The two-story Grim Batol Fortress, the vertical height difference between the upper and lower levels is more than 30 meters!

   When he jumped down from a height of thirty meters, the Heilongren only had his feet numb.

   But the Dragonmaw Orcs were so surprised that they were almost speechless, the physical difference between the two was too big!

   The process of the next fight also fully illustrated this point.

  The black dragon wielded heavy weapons, and flexibly flicked his tail in battle. Often facing a black dragon, it takes two or three dragonmaw orcs to avoid being killed in seconds. If you want a tie, four orcs besiege a black dragon.

   It's a pity that among the Dragonmaw Orcs with close to 10,000 people, fewer than a thousand people escaped to the lower level of the fortress in the first time, and the Black Dragon people rushed out this time, and more than three hundred came.

   Considering the support of the young dragon in the sky, the failure of the Dragonmaw Orcs is inevitable.

Seeing the dragonmaw orcs being hammered to the ground and chopped into two parts, the red dragons in the sky were so excited that they couldn't help themselves. The space of the lower fortress was so small that the dragon's breath was difficult to breathe, so the red dragon gate simply stopped breathing the dragon's breath. It was shouting excitedly in the sky endlessly.

   The humiliation of the Red Dragon Legion was finally returned on this day!


   Logosh Ulun was lying slumped in his prison at this time. There was a lot of movement outside. This chaotic time was a good time to slip away-but he did not have the strength to get up and leave.

   "I don't know if that human has succeeded."

   Logosh really wants to leave. He doesn't care about his own life or death, but he has an important message in his hand that he wants to give to his people.

   As a shaman and the last few shamans of the Frostwolf clan, the one who is best at communicating with the elements, Rogosh has now successfully communicated the power of the elements of Azeroth.

   In a coincidence, during a patrol, Logosh saw the Dragonmaw clan and their red dragon for the first time.

  Since these red dragons were spawned by the soul of the devil, they had no conscious mind, only the instinct similar to the ancestor dragon.

   Unfortunately, the red dragon seems to be out of control.

   Logosh decisively stepped forward to help, not only stopped the young dragon, but also successfully communicated with the young dragon!

   Unexpectedly, this discovery made the Dragonmaw orc scout remember him, and he attacked Logosh with gratitude.

   Logosh, who was defenseless against his own people, was knocked out. When he woke up, he found that he was tightly bound, deep in a fortress.

   After learning about Rogosh's abilities, Nekros ordered him to be severely interrogated, but after it was determined that the Dragonmaw clan was not credible, Rogosh withstood the torture with his tough will.

   Seeing that Logosh didn't eat hard and soft, the Dragonmaw Orcs simply threw him out of the arena, turning this noble shaman into a gladiator.

To this day, Rogosh still feels incredible about He still doesn’t understand why the orcs abandoned their faith and chose to drink the blood of the devil; he also doesn’t understand why his patriarch Durotan would treat him Weilunen will take revenge.

When Durotan got lost, he once entered Shattrath. Velen rescued him and sent him home. This was what Logosh heard from Durotan himself - and later it was also Durotan who found the gap in Shattrath. The orcs captured Shattrath.

   Later, Durotan disappeared. In Logosh's view, it was destiny that gave him a fair trial-so now Logosh is more like an ascetic monk, hoping to make up for the sins of the orcs with his endurance.

   He hopes to redeem the orcs, and uses his actions to explain to the humans and draenei that the orcs are noble, but he has no chance.

While chatting with Dragonmaw Orcs, he heard Kilrogg’s story—this orc’s self-redemption story was used as a typical example and was widely circulated in various orc concentration camps. Logosh also hoped that he could be like Kilrogg. The same.

   Although Logosh himself has no sins, he is willing to bear it for his people.

   A black dragon found Logosh-although he didn't know why Logosh was locked in a cage in a room, but the order was "The orc must die", he just wielded a heavy hammer and walked over.

"Is this my destiny?" Facing the approaching dragonman, Rogosh closed his eyes, "I hope my death will make the raiders feel guilty. In this way, maybe my family can be spared a lot of suffering. ."

With this mindset, Logosh is waiting quietly for friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all on Users please go to read.

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