Overturned Tower

Vol 2 Chapter 70: mirror me

The fierce fighting has lasted for more than four hours.

Didn't eat, didn't drink... didn't even stop moving or talking.

The voices of Xia and Bingshui have long been hoarse.

But the two girls did not complain or sigh—they faithfully recorded the war that had been separated for more than a hundred years.

The number of people who have been connected has grown from a few hundred thousand people at the beginning to an outrageous over 14 million... and it was already after midnight, and this number is still growing rapidly.

Everyone, on all platforms, is discussing this war.

Although there were several voices of "I feel like there is something wrong with my clock" in the middle, they were quickly drowned out by voices discussing the first live broadcast of the war in more than a hundred years.

The initial bombing and interception,

Later, hundreds of missiles bombarded back and forth,

At the back, the angels locked on the target and came down to clean up the ground like a massacre,

And when they approached the ground, more than a thousand psykers counterattacked in an orderly manner...

In the end - escape.

A legion of thousands of illegal psykers can spread over a dozen streets.

In the end, people were densely packed everywhere, reminiscent of a submerged ant nest.

But after all, they were still defeated and defeated by these seven angels.

——It was an incomparably real "corpse".

Countless people were ignited, torn apart, nailed to the ground, and blasted to pieces by that divine and sublime radiance.

——It is even more fantastic "spiritual energy".

All kinds of unimaginable powers can even bring all kinds of troubles to angels. In fact, these seven angels have already suffered more than 30 rounds of fatal injuries... It's just that they rescued their comrades every time, and returned to the battlefield in a perfect state after a simple rest.

If you can't defeat all the angels in one go, or separate them. Even if there are only seven angels, they are a terrifying army that cannot be shaken.

People have deleted all their attacks on the angels, denying that they have ever said anything bad about these "heroes".

Watching the large-scale rout in the lower city, the voices of people's discussions became louder.

The barrage alone has already been distributed to 100,000 rooms... However, the barrage in each room is still so densely packed that it can almost completely cover the screen.

"That is to say, is the criminal organization in the lower city really going to end this time?"

"I feel like I'm serious this time..."

"If you don't start the live broadcast, you don't play seriously, right?"

"The executive department is really rubbish."

But others felt the fear:

"Who are the angels protesting against?"

"Does this mean that the church is trying to control the company?"

"Can the executive department fight against these angels?"

"Won't you have to play a round like this in the upper city?"

Xia and Bingshui didn't have the energy to choose barrage answers for a long time.

Staring at the light-polluted battle scene, their eyes were already bloodshot.

But at this moment, a group of deserters who were defeated discovered them at this moment.

There were not many of them, only five or six.

But the audience has just seen how terrifying these psykers with fierce weapons are.

The bullet screen suddenly became densely packed with "run away", "don't look back", "put down the device and run", "don't shoot".

Just from the text, you can feel the anxiety.

For a moment, Xia felt that it was indeed the right time for her to come here.

But at the moment when this group of thugs approached, a bright red light flashed across.

At an almost invisible speed, a figure holding a sharp knife quickly flowed through the crowd like a dream, beheading everyone's heads.

Turning around, with a demonstration-like attitude, let the camera see your face clearly.

It is the "hero" Ultramarine.

He had a stern face, showing a hint of fierceness that belonged to the soul relatives of carnivores, and his eyes were even slightly red with anger.

In the firelight behind him, it reflected his power at the moment... completely different from his usual friendly and gentle attitude.

This is also the first time people have seen with their own eyes how powerful this "hero" really is.

All the previous battles were just bragging in people's mouths. And it wasn't until then that I saw it with my own eyes.

After eliminating Xia's danger, Qun Qing turned around and left without hesitation.

Only people's boasting and admiration of Ultramarine's strength was left, which turned into words and appeared in the live broadcast room.

After completing the alibi, Qun Qing immediately returned to the ground as a "barber".

He passed through any door of the "Deer Head", and immediately rushed to the alley where Morgan died.

But she is gone.

It's not that the corpse was taken away, but that the whole person disappeared.

There was still blood on the ground, but otherwise it was a dream.

The barber has been stationed at the alley for a long time.

The torrential rain that has not stopped has become much smaller, and the rain hit his face, which looks like tears.

His hair and clothes were wet from the rain, his body was trembling uncontrollably due to the cold, and he looked ashamed and embarrassed.

"...Is that the last side?"

The barber murmured under his breath.

Like a ghost, he left from the alley.

He walked slowly, as if possessed by a demon, walking alone in the rainstorm and neon lights in the second half of the night.

That is an "infinite cycle" that can happen only once.

Morgan was sent back in time for those three minutes of nothingness... But instead of returning to the correct time, which is "July 30th at 23:57", she returned to "July 31st at 00:00 Minute".

