Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 110: The last **** warrior

   Drunk Wind grinned at Livy Khan, showing a "your cowhide blown" expression.

   Levi Khan gritted his teeth secretly, obviously he didn't see anyone, and he didn't show a trace. Who found him?

   is Zelda Brokentooth, the master of the basement level of the Atahaka Temple.

   Ten years ago, a small group of Atalai priests (professed by the priests who believed in Haka) risked being discovered by the green dragon and went from the secret road to the temple to find flesh and blood to sacrifice to Haka.

   Leading the team is Jamalan, a priest of Atalai who claims to be a prophet. She has a unique perception of the soul of creatures.

   Under the leadership of Jamalan, they hunted down a powerful king of crocodile. When he dug out the heart of the crocodile king and planned to bring it back to the temple, Jamalan sensed a powerful soul. She rushed to the place of the soul happily and found a little troll who was hungry and fainted in the grass.

Since there was nothing to eat around, Jamalan fed the heart of the king of crocodile to the little guy, and took the little guy back to the temple against the crowd-the price was that he lost his left arm. , Because this action completely exposed the hidden passages of the Atahaka Temple, making Haka angry.

   Later, in the process of Hakkar corrupting the green dragon, Gamalan's performance was very outstanding. She fought bravely and obtained the forgiveness of the blood **** Hakkar, and with the help of the blood god, she grew her left arm again.

   Zelda's name was taken by Jamalan, and his surname was derived from his broken fangs. When a troll is infancy, its fangs will quickly grow and then bark out of its lips. Zelda's fangs were broken when they were discovered, so they were called broken teeth.

   Jamalan raised Zelda earnestly, and even gifted her own soul-sensing skills-although she didn't know which jungle troll clan this little guy came from.

Zelda, who grew up, showed a unique talent that was different from ordinary trolls. Although he followed Gamalan and dedicated himself to serving the blood **** Hakkar, he was very good at hiding his tracks. This troll had left many times. The Atahaka Temple brought back many needed items for his adoptive mother who was dedicated to summoning Haka, such as powerful flesh and blood, eggs of wind snakes and so on.

   Later, this little guy used his talent to start eradicating dissidents for Jamalan. Using his dagger and blowing arrows, he easily solved many priests who were dissatisfied with Jamalan, and directly sacrificed these poor worms to Hakkar.

  Haka is an absolute evil god. He really enjoys this act of sacrificing his own priest. Therefore, in order to reward Zelda, he gave this little guy a power that does not belong to this world.

   Since then, Zelda has his own name-the warrior of the gods.

   Because of this, the Green Dragonflight had no idea that there was such a troll in the Atahaka Temple. When Isarios came to the temple to try to awaken Eranikus, because Zelda did not make a move, Isarios did not know his existence.

   Zelda had discovered Livihan a long time ago, but he just waited quietly in the hall on the first floor. Zelda was confident that he could face all invaders!

   It turned out... very embarrassing.

   After the fight, Zelda regretted not ambushing Levi Khan.

The strength of the six people present far exceeded Zelda’s expectations, especially the headed guy who looked like a bear walking upright—he could always avoid the poisonous blow arrows dangerously and dangerously, and he thought that Howe's tight fighting skills were even more tortured by him.

   Originally Onyxia wanted to help, but seeing that Drunk Wind had completely suppressed the poor troll, the Black Dragon Queen smiled and removed the fire element from her palm.

   Zelda felt that she was in the greatest crisis.

   In desperation, the **** warrior jumped out of the circle after being kicked by Drunk Wind on his left calf, and then cut his left arm with a short knife without hesitation.

   From a long wound on the shoulder to the wrist, blood was dripping slowly.

   Drunk Wind didn't wait for him to complete the ritual, he stepped forward directly, and hit a hand knife at the throat of the troll who was singing an unknown language in a low voice.

   "Cut the throat hand!"

   But Zelda is not a mage. The chanting on his mouth did not stop, but he rolled directly, avoiding the drunken hand knife.

   It was too late to open the ring of peace, Zelda had already completed her ritual.

   In the wound, the blood turned golden yellow.

   Seeing that the situation was wrong, Onyxia was directly inflamed and hit Zelda's face. At this time, the Black Dragon Queen can no longer take into account how many trolls the flames will attract, and her instinct tells her that this troll is very dangerous!

   It's a pity that Zelda was facing this huge fireball with a diameter of more than one meter, too lazy to hide. He let the violent fire element scorch his body, and instead rushed directly into the drunk wind.

   Drunk Wind noticed sharply that at this time Zelda's golden flame seemed to be strongly corrosive. Drops of blood dripped on the ground, corroding the ground one after another.

  Seeing this scene, how dare Drunk Wind let this guy touch him? Directly removing the words of the mist from his waist, the drunk wind slammed Zelda's face fiercely.

   At this time, the **** warrior seems to have lost all He also ignored the attack of Drunk Wind, and still opened his arms to try to hold Drunk Wind.


   Zelda was flew out by the drunk wind and hit the wall.

   The corrosive blood eroded the wall very fragilely, and Zelda was directly inserted into the wall like a hot red iron ball hitting butter.

   The blood flowed more and more, and Zelda easily escaped from the wall.

It seems that he has recovered a bit of consciousness. Zelda no longer charges recklessly, and instead hopes to avoid the attacks that Drunk Wind can knock him off and repel. Drunk.

   Everyone looked at this desperate troll, they could only do anxiously behind the drunk wind.

Rexxar and Misha did not dare to attack this troll for fear of being stained with his blood; Old Chen's performance in the face of this troll was no different from Drunken Wind; Onyxia's fire magic was not very good The effect; while Levi Khan threw one after another cross-throwing knives, but it was a pity that Zelda avoided the point.

   stalemate for a few minutes, Zuifeng found that the troll seemed to be unable to hold on. His footsteps began to falter, staggering like an old man.

   Finally, Zelda fell.

   "I can sacrifice more!"

   left one last sentence, Zelda didn't move anymore.

   To be cautious, Onyxia ignited the entity of Zelda. This time the fire element was not resisted, and the troll was quickly burned to ashes.

The six people looked at this desperate guy, and they were silent. The desperate mad believers are far more terrifying than the rational Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest The serialized works are all at For mobile users, please go to read.

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