Overturned Tower

Vol 2 Chapter 15: cognitive filter

Although the so-called "werewolves" brought chaos to the always calm Sogo Island, Russell didn't think there was anything wrong with the chaos itself.

The other party's demands are so legitimate, and their motives are so just - because of this, even though they are kidnappers and murderers, they will get people's solidarity and support on the Internet.

Rather, because the other party's motives were too just and their appeals too legitimate, Russell wondered if there was a bigger conspiracy hidden behind this incident. Because he really didn't think there could be "awakened people" who were born and bred in Sogo Island but couldn't pass the big data investigation and were caught by the three sages

Therefore, Russell believes that there must be a driving force behind this incident—and it should be an old acquaintance.

The only person who can modify the camera records silently, and make the three sages wandering in the Internet of Sogo Island like gods, not realize that it has been modified by others, is the monkey-faced eagle .

And by inputting "self" into the opponent's brain, the monkey-faced eagle can also manipulate the opponent's behavior or erase the opponent's memory.

Coincidentally, the monkey-faced eagle did infiltrate Chongguang Island. It all came together neatly.

In the language of reasoning, it is "well, I know the trick now, but what about the evidence and motivation"?

Russell was only bewildered.

The monkey-faced eagle's behavior did him no good at all.

What he hopes is the degradation of society, that people give up thinking and come to integrate with him. Turning the living flesh and blood into puppets, and turning his own rationality into silk threads that carry the puppets, but all this runs counter to what he expected.

Moreover, this behavior is undoubtedly provoking the Three Sages. The monkey-faced eagle is a virus. He exists in the matrix world and the real world at the same time, and has a strong latent and proliferative power. But what he is doing now is like advocating "all look up to me", Full of contradictions.

What the **** is he planning to do?

Or, did he have any new plug-in upgrades?

And most importantly, why did he come to Chongguang Island, which is most resistant to the infection of "monkey-faced eagle virus"?

Among the seven empty islands, only Sogo Island's strong artificial intelligence can defeat the monkey-faced eagle head-on in the matrix world. And other sky islands can only control the spread of software

He is like an extremely powerful "demon", but it does not exist in the real world, but in the matrix world that only psychic hackers can reach. This also means that if the Special Executive Department wants to fight him. It is necessary to use a virtual digital body to enter Monkey Eagle's home field with a posture that is not suitable for him, and then use digital psychic power to fight him.

Skilled against unskilled, home against away, many people against few people, repeated rebirth against the extremely fragile "one life" - for the monkey-faced eagle, this is almost a battle that must be won. Even if the "body" coming from outside is wiped out, he only needs to shrink back into the matrix space and disconnect from the exposed infected person. Anyway, the opposite side dare not chase in.

Even if all the puppets he manipulated are wiped out, or the "trojan horses" he implanted are all cleared, he can hang himself on the Internet and wait for a wise man to take the initiative to take him down. At that time, he can still be reborn with full blood.

Therefore, it can be said that the monkey-faced eagle has countless opportunities. This is also his confidence. ..but only on Sogo Island, monkey-faced eagles can't do this.

The powerful computing power of the three sages and the supreme power authorized by the dragon allow them to exercise god-like authority in the matrix world. If the monkey-faced eagle really shrank into the matrix world, then he would be easily found and wiped out by the three sages.

He is here, but needs to hide in the real world. Like a portable grandfather, he manipulates or guides the target he chooses to indirectly interfere with the network. As for his host, or the "puppet" controlled by him, as long as there is a slight abnormality in the behavioral logic, the three sages will detect it and send the execution department to arrest it.

Russell could probably guess his purpose.

That is the authority of the Three Sages.


If he can assimilate, eat the three sages, or at least infect one of them, he can get higher authority than the elf director. This also means that he can get an extremely stable "spring water" so that he can "resurrect" here after failure when doing things on other sky islands

But the question is, how can he assimilate the stronger party with obviously weaker computing power?

Because he was completely uncertain about the thoughts of this old enemy, Russell didn't dare to intervene for a while. He was afraid that his meddling would fall into his tricks.

After all, Russell is in the light now, and the monkey-faced eagle is in the dark. He could detect Russell's existence and locate Russell's position, but Russell didn't know where he was hiding now and what posture he was in.

And if you ignore the very obvious behind-the-scenes driving force of the monkey-faced eagle. The "Werewolf" incident will only benefit Sogo Island.

The dissatisfaction that people have accumulated for a long time can finally be vented; their pain immersed in silence can finally be poured out at this time.

Whether it is to carry out a large-scale negotiation to improve the living environment of the people at the bottom, or just to vent part of the backlog of emotions to stabilize the social order of Sogo Island, or even to activate the market through this method

"I also advise you not to explicitly interfere and arrest the 'werewolf'.

Russell warned: "This time is the time when people are excited and excited. Sogo Island's long-term survival pressure must have a vent. You haven't noticed that more people have recently awakened their psychic powers and lost control. ?"

"Actually, I think all sky islands should be the same.

Dr. Brain Island sighed: "After all, the core of all contradictions is that we can already see a future where resources are exhausted. In this case, in order to prolong the arrival of Doomsday, we can only save resources as much as possible and release excess resources. s population.

“And in this process, there will definitely be pain.

"Since we don't need so many people"

Delphinium stood aside, and couldn't help asking: "Then why didn't the population limit be raised in advance?" Dr. Brain Island shook his head slightly and remained silent.

And Russell gave her a warning look.

He suddenly realized that the "right moment" he had been waiting for had finally arrived. It's time for Delphinium to realize some of the truth about the world...

It is also time ~www.readwn.com~ to let the delphinium come to the world "this side".

Then, Russell's pupils lighted up with a white light, and he replied softly, "They've been doing this all the time.

Russell's voice was tinged with charm.

His slightly hoarse whisper sounded in Delphinium's heart, as if slowly dissolving something.

"Otherwise, how do you think the war of teachings started? And why did it last so long, until the population was reduced to so many, and the land was destroyed to the point where it was uninhabitable. The dragon finally came Pulled?

Hearing this, Delphinium froze for a moment.

She suddenly realized that she had never thought of such a simple thing. It was as if there was an invisible filter that blocked this cognition from her mind.

Delphinium suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

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