"Obviously, the time of other sky islands has not changed at all. But when people are deceived, even the spells of the dream world are also deceived..."

The barber murmured: "Then what is the essence of the spell..."

And, what puzzled him the most...

Why did "Three Minutes of Nothingness" have been completed, but I and Bad Day didn't go to assassinate Kamalthe?

Bad Day is the strongest assassin in the world, and it is almost impossible for him to make any mistakes in killing those crispy elves.

What's stopping me?

Or, what prevents a bad day?


Bad Day has long been aware of the truth that time has been reset.

So in the end, he didn't tell Russell to go ahead with the plan...and let Morgan go into the next episode.

—It is indeed possible.

Morgan's source of information is Grandma Lan, and Grandma Lan has a close relationship with Bad Day. He may have been eyeing the other party at that time, aware of the unusual behavior, and realized that Morgan could be used.

Is that possible...

That is to say, in fact, every bad day of Zhoumu secretly implemented the plan of "letting Morgan be the bait" and waiting for the opportunity to attack Russell for Russell's safety.

…But, he fails every time.

Only this time, Morgan had contacted Russell before Bad Day found out.

And Bad Day wouldn't reject Russell's word.

So before the crisis of being completely destroyed by Kamalthe, Russell took the initiative to stand up...

—The plan finally succeeded, and the infinite loop finally came to an end.

But before this extremely long day, Russell probably would not have had such courage.

It was Morgan who helped him complete the psionic surge, made him understand his own essence, and ended the long period of self-doubt and inferiority complex.

In the beginning, it was Morgan who saved Russell.

After that, Russell's plan with Bad Day saved Morgan again.

The letter that Morgan himself had forgotten raised Russell's redshift by one level.

Russell came into contact with this matter too late last week, so he chose to let Morgan believe in the "Godfather".

The recognition between Morgan and the barber made Russell understand his own nature.

So much so that in the end, he had the courage to stand up and end all this himself.

—This is a causal web formed by countless coincidences and inevitable connections.

When everyone has courage and trust in each other... an almost impossible enemy is overcome.

"so good."

The barber murmured.

I do not know when, the rain has stopped.

And he was already in tears.

The tears mixed with the rain didn't make him sad, just sentimental.

There is only one kind of carefree and relaxing.

It's like the end of the college entrance examination, and I want to cry for no reason.

"I'm such a useless crybaby..."

The barber whimpered.

Subconsciously, almost instinctively, he took out a dark blue handkerchief from his pocket.

At that moment, the barber's footsteps stopped.

"Let's keep it as a souvenir."

Morgan's voice rang softly from his ear: "Crybaby always needs it."

He carefully wiped away his tears with the handkerchief. After that, he wiped the rainwater off his face vigorously, as if he wanted to wipe off his five sense organs at the same time.

When he took the handkerchief away, the barber's face was clean.

He literally wiped his features off.

When he raised his face again, it was Russell's face that emerged with a twist and blur.

He stared at the handkerchief, a pale transparent flame ignited in the bottom of his pupils.

"It's nice to still find a part of you..."

Russell murmured in a low voice, his voice filled with dreamlike satisfaction.

As the handkerchief was gradually burned, Russell felt his consciousness gradually drifting away.

He looked down at himself, his arms began to grow and shrink.

An old man's hand, a child's hand, a man's hand, a woman's hand...

With his last rationality, he took out the chip that Delphinium gave him with trembling hands, and inserted it into his prosthetic body.

He inserted it three times before he managed to get in.

With the warmth like an oasis, nourishing his dry rationality, the flame finally spread into the handkerchief.

The world before his eyes suddenly shattered—it turned into a sacred and solemn sanctuary.

At this time, Russell, who woke up, realized what had just happened.

—He almost turned into a demon.

"...The minister saved me once."

Russell's expression was a little complicated.

He stretched out his hand and lifted the red cloth on the latest mirror.

What was reflected in the mirror was Morgan as a girl.

She showed a gentle and helpless smile to herself in the mirror: "It's a pity, I can't become you now."

"But there will be a day."

Morgan in the mirror also responded gently.

"By then ~www.readwn.com~ we...

"Lie down in the sun in a warm home.

"Feeling the warmth of the sun, slowly falling asleep, and dreaming about him..."

The two murmured in unison.

Like a young girl reading a poem to her lover in front of the mirror.

Keep repeating, keep chanting...until the power of the chip is exhausted.

Russell's consciousness exited the Temple of Mirrors.

It's like the dream is over.

Russell returned to his original form and passed out on the street full of stagnant water.

-----Off Topic-----

The cat is tired! The cat is asleep!

Give the cat a monthly pass! (righteous)

Get up tomorrow and write the end-of-paper testimonials!

